Forums > Kitesurfing General

How to shorten a line with only one end free

Created by SaveTheWhales > 9 months ago, 20 Dec 2019
WA, 1872 posts
20 Dec 2019 5:13AM
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Good if one end is has a pigtail or attached to something - where you mark the loop centre, finishes exactly on that spot...

This works on flying lines too with a bit of guitar wire or similar... have done it on three bars, no sewing, strong as hell.
None have broken, I mark the end of the buried tails so i can see if any move - none have.

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Dec 2019 8:52AM
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Brummel splice, just a different method

WA, 8407 posts
22 Dec 2019 8:58AM
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Granny knot' just fancier


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"How to shorten a line with only one end free" started by SaveTheWhales