Forums > Kitesurfing General

Four kite surfers were lucky to survive

Created by Mini Mal > 9 months ago, 1 Nov 2011
king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
10 Nov 2011 7:54AM
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Now theres an idea ..............SURVIVER MUD ISLAND ..................getting a bit sic of all the tropical island rain forests locations on the TV

Put em somewhere real to fight it out

Ps wheres all the surf ...............laughed when your taking about 6 foot waves.... but.... i do no the answer ....

The surfs on the otherside of the island

6foot mud crabs of them

VIC, 130 posts
10 Nov 2011 3:26PM
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just to stir the boat - I put it to you all that no one can really kite safely in anything like true 40 knot winds... maybe low 30 knots... with the occassional 40 knot gust on a 5m kite....its not fun.

40 knots is something like 'near gale force wind'

VIC, 4501 posts
10 Nov 2011 8:35PM
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We had a 115kg guy out in 40-45 true windspeed at inverloch. He was massively overpowered on a 7m and was being picked up in the air when he put the kite above him on jibes. He lasted 5 minutes before he called it a day.

VIC, 518 posts
10 Nov 2011 9:05PM
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Getting back to shore in 40knotts is one thing but do people realize what Port Phillip bay is like in that weather... ... especially in the middle of the bay ..conditions in the bay can change massively the swell and chop would make it near impossible.. by the sounds of it i wouldnt like to be on the Tasman in that weather.

SA, 2884 posts
12 Nov 2011 11:29AM
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Warren Francis said...

Hey Tony

AWESOME BOAT!! Is that a "marine radio" i can see???? cool, kiting is going to be a whole lot easier now in melbourne too!

Have a great season kiting (or are you now driving the boat?? hope you get to kite too!!!)


Yes Warren! a real Marine DSC VHF. bet ya never seen one before?

And just to make it clear, there are plenty of other locations the Kraken can get kiters to and support during the adventure. After all it is sometimes not the flat water or shape of the waves but the "ADVENTURE" the makes a session memorable.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Four kite surfers were lucky to survive" started by Mini Mal