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Funny Death Loop Video

Created by BatKiter > 9 months ago, 8 Jun 2016
WA, 209 posts
8 Jun 2016 3:24PM
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Action starts around 2:08 Mark.

QLD, 1211 posts
8 Jun 2016 8:10PM
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He must have felt like a real kook...why would anyone kite upto a steel post

WA, 1536 posts
8 Jun 2016 7:59PM
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No point in hanging on once your line gets hooked in to a fixed object and the kite starts pulling: release everything! I learned that lesson a few years ago while snow kiting and one of my back lines got caught above me in a snow cornice and kite started death looping. Because I waited too long to release, the kite eventually got damaged from hitting the ground with force repetitively and deflated, I was 12km from the car park and sun was going down.

He eventually did the right thing but took him a while to do so. In strong winds it would've been more dangerous. This is also the kind of situation where having a hook knife could make a big difference.

NSW, 517 posts
8 Jun 2016 10:22PM
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Why would anyone kite up to a post , probably because he doesn't understand what could happen if line clips the post .This vid reminds me of an accident a mate of mine had a few years ago that I watched unfold . Kiting upwind of thin trees in 30 knots he was using a 2012 9m edge forward speed around 25 knots and the leading steering line 20 m up from bar clipped the tree 1 metre from tip of tree and put kite into a loop which ripped him straight out of his straps and into the bank next to the tree in less than 3 seconds. He was so lucky he didn't hit the tree , ended up next to it. A day later his calves and hammy were black as caused by overextension of muscles when he got ripped out of the footstraps ,he was f.....d for a month. The guy in vid was very lucky he didn't get ripped into the post.

Shark Biscuit
NSW, 340 posts
9 Jun 2016 9:28AM
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cbulota said..
No point in hanging on once your line gets hooked in to a fixed object and the kite starts pulling: release everything! I learned that lesson a few years ago while snow kiting and one of my back lines got caught above me in a snow cornice and kite started death looping. Because I waited too long to release, the kite eventually got damaged from hitting the ground with force repetitively and deflated, I was 12km from the car park and sun was going down.

He eventually did the right thing but took him a while to do so. In strong winds it would've been more dangerous. This is also the kind of situation where having a hook knife could make a big difference.

That's what I was thinking, eject straight away and go get your kite. Personally, I would have just held the kite, not deflated it and disconnected the one line that got caught around the pole. Pull it back around the pole and be done. Coulda been out there kiting again in 5 minutes.

QLD, 1451 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:23AM
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djt91184 said..
He must have felt like a real kook...why would anyone kite upto a steel post

theres a good one at dingo beach, you gotto jump along side of it and wack a sticker as high as you can on it :)

WA, 1003 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:42AM
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What were those poles doing out in the water anyway?

They're not poles they're russians!!! He he

WA, 1003 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:46AM
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Or maybe they didn't add the music after it was actually playing in his helmet and he decided to end it all rather than sit through that horrible track!

180 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:43PM
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Yeah i was too wondering why there are that steel poles there. I saw 2-3 maybe? Since its shallow, maybe for selflaunching/landing? Boat anchor? But then again, why not buoy :|

Volleyball net? xD


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Funny Death Loop Video" started by BatKiter