Forums > Kitesurfing General

Impact vests - worth it ? which ones?

Created by Lambie > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2013
QLD, 739 posts
20 Feb 2013 10:08PM
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Impact vests - ie do they work to stop bruised or broken ribs - or are they just to protect the ego!

Are they all the same or are some more effective than others? OK so you ask to define "effective"? - protect from impacts??

Seems a few of us have been 'having a bit a go' over the past week and more than a couple of us are now sporting bruised or broken ribs.

So how to prevent the 'learning' injuries ?? obviously dont do it - doh!!

Do impact vest have any value?

NSW, 2457 posts
20 Feb 2013 11:15PM
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Apparently not in Russia

But yes, they do help protect

WA, 71 posts
20 Feb 2013 8:29PM
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i have one i got for the l2l this year if u are interested going at a good price

VIC, 268 posts
21 Feb 2013 12:04AM
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I bought a O'Neill Gooru padded kite vest after a painful belly flop in VERY shallow water. I like it: it's super flexible and you barely feel it, it helps to stay warm in winter and no broken ribs so far.

42 posts
21 Feb 2013 2:19AM
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they help if you get one with the padding on the sides as well as the front/back,
most do not have the pads on the sides which is where you really need them

VIC, 90 posts
21 Feb 2013 9:47AM
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Hey G, I would look into using a seat harness for a while to keep the bar away from your ribs, the impact vests do help for sure and keep you warm.

VIC, 268 posts
21 Feb 2013 9:55AM
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knotwindy said...
they help if you get one with the padding on the sides as well as the front/back,
most do not have the pads on the sides which is where you really need them

I had a look at a few vests but most made you look like a gladiator with massive protection on front and back but none on the sides. Pointless. The O'Neill vest has padding everywhere.

WA, 44 posts
21 Feb 2013 7:32AM
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Where are the oneil vests available......any in WA. Think its time to invest.

QLD, 248 posts
21 Feb 2013 9:39AM
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I got myself one of these to protect my lady lumps and thus far can't complain.

I don't wear it all the time, but when it's 22knts plus I find that it protects my body from those harder falls.

Kitepower stocks them if you are interested.

VIC, 710 posts
21 Feb 2013 11:07AM
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Yes, definitely worth it. I wear one all the time and have been very glad to have it on during the occasional hard landing. I use an NPX. It has side protection too. Partial zip makes it easyish to get off. It does slow the harness riding up but doesn't actually prevent this happening. Kite lower would help with that, or a seat harness

VIC, 960 posts
21 Feb 2013 12:54PM
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Yeah, +1 for impact vests. I have one of these NPX impact vests.

Get one that's designed for Kiteboarding, my last life vest thing wasn't and it would always ride up under the chin... more harm than good.

They also give you a bit of extra buoyancy so if you end up ditching the kite due to lack of wind/skill, it allows you to concentrate on relaunching rather than surviving.

WA, 4 posts
21 Feb 2013 10:47AM
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+1 for the NPX impact vest,

Being a Kite noob, I also picked up a pair of flying objects board shorts with a wetsuit insert - really helps with the walk of shame if you know what I mean :)

VIC, 62 posts
21 Feb 2013 1:47PM
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SaltySinus said...
Yeah, +1 for impact vests. I have one of these NPX impact vests.

Get one that's designed for Kiteboarding, my last life vest thing wasn't and it would always ride up under the chin... more harm than good.

They also give you a bit of extra buoyancy so if you end up ditching the kite due to lack of wind/skill, it allows you to concentrate on relaunching rather than surviving.

where can you buy this from?

VIC, 62 posts
21 Feb 2013 3:24PM
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Paul1 said...
A fag with weak ribs? Awww diddums......

Ok Paul, everyone knows your tough knock it off

VIC, 62 posts
21 Feb 2013 3:38PM
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Paul1 said...
I already do wear a tutu mate, but wrapping yourself up in cotton wool to do an extreme sport is false hope, you may as well walk around in it all day, as you are just as likely to hurt yourself walking down the street or at work......

You have to understand that people who are starting out are more prone to accidents cause of their lack of experience, and that if something does go wrong, damage is limited by wearing an impact vest or other safety gear. It can also help with their confidence going out, and provides more buoyancy for people if there having difficulties re-launching or needing to do a self-rescue.
I don't see what your problem is with that other than trying to prove your tough...

NSW, 451 posts
21 Feb 2013 10:46PM
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Lambie said...
Shame Paul1 - so many posts and so negative ??? do you actually get out of bed in the morning when its blowing or just fire up your puter? Nothing you have posted has added anything of any value to our kiteing community - sad really.

Thanks to all of the positive comments to the original question - good to hear there are some vests that will provide the protection and ones to avoid !

So now that I'm such a pussy Im wondering if I can find a retailer to sell me a vest that doesnt have to be wrapped in brown paper LOL

Unfortunately the red/green thumb system makes everyone here go a bit coo-coo. Everyone's a funny guy here.. gets old quick.. I say abolish it..

Anyway, I don't use an impact vest, but I use a slim ripcurl PFD ()

it does the trick! Saved my ass a couple times when I've (stupidly) jumped in the shallows and ate s#@&

461 posts
21 Feb 2013 8:09PM
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I really only wear mine for the buoyancy. There's been more than one occasion when i've crashed my kite badly and had it invert in deep water. If I wasn't wearing the vest I probably would have had to ditch my kite as I don't think i'd be able to save it while trying to tread water at the same time.

NSW, 325 posts
21 Feb 2013 11:43PM
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Unless you are Ruben (and even then):

VIC, 90 posts
22 Feb 2013 12:33AM
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Good call....for a dutchy..mate.

6 posts
21 Feb 2013 10:55PM
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Would the vest help stop a waist harness from rising up your chest? If so, definitely another reason to get one =). Ride low, go faster.

VIC, 268 posts
22 Feb 2013 11:56AM
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Elrondx said...
Would the vest help stop a waist harness from rising up your chest? If so, definitely another reason to get one =). Ride low, go faster.

No, only better kite skills will help. :-)
The harness will push the vest into your face unless the vest is tied to your shorts or wetsuit and even then the vest will be a crumpled mess in your back.

98 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:44AM
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i have jet pilot impact vest + seat harness..

annoying as f****K!!! cause it rides up and then u end up having choking issues.

VIC, 616 posts
22 Feb 2013 1:16PM
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Nearly every wakeboarder uses an impact vest.
Really immature that people degrade others for protecting themselves from injury. I used to Downhill MTB, We all wore as much Armour as possible.

If i'm trying new stuff i wear an imapct vest, and in the surf for bouyancy also. The North/ Ion one is crap.

WA, 238 posts
10 May 2013 10:41PM
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I am nursing three fractured and one clean broken rib right now after a hard hit kiting at Avalon last week. Having read through all of the above posts I am certain therre are more out there that have something positive to add. Am really interested in hearing some reviews of those that have tried a few models of impact vests or have something that really fits well, doesn't ride up and has the side protection. I have looked at the online reviews but it seems to be verbatim of the advertising briefs.

I am a bigger guy at 6'5, 100kgs and admit that I wear a seat harness.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Also any info on stores that stock a bit of range in Perth would be handy.


QLD, 739 posts
11 May 2013 7:43PM
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Hi ya Simon - Ouch - just don't sneeze, cough, laugh, or move much in my experience ! good luck with your recovery!

I haven't bought a vest yet as I don't have a shop within 250k's so waiting to get a chance to head to the big smoke to try a few out.

I'm still very keen to grab the right one - meaning : fits properly, has the side padding mentioned by the knowledgeable and is compatible with my waist harness. Im expecting that, like a harness, its quite a personal thing to get the one that fits and protects.

So as you said - more comments from those with impact vest experience 'pros and cons' would be good to hear from!

WA, 436 posts
11 May 2013 8:21PM
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I have used an impact vest for 3 years now and they do cusion your impact,but there was one time on a 35 knot gust on my 10 meter boosting to the clouds .I lost balance and landed sideways and the harness pushed up into my ribs as my back bent sideways! .I was completly and utterly winded and could not move for about 5 minutes.The impact vest didnt save me from injury ,but one thing it did save me from is drowning because it is also buoyant !.I also like them for when I get smashed by a wave and instead of going under wondering what the hell your kite is doing?You pop straight back up to the surface quicker than you can click your fingers abling to use the kite to get out of the danger zone.
As for my crash a smaller lower profile harness would be on my next consideration for a injury preventing gear!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
11 May 2013 10:58PM
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I broke a rib a lot of years ago kiting and have used one ever since. I had one with a camelback built in, was great to be able to stop and have a drink when I was out for longer sessions.

I have a different one now and still managed to injure a rib in a big stack. But I'm guessing it would have been much worse without it.

For me it's just a habitual part of the kit, like my harness. Makes the harness more comfy too.

I couldn't give a rat's knob if some toolie thinks I look soft wearing one. I wouldn't even be angry if he said it to my face. I'm not out there to look cool and I think anyone who cares is a bit pathetic. I'm not out there to impress other kiters or the peanut gallery. I want to be safe, have fun, mow the lawn, boost big, not annoy anyone else on the water, that's it.

WA, 238 posts
12 May 2013 10:57AM
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Diamond and Kite Boy, what are you guys using now? It's been 10 days of slow movements and interrupted sleep and I want to reduce risk of this happening again. Definitely going to get one.

The flotation point is a good one. Was winded the day it happened, kite down in the surf zone with my head pointed towards the bottom. Yeh, went deep. First time I have really been held down. Kite usually pulls you up pretty quick. Felt the next wave roll over me and was more concerned for my kite than myself. Popping back up quickly would be a real positive.

Gonna let em heal for a few weeks before heading to Perth to check out a couple of shops. It's hard enough putting a t-shirt on right now let alone trying to put on a snug fitting vest......

WA, 436 posts
13 May 2013 10:08PM
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I bought a npx vest ..not to bulky...just enough boyancy I've had it for 3 years.looks like it will last another 3.

WA, 1874 posts
15 May 2013 12:37PM
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Yeah LambChops dude

I wear the above wakeboarding vest when goin Nuclear in Storm squalls n chuckn megaloops of 4m waves... and yes combined with a kyake helmet - stops you from getting knocked out and winded if the Lip catches the edge before bustin out
It has the thicker softer foam padding that has a bit of give rather than just a skinny arse pad

When youve got your tricks down - then take it off and go 'padding WTF HTFU guys

go to a ski/wake shop - Im sure youll find something for them big hits

4862 posts
15 May 2013 1:02PM
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Well i don't use an impact vest. i am either so insanely good that i don't need one or stupidly lazy because i can't be bothered buying one.
Either way I enjoy a good fejoa smoothie.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Impact vests - worth it ? which ones?" started by Lambie