Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by JB > 9 months ago, 2 Jul 2008
NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
2 Jul 2008 2:01PM
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WA, 575 posts
2 Jul 2008 2:03PM
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There is a lovely little box called "General Discussion" under the forums tab. I assume it was put there to keep non-kite related hippie crap like this out of this forum.

Just a thought...

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
2 Jul 2008 4:12PM
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How can you can that the enviroment is not important to Kiteboarding? And what makes it hippy??

WA, 1140 posts
2 Jul 2008 3:53PM
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What's wrong with "Hippie" ???

Thanks for caring JB.

Beer Bong
WA, 350 posts
2 Jul 2008 4:19PM
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Who is this naysayer called MatyJee ? Does he understand the importance of it all ?

Too much South Park mate, we're all hippies anyway, wether you like it or not.

WA, 635 posts
2 Jul 2008 5:09PM
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Hey...... I want to see that cool clip with the guy called Tophat and the other dude flying into the trees, any one seen that?

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
3 Jul 2008 12:08AM
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Geez, you'd expect a bit more heart felt oringinality from a kid. She is just a smaller version of every other cliched, jaded, moralising seppo politician - no way could I make it through 6+ minutes of that kraap.

Find an original spin for keeriste sake!

1979 posts
3 Jul 2008 7:46AM
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Good call matty jee, Hes spammed every section of the forum with it.

3 Jul 2008 10:08AM
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JB obviously felt it was an important clip, lots of other people in the world have too check the views on that clip!
In the meantime, youse knockers can keep your head in the sand and pretend its business as usual, fine by me.
Its a forum, JB posted something of interest to anyone really alive and caring their own future and that of others.
Activism is how all change occurs, knockers are natural too, but will likely be some of the first to slip from the gene pool.

I read an interesting quote from Thoreau this morning - Beware of any endeavour that requires new clothes

I think that can apply to this insane race each year to release a new wizz bang kite, that you must have to really enjoy kiting - not.
09 kites in June/July 08 is insane and is part of the unsustainable consumerism and inevitably unsustainable and unprofitable business model.

Cya and



1979 posts
3 Jul 2008 8:26AM
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But you're more than happy to keep running your business and support it. And I'm bad for knocking the kid's speach. Oh now I get it, sorry.

Beer Bong
WA, 350 posts
3 Jul 2008 9:29AM
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That's the last time I give you petrol money Mr Hoop, actually can't remember the last time....

I've been red thumbed. I feel so unclean.

WA, 575 posts
3 Jul 2008 12:24PM
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JB said...

How can you can that the enviroment is not important to Kiteboarding? And what makes it hippy??

I'm not saying that i dont think the environment is important, or that is does not relate to kiteboarding. I'm just saying that i dont like people pushing their agendas on me all the time.

What you are doing by repetitively posting this **** all over the forums is no different to the jehovah's witnesses or mormons who knock on everyones doors and phone them up every day.

I'm sure that it is a touching story, but the internet is full of touching stories (and stories of touching ) and seabreeze is not the place to post them all.

And sorry to all... nothing is wrong with being hippie.

1979 posts
3 Jul 2008 1:25PM
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I cant remember you ever giving me petrol money beerbong. Is that your way of doing the right thing by the environment. If I'm not paying for it then it's not my fault the environment is stuffed. How do you sleep at night?

Beer Bong
WA, 350 posts
3 Jul 2008 2:42PM
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With one eye open

WA, 381 posts
3 Jul 2008 3:26PM
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My Holy father George Carlin find the solution for your problem:

3 Jul 2008 9:12PM
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hoop said...

But you're more than happy to keep running your business and support it. And I'm bad for knocking the kid's speach. Oh now I get it, sorry.

As Hewitt would say C'mon!

Keep it real, it is not possible to not have any business and for all of us to be able to live as we do.

Knocking the kids speech is your right - no argument from me mate.
However be prepared to be knocked if you do, or take some concrete and you know...

My business is run in the most sustainable way that I can and I am always looking for ways to reduce its environmental impact.

Maybe you can find ways to consume less and smarter too.

The Iroquis tribe in America would consider the effect that their actions had on 7 generations in the future, but they were F#!@ing savages and were shot and killed .....

Learn from past mistakes, quickly, its our future, there is nowhere to hide on the big round Earth.

Cya and



QLD, 2081 posts
3 Jul 2008 10:01PM
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Kadkhah said...

My Holy father George Carlin find the solution for your problem:

Okay well that was DAMN funny haha! yeow.

4 Jul 2008 9:47AM
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Funny amd wise comedian, and I agree with everything he says, however, I bet George does what he can to consume less and consume wise.

Gaia, a name given to our Earth, will take care of itself for sure. We have the choice to live in harmony with it, or for it to take care of the imbalances we create, which will likely involve the removal of a whole lot of us.

And why shouldn't an intelligent, sensitive young woman speak out about the incredibly hypocritical and selfish way that here elders/us regard her future.
What gave us the right to destroy the air and soil with pollutants, so that he generation and any future ones have an incredibly reduced quality of life?????

The one great power we all posess is CHOICE, so choose wisely.

Cya and



WA, 1140 posts
4 Jul 2008 7:59AM
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And what do we lose if we allow for the worst scenario ?

What do we lose if we DON'T ??

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Jul 2008 10:20AM
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As much as I agree with all she has to say, I find it lacks sincerity and seems contrived. Being that her father is Dr David Suzuki one of the worlds most outspoken environmentalists, the message would have had way more clout if it had come from little Sally who lives next door to you or me.

I'm sure I've heard mostly the same message from David Suzuki himself. Like I said, the message is good and I agree, but is this the sincere original thoughts of the little girl, or just another way for Dr Suzuki to get his message out there in a vain attempt for credibility?

I like what George Carlin says too, that makes the most sense to me!

Good winds,


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