Offered help to a mate who had tangled kite lines, bringing his twin tip to the beach.
I've kited for years but never tried to carry 2 x Boards.
It was much harder than I thought.
Needed to get back up wind as friend had drifted.
Picking up 2nd Board on the move and steering one hand sort of worked, tricky on a hard tack.
What works best?
Done a few quick retreavals and a couple of big rides on a dwinder, surfboards are a pain unless the have a leash or straps, tt are easier, I sit with the board across my thighs, dive Kite, soon as your up move preferred hand to middle of bar and board in the other , if no handle a bit trickier under arm or dragging in, takes a bit of practice and fin rash
If it has a handle I will retrieve it. If it doesn't....hope they can body drag well!!
All you do is grab the board handle with one hand, then with two hands hold your bar and line, the board will obviously be up at the bar in one of your hands, dive the kite and take off like usual. Once going I then usually kite with one hand on the bar and the other holding the board.
Easiest and only method i do is line up the board while i am going as slow as possible and grab the front (ie front in the direction i am travelling) footstrap so the board cant stick or dig in to the water
having tried and failed a couple of attempts so I usually let my surfboard go (as it easily rolls downwind), jump on the twinnie (straps are usually too tight!!) and ride it across to the kiter. I kite one-handed easy but when it comes to picking up a board an getting going on a your strapless at the same time I am totally unco.
This is one method id like to try, grab the board and fully power up, head out around 3klm, dump the board, on way back pass the rider and say fuc# you DOCTOR
I once saw a guy go and retreive a lost kite. He rolled up the bar and lines while still keeping his kite at 12 and then rode in towing the other kite upside down by its front lines.
pretty impressive.