Forums > Kitesurfing General

For the consideration of Rowdy et al

Created by djdojo > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2011
VIC, 1607 posts
1 Feb 2011 11:27PM
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As the wind slowly dropped and the kooks got to the beach after work this arvo my enjoyment factor also dropped considerably (from stoked to frustrated), due to both of these factors. I surveyed the board-leash using, helmet wearing, hands at ends of bar, slow-riding, right-of-way ignorant, etiquette-oblivious tossers who were really making it hard to line up even a small slot in the flatter section at Brighton and I had something of an epiphany:

Though I sort of empathise with certain prominent seabreeze kiters who regularly condemn kiting as "gay," I think they've got it slightly wrong. I'm neither gay nor homophobic, and as I slogged it out among the kooks this arvo I thought about the (possibly non-representative) gays whom I count among my friends. I realised that they regularly push limits and take risks far bigger than any of these lawnmowing clowns. Then it hit me:

(Mainstream) Kiteboarding isn't gay. (Mainstream) KITEBOARDING IS STRAIGHT!!

Straight as in straight and narrow, as in straighty 180, as in square, as in monotonous.

Ian Roberts is gay. Kiteboarding is straight.

WA, 5353 posts
1 Feb 2011 8:43PM
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A man of my own thoughts Dojo, although you are undoubtably a more cooth and adapt sentence structuring word smith than my humble self. I think you have cracked it Dojo, however I don't think you really realised it. You touched upon it, but did not repeat it. I however will be the torch that elluminates your brilliance so our loyal readers may also be enlightened.

"Kiteboarding is square" - DJDOJO (voice of the earth)

F@cking brilliant!

p.s. I don't think "gay" really has the same meaning now days anyway, so whether you use the word or not I don't think it's disrespecting homosexuals. To be fair Homo's stole that word first... now it's been stolen again.

QLD, 2057 posts
1 Feb 2011 11:16PM
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Chubby, bucket hat, reel leash, sunnies, impact vest, poo stance, hands on end of bar, sailing gloves, Cabrinha 12 in 30 knots, electric pump, helmet,

All the indicators of straightness!

VIC, 1607 posts
2 Feb 2011 12:18AM
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It's nice to have one's work appreciated and it's poetic that you, Sir, have got your illuminating sentiments in first in a thread that I expect to quickly degenerate one way or another.

All that I have to add is a vignette from one of the better movies of all time. Enjoy!

WA, 5353 posts
1 Feb 2011 9:21PM
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VIC, 425 posts
2 Feb 2011 12:32AM
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djdojo said...
Straight as in straight and narrow, as in straighty 180, as in square, as in monotonous.

What's the relation of square and monotonous to straight?
The first two I managed to look up

WA, 273 posts
1 Feb 2011 9:39PM
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Yeh this sport is so lame and not legit.

This is where it's at if you want to be hard core, extreme, fully sick and mega legit.

Warhammer. Jump on it mofo's

WA, 5353 posts
1 Feb 2011 10:21PM
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^^^ Your only legit if you make and paint your own though.

53 posts
1 Feb 2011 10:42PM
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Bigwavedave said...

Chubby, bucket hat, reel leash, sunnies, impact vest, poo stance, hands on end of bar, sailing gloves, Cabrinha 12 in 30 knots, electric pump, helmet,

All the indicators of straightness!

So the oposite of strait is gay meaning gays are actualy, c kite, boots or strapless, ss pump that hardly works, etc, etc, blah, blah bull $h!t crapola,

If this makes the gay cab riders sleep better at night, believe what you like. Its just the rest of us that think you are gay. lol.

WA, 5353 posts
1 Feb 2011 10:51PM
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I heard being gay is the new gay.

p.s. And also that gay is the new black... Does that mean BWS kites are gay?...

QLD, 344 posts
2 Feb 2011 12:18PM
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djdojo said...

kiters who regularly condemn kiting as "gay,"

Didn't rsc slam you for being one of those kiters?

Anyway kiting isn't gay, its ghey (i assume this a more flamboyant vocalisation of gay).

There I've said it. I'm out and I'm proud

VIC, 1607 posts
2 Feb 2011 5:05PM
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RSC failed completely to appreciate the context of my use of the G word (facetiously referring to the rampant homophobia of the kiting forums - not condoning it), just as he failed to appreciate many other things. Over the years I've regularly condemned the use of the word "gay" as a catch-all insult on seabreeze, partly because sexuality has not much to do with it, but mainly because it's so profoundly unimaginative.

You don't want to sound dumb
Don't want to offend
So don't call me a ******
Not unless you are a friend (Joe Jackson, Real Men)

Incidentally, the primary offenders yesterday weren't all cab riders. There was a good mix of north and naish in there too, and all had far newer kites than mine

WA, 4263 posts
2 Feb 2011 2:18PM
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djdojo said...

Though I sort of empathise with certain prominent seabreeze kiters who regularly condemn kiting as "gay," I think they've got it slightly wrong.

Got it wrong, hey ? ^^^

If kiting isn't gay ....
then tell me why not one single guy at this kite-party is checking out the chic on the bar.

VIC, 425 posts
2 Feb 2011 5:30PM
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waveslave said...
If kiting isn't gay ....
then tell me why not one single guy at this kite-party is checking out the chic on the bar.

Because kiters are polite and not into that sort of vulgar entertainment!
Other than that, tell me why you even noticed the guys in this picture...

QLD, 2057 posts
2 Feb 2011 4:32PM
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KnutH said...

waveslave said...
If kiting isn't gay ....
then tell me why not one single guy at this kite-party is checking out the chic on the bar.

Because kiters are polite and not into that sort of vulgar entertainment!
Other than that, tell me why you even noticed the guys in this picture...


VIC, 375 posts
2 Feb 2011 8:54PM
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waveslave... i think that is the first time i have ever actually laughed out loud on my own at home.

2 Feb 2011 10:34PM
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djdojo said...

RSC failed completely to appreciate the context of my use of the G word (facetiously referring to the rampant homophobia of the kiting forums - not condoning it), just as he failed to appreciate many other things. Over the years I've regularly condemned the use of the word "gay" as a catch-all insult on seabreeze, partly because sexuality has not much to do with it, but mainly because it's so profoundly unimaginative.

You don't want to sound dumb
Don't want to offend
So don't call me a ******
Not unless you are a friend (Joe Jackson, Real Men)

Incidentally, the primary offenders yesterday weren't all cab riders. There was a good mix of north and naish in there too, and all had far newer kites than mine

I think you are a ******, so is Rowdy, and you are really lovers.

WA, 5353 posts
2 Feb 2011 7:35PM
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I take the prong.

1421 posts
2 Feb 2011 9:27PM
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waveslave said...

djdojo said...

Though I sort of empathise with certain prominent seabreeze kiters who regularly condemn kiting as "gay," I think they've got it slightly wrong.

Got it wrong, hey ? ^^^

If kiting isn't gay ....
then tell me why not one single guy at this kite-party is checking out the chic on the bar.

Its just coincidence - that photo just happened to be taken when they looked away.

QLD, 5283 posts
3 Feb 2011 12:31AM
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maybe they were all just asking each other for a lend of a ten dollar note!

QLD, 918 posts
3 Feb 2011 11:04AM
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Hows the bloke in the bottom corner throwin out the blue steel? classic..

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
3 Feb 2011 12:12PM
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screw the Blue Steel - check out the sweater vest!!!

QLD, 927 posts
3 Feb 2011 11:51AM
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Mainstream Kiteboarding isn't straight its more like dyslexic, no better yet its like wheelchair boardsports.

VIC, 1607 posts
3 Feb 2011 1:57PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

djdojo said...

You don't want to sound dumb
Don't want to offend
So don't call me a ******
Not unless you are a friend (Joe Jackson, Real Men)

I think you are a ******, so is Rowdy, and you are really lovers.

Well Steve, glad to have you as a friend, but be careful what you implicate yourself in, I mean that Movember moustache was suggestive! Maybe Rowdy and I aren't that faggy, just a little more flamboyant than some in our aesthetic sensibilities (though not in the North fluoro clolour scheme way) and quietly appreciate that in each other? Whoops, did I say that or just think it?

As for the rest of the rabble from the jam-packed closet, there's nothing like men sharing photos of women to simultaneously satisfy and yet deny an urge for a homoerotic experience. The pornographic relationship is, in most of its forms, fundamentally a relationship between men that is simply mediated by an always absent woman. The absence of relationship to the woman is at its most visceral when the woman is bodily present. Look at the woman's face in the "blue steel" pic; is she really present in any relationship to the men there?

A lot of men seem to spend a lot of energy and money trying to dispel/prevent any doubts over their red-blooded straightness. If that mode of rigid straightness was anything more than a myth, why would it need to be constantly buttressed ()? Only an impoverished soul would imagine that the only alternative to repressed, conformist straightness is ineffectual limp-wristedness. Real strength comes from self-acceptance of the whole of one's self, not from denying those aspects that arouse fear and doubt. Those who try desperately to be gay are as trapped as those who try desperately to be straight.

When it comes to gender anxiety, I quote Bob Dylan, "When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose."

WA, 412 posts
3 Feb 2011 11:11AM
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Screw the blue steel and sweater vest check out the hottie on the bar

WA, 412 posts
3 Feb 2011 11:12AM
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Sh#t sorry forgot you were talking about gay stuff

3 Feb 2011 3:02PM
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djdojo said...

Kitepower Australia said...

djdojo said...

You don't want to sound dumb
Don't want to offend
So don't call me a ******
Not unless you are a friend (Joe Jackson, Real Men)

I think you are a ******, so is Rowdy, and you are really lovers.

Well Steve, glad to have you as a friend, but be careful what you implicate yourself in, I mean that Movember moustache was suggestive! Maybe Rowdy and I aren't that faggy, just a little more flamboyant than some in our aesthetic sensibilities (though not in the North fluoro clolour scheme way) and quietly appreciate that in each other? Whoops, did I say that or just think it?

As for the rest of the rabble from the jam-packed closet, there's nothing like men sharing photos of women to simultaneously satisfy and yet deny an urge for a homoerotic experience. The pornographic relationship is, in most of its forms, fundamentally a relationship between men that is simply mediated by an always absent woman. The absence of relationship to the woman is at its most visceral when the woman is bodily present. Look at the woman's face in the "blue steel" pic; is she really present in any relationship to the men there?

A lot of men seem to spend a lot of energy and money trying to dispel/prevent any doubts over their red-blooded straightness. If that mode of rigid straightness was anything more than a myth, why would it need to be constantly buttressed ()? Only an impoverished soul would imagine that the only alternative to repressed, conformist straightness is ineffectual limp-wristedness. Real strength comes from self-acceptance of the whole of one's self, not from denying those aspects that arouse fear and doubt. Those who try desperately to be gay are as trapped as those who try desperately to be straight.

When it comes to gender anxiety, I quote Bob Dylan, "When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose."

I've got nothing and therefore have everything.

112 posts
3 Feb 2011 8:20PM
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waveslave said...

djdojo said...

Though I sort of empathise with certain prominent seabreeze kiters who regularly condemn kiting as "gay," I think they've got it slightly wrong.

Got it wrong, hey ? ^^^

If kiting isn't gay ....
then tell me why not one single guy at this kite-party is checking out the chic on the bar.

it could be lady Gaga

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
3 Feb 2011 11:47PM
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The two girls toward the back are the only ones looking at the ripper...... One looks like she is about to take a photo,

The reason the blokes are not looking is that there are chicks also at the bar, when this is yh case most blokes avoid looking as they do not want to appear uncooth or desperate in front of da ladies.......

I guarantee it would be a different photo if there were only blokes there......


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"For the consideration of Rowdy et al" started by djdojo