Could any users of the newer cabrinha trimlite with the grey mainline tube comment on whether they leech gunk/grease like the black ones when used? My 2017 seems to be getting worse & looking at replacing the tube only.
Not sure what's causing it but it's been mentioned a few times in various forums. Clean it before every session & wash the sand off after launching but reappears within 20 mins. Stopped wearing sunscreen for a bit in case that was the culprit but made no difference. Cheers.
I have about 380 hours on a 2018 Cabrinha bar with the grey tube. There's no sign of grease or wear on the tube. I wash my bar in fresh water after every session.
The old ones from around 2010 used to leave black marks on my hands. I assumed that was from sunscreen.
Thanks Gorgo, that's good news. Definitely not sunscreen, it's worse the more sand that's on it.
Hi Sandfoot. Fingers end up as filthy as that paper towel I wiped the tube with. PITA keeping it off the kite when packing up.
Yeah they're easy to take apart. Actually replaced the mainline not too long ago with some 3mm I spliced myself. Really snug fit, I looped the pull line round a couple times so it didn't cut into the rope so much when yanking it though. Talcum powder helped.
Here's an unnecessary photo.
Can post another thread about it if anyone's interested. Pretty straight forward, just a bit fiddly getting the length spot on.
Shop I got the bar from is experiencing covid delays with their gear so still looking around. They did say the grey tube is compatible with the 2017.
So no other trimlite users have this problem? May not look it but I do look after it, can't say I wash it after every session if there's wind the following day but always hung up to dry under cover.
possibly the issue is that its a 2013 IDS bar with a 2016/17? mainline
the more recent bars had larger hole for the mainline through the bar so it could be wear
by the time you fiddle around and buy parts you might as well get another one, it is after all the most crucial safety part of kiting
Possibly Zinc Oxide on your hands from sunscreen reacting with the Aluminium bar which then stains the line
Thanks for the photo Gateman. Not a smudge on em at all, I'm baffled. Curious if yours have these score marks?Inner surface feels smooth enough. Might try polishing it anyway & see if that helps.
That's right Peahi, 2013 bar with a 2017 trimlite. Holes on Gateman's bars do look slightly wider but I got it assembled like that from kiteaddiction, surely they'd be aware if that was a problem.
Ruled out sunscreen Lexie & got the freckles to prove it, thanks though. Guess I'll put up with it until the grey tubes become available. Appreciate the input, cheers.
I wouldn't think Kiteaddiction would assemble a bar like that, maybe it was a second hand bar you bought off them, I would send it back to get it fixed
So what prize do I get being right?
LucianSanchez ,I've done 2 replacements of lines but would be interested in a follow up by you on the splicing and reworking of the lines as you hve done