Forums > Kitesurfing General

His Soul purpose is to have fun

Created by SaveTheWhales > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2018
WA, 1883 posts
4 Oct 2018 7:48AM
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I saw some young guns doing this way back when...

WA, 987 posts
4 Oct 2018 10:44AM
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The Soul has become our hottest kite at the moment as people want something that can twin tip but also be an amazing foilboarding kite. A true 2 in 1 kite.

We are going to do an "Introduction for ram air kites" clinic on Saturday afternoon at around 4pm at Pinnaroo Point this weekend if anyone want to come and learn about the ram airs. We are expecting light to moderate winds which should be perfect to learn about this style of kite.¬if_id=1538625783822482


WA, 209 posts
4 Oct 2018 10:57AM
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ActionSportsWA said..
The Soul has become our hottest kite at the moment as people want something that can twin tip but also be an amazing foilboarding kite. A true 2 in 1 kite.

We are going to do an "Introduction for ram air kites" clinic on Saturday afternoon at around 4pm at Pinnaroo Point this weekend if anyone want to come and learn about the ram airs. We are expecting light to moderate winds which should be perfect to learn about this style of kite.


Perfect timing, picking up my 12m tomorrow.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"His Soul purpose is to have fun" started by SaveTheWhales