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Introducing the North CLICK BAR

Created by NKBAUS > 9 months ago, 23 Aug 2016
QLD, 6493 posts
27 Aug 2016 9:22PM
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Ive had numerous protos for over a year now

Naturally. Most end-users will buy numerous bars to get them through a year too /rolleyes

NSW, 1637 posts
28 Aug 2016 9:17AM
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I honestly can't believe that people can be critical over a product they have not seen nor used. Demo the product, see the product, then accept or reject. That simple. I was fortunate to be able to have a go last year and briefly put it through it's paces. The bar felt fantastic. It worked as advertised. I was very impressed. I had concerns about sand built up, and also cost. Am I going to rush out and buy one right now? No. But I like where the technology is headed. I am happy with the Ozone bars that I have, but there is no easy solution for me to depower on the fly....I have to pull the center line toward me in order to reach it. I have learned to deal with it in my own way.

WA, 9503 posts
28 Aug 2016 8:50AM
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Yeh I'm thinking the same way DaFish.

But i also think some healthy scepticism is not a bad thing I suppose.

We can't just have all fairy floss, rainbows and smiling unicorns about a new product or idea.

personally I'd like to know, from all manufactures, why bars cost so damn much in the first place.

Remember don't beat up on the retailers, they need to make some margin like any business to survive.

But good to have some explanation on why the bar itself must cost so much to produce.

have only a new set of back and front lines coming..nothing else on the bar...310 Bucks thanks very much. Seriously??

WA, 530 posts
28 Aug 2016 9:12AM
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eppo said..
Yeh I'm thinking the same way DaFish.

But i also think some healthy scepticism is not a bad thing I suppose.

We can't just have all fairy floss, rainbows and smiling unicorns about a new product or idea.

Given that the people who will be initially promoting a product and trying a product are going to be the manufacturers, sponsored riders, and stores, I agree with the healthy scepticism - I don't think it is reasonable to suggest that a forum can't criticise just because they haven't tried it or this might as well be a manufacturer's website. I'm sure once more users have started to adopt or try, the support or otherwise will start to come in with more informed opinion, but in the meantime I don't have a problem with listening to the opinions of the masses, and any good supplier or manufacturer should be able to either a) respond with a reasoned argument if the criticism is valid or b) accept and acknowledge the valid points, rather than bleating that their potential consumers are not responding how they are supposed to to their product.

WA, 4263 posts
28 Aug 2016 9:38AM
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ActionSportsWA said..
Hi Peeps,

As a newcomer to this thread (sorry, been busy with other stuff), I find it appalling, the amount of negativity that is coming from so many people. If we discount the opinions of all the people who have never seen, nor tried this bar, then we should be only listening to a handful of people with valid experience and this thread would be less than one page long.

We (retailers) first heard about, and saw this bar, a couple of years ago. North were very excited about the product but also very cautious about releasing such a bar. They were hyper aware of the issues that people would bring up with such a new product and have absolutely tested this bar to death. Since the initial introduction to us dealers, there have been many small changes to the bar to improve its functionality, durability and versatility. It really is a brilliant piece of engineering and congrats to Aurelien and Jerome, great job!

The click bar is NOT for everyone, although, everyone COULD use it. It has proprietary features that no other bar can offer (all in the one bar) and is a significant piece of engineering, and as Jerome has mentioned, the cost of tooling and R and D has been very significant. Until now, there has been no significant innovation in bars since the start of the sport. Most bars are all variations on a theme, a fibreglass bar with a hole in it with lines and a chicken loop of varying levels of quality. The cost of the Click bar is very reasonable when you consider the engineering, cost of tooling, time and R&D that has gone into its creation and compare it to the big brands top bars which are all basic bars when you think about it.

Naish ATB Torque $800
Core Sensor Pro $839
Cabrinha Overdrive $750
Liquid Force Response $700
Slingshot Compstick $700
North Click Bar Quad $949

The prices I have quoted were 2016.

You don't have to buy it, North are continuing the Trust bar at the same price as last year and it will work just fine on all North kites as well as many other brands kites as well. But, for those wanting the features offered by the click bar, then I'm sure it will be a game changer for them.

The retailers across Australia will have bars in store in a very short time, so if you are interested in the bar, drop into your fave shop and have a look and feel of it. Talk to the retailer, maybe even take one for a fly and see for yourself. Once you have experienced the bar FIRST HAND, then please return to the forum and your opinions will have some worth, unlike the value of those voicing opinions who have never even seen one. The nay sayers, haters and those riding other brands that are feeling a bit threatened by this new bar will find fault regardless of how good it might be.

Rant over


Once again North Shopguy lectures the forum members. ^^

Father knows best.


"Only crew who have tested the bar can comment," he commands.

* North Fanboys are exempted from this ruling.

VIC, 564 posts
28 Aug 2016 11:43AM
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Go the sell! and piss people off at the same time! look at you go champ!

WA, 209 posts
28 Aug 2016 9:45AM
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waveslave said..

ActionSportsWA said..
Hi Peeps,

As a newcomer to this thread (sorry, been busy with other stuff), I find it appalling, the amount of negativity that is coming from so many people. If we discount the opinions of all the people who have never seen, nor tried this bar, then we should be only listening to a handful of people with valid experience and this thread would be less than one page long.

We (retailers) first heard about, and saw this bar, a couple of years ago. North were very excited about the product but also very cautious about releasing such a bar. They were hyper aware of the issues that people would bring up with such a new product and have absolutely tested this bar to death. Since the initial introduction to us dealers, there have been many small changes to the bar to improve its functionality, durability and versatility. It really is a brilliant piece of engineering and congrats to Aurelien and Jerome, great job!

The click bar is NOT for everyone, although, everyone COULD use it. It has proprietary features that no other bar can offer (all in the one bar) and is a significant piece of engineering, and as Jerome has mentioned, the cost of tooling and R and D has been very significant. Until now, there has been no significant innovation in bars since the start of the sport. Most bars are all variations on a theme, a fibreglass bar with a hole in it with lines and a chicken loop of varying levels of quality. The cost of the Click bar is very reasonable when you consider the engineering, cost of tooling, time and R&D that has gone into its creation and compare it to the big brands top bars which are all basic bars when you think about it.

Naish ATB Torque $800
Core Sensor Pro $839
Cabrinha Overdrive $750
Liquid Force Response $700
Slingshot Compstick $700
North Click Bar Quad $949

The prices I have quoted were 2016.

You don't have to buy it, North are continuing the Trust bar at the same price as last year and it will work just fine on all North kites as well as many other brands kites as well. But, for those wanting the features offered by the click bar, then I'm sure it will be a game changer for them.

The retailers across Australia will have bars in store in a very short time, so if you are interested in the bar, drop into your fave shop and have a look and feel of it. Talk to the retailer, maybe even take one for a fly and see for yourself. Once you have experienced the bar FIRST HAND, then please return to the forum and your opinions will have some worth, unlike the value of those voicing opinions who have never even seen one. The nay sayers, haters and those riding other brands that are feeling a bit threatened by this new bar will find fault regardless of how good it might be.

Rant over


Once again North Shopguy lectures the forum members. ^^

Father knows best.


"Only crew who have tested the bar can comment," he commands.

* North Fanboys are exempted from this ruling.

true, How come you can quote a Naish ATB Torque 2016 if there are none.. all of them are 2017.

NSW, 127 posts
28 Aug 2016 12:28PM
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EternalNoob said..

waveslave said..

ActionSportsWA said..
Hi Peeps,

As a newcomer to this thread (sorry, been busy with other stuff), I find it appalling, the amount of negativity that is coming from so many people. If we discount the opinions of all the people who have never seen, nor tried this bar, then we should be only listening to a handful of people with valid experience and this thread would be less than one page long.

We (retailers) first heard about, and saw this bar, a couple of years ago. North were very excited about the product but also very cautious about releasing such a bar. They were hyper aware of the issues that people would bring up with such a new product and have absolutely tested this bar to death. Since the initial introduction to us dealers, there have been many small changes to the bar to improve its functionality, durability and versatility. It really is a brilliant piece of engineering and congrats to Aurelien and Jerome, great job!

The click bar is NOT for everyone, although, everyone COULD use it. It has proprietary features that no other bar can offer (all in the one bar) and is a significant piece of engineering, and as Jerome has mentioned, the cost of tooling and R and D has been very significant. Until now, there has been no significant innovation in bars since the start of the sport. Most bars are all variations on a theme, a fibreglass bar with a hole in it with lines and a chicken loop of varying levels of quality. The cost of the Click bar is very reasonable when you consider the engineering, cost of tooling, time and R&D that has gone into its creation and compare it to the big brands top bars which are all basic bars when you think about it.

Naish ATB Torque $800
Core Sensor Pro $839
Cabrinha Overdrive $750
Liquid Force Response $700
Slingshot Compstick $700
North Click Bar Quad $949

The prices I have quoted were 2016.

You don't have to buy it, North are continuing the Trust bar at the same price as last year and it will work just fine on all North kites as well as many other brands kites as well. But, for those wanting the features offered by the click bar, then I'm sure it will be a game changer for them.

The retailers across Australia will have bars in store in a very short time, so if you are interested in the bar, drop into your fave shop and have a look and feel of it. Talk to the retailer, maybe even take one for a fly and see for yourself. Once you have experienced the bar FIRST HAND, then please return to the forum and your opinions will have some worth, unlike the value of those voicing opinions who have never even seen one. The nay sayers, haters and those riding other brands that are feeling a bit threatened by this new bar will find fault regardless of how good it might be.

Rant over


Once again North Shopguy lectures the forum members. ^^

Father knows best.


"Only crew who have tested the bar can comment," he commands.

* North Fanboys are exempted from this ruling.

true, How come you can quote a Naish ATB Torque 2016 if there are none.. all of them are 2017.

Im sure Darren has the prices of the 2017 "naish ATB torque" and every bar on the market for that sake sitting in front of him in black and white and you could use his above numbers as a pretty accurate guide for 2017..

WAVESLAVE word on the street is your living in he 90's and your 'custom' bar is an absolute abortion that has no trimmer line and just consists of a heap of knots on your enviro freindly home grown and woven hemp front line, which in turn means you give your local kiting buddies the absolute ****s because they have to consistently help land your kite to re-adjust your line lenghts with every 2 knot increase or decrease in wind pressure, any truth to that??

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
28 Aug 2016 1:26PM
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eppo said...
Yeh I'm thinking the same way DaFish.

But i also think some healthy scepticism is not a bad thing I suppose.

We can't just have all fairy floss, rainbows and smiling unicorns about a new product or idea.

personally I'd like to know, from all manufactures, why bars cost so damn much in the first place.

Remember don't beat up on the retailers, they need to make some margin like any business to survive.

But good to have some explanation on why the bar itself must cost so much to produce.

have only a new set of back and front lines coming..nothing else on the bar...310 Bucks thanks very much. Seriously??

Huh... how much. 310? My mate's mate's cousins step brother's son's sister in law got a complete bar lines and safety for that price.. I'm going to have to go BACK to door knocking for job's if I'm ever going to be kiting with that shiz n going to be a game changer kitiing Muppet northbound bub... .but at least I wouldn't end up lofted n smashed into a carpark and car clicking depower.. I'll just send it low.. p.s.#DON'Tellemhowtokitejustfoolemintoafalsesenseofsecurity#marketingbalony

WA, 881 posts
28 Aug 2016 12:06PM
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WA, 542 posts
28 Aug 2016 2:13PM
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Wow this bar gets some attention. Well done North for that already

Last time I checked this was a user forum. So any input, evidence based, or just an opinion, is fine imo. If you ask a dealer, it will be a personal opinion only also. Sometimes based on experience, sometimes not.

Any good product will have its place. We shall see in the long run.

I personally can understand hesitations associated with the fact that any sophisticated mechanism may be more prone to damage over time by sand and salt water. Compliance with the suggestion to wash gear with fresh water post use is low. I wasted an expensive Apex harness. Partially my fault. But I'd expect such product to be fool proof.
Perhaps explaining why this bar will cope with the elements will do the trick? Referring to proto types does not convince me. But I understand enough experience could not be collected yet. So I am just curious while sceptical at the same time. Features and benefits sound convincing.

Just telling potential customers how they supposed to behave in forums is not very elegant imo
Offering demos for bars however is.

WA, 4263 posts
28 Aug 2016 5:11PM
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coxy31 said..

WAVESLAVE word on the street is your living in he 90's and your 'custom' bar is an absolute abortion that has no trimmer line and just consists of a heap of knots on your enviro freindly home grown and woven hemp front line, which in turn means you give your local kiting buddies the absolute ****s because they have to consistently help land your kite to re-adjust your line lenghts with every 2 knot increase or decrease in wind pressure, any truth to that??


I reckon you've been pulling on too many bongs with that home grown hemp stuff that you keep banging on about.

"Re-adjust every 2 knots of wind speed"

I ride small kites in the surf.

Little kites have big wind ranges, dude.

But you knew that, 'word on the street' and all.

* wink

WA, 4263 posts
28 Aug 2016 7:25PM
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Why would NORTH even contemplate containing flying lines within a hidden void,

secreted in the hollow tunnel of a control-bar full of mechanical widgets.


I mean, there's no way of easily checking to see if those lines are in good working condition.

You need to be able to see the lines, they need to be exposed, all the connection points need to be clearly in view.

Kiters want to feel confident about their gear, they want safe, dependable, and reliable equipment.

They want simple solutions, not gimmicks and bling.

The INDUSTRY doesn't give a fk.

It's about the money.

Their focu$ is to lock you in.


132 posts
28 Aug 2016 7:51PM
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please bring back red thumbs

WA, 4263 posts
28 Aug 2016 7:53PM
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kiteflo said..
please bring back red thumbs

Why ?

Are you stuck for words ?

NSW, 127 posts
28 Aug 2016 10:35PM
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waveslave said..
Why would NORTH even contemplate containing flying lines within a hidden void,

secreted in the hollow tunnel of a control-bar full of mechanical widgets.


I mean, there's no way of easily checking to see if those lines are in good working condition.

You need to be able to see the lines, they need to be exposed, all the connection points need to be clearly in view.

Kiters want to feel confident about their gear, they want safe, dependable, and reliable equipment.

They want simple solutions, not gimmicks and bling.

The INDUSTRY doesn't give a fk.

It's about the money.

Their focu$ is to lock you in.


North will still be doind the TRUST bar i dont see what the issue is??
I for one want the gimmicks and bling and if i didnt i still have the option of the TRUST bar..
The adjustment is now in the rear unloaded steering lines so in many ways is a benifit..
Haters gonna hate and you sir are gonna hate on anything

132 posts
28 Aug 2016 8:48PM
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waveslave said..

kiteflo said..
please bring back red thumbs

Why ?

Are you stuck for words ?


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waveslave said..

kiteflo said..
please bring back red thumbs

Why ?

Are you stuck for words ?

wasn't talking to you

WA, 147 posts
28 Aug 2016 9:01PM
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Just me or is this bar more controversial than cabs fireball bar

Me personally i would wait until next year, to see how the first release holds up, still keen to give one a try to see whats it like.

An idea/innovation like this is unlikey the "be all and end all" bar however it may spark an even better design down the track, remember the first quick releases LEI kites were crap by todays standard BUT they were an innovation thats sparked better things

Will they were making such a flashy tech bar, would have been good to see adjustable bar ends like the naish or cabrinaha. Make one bar to fit multiple kites and to get real specky incorporate corey roeslers reel bar, all while making it a stream line bar

QLD, 6493 posts
29 Aug 2016 12:52AM
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waveslave said..

Their focu$ is to lock you in.


I seem to remember tsomeone saying that Epson was actually in the printer ink business. I suspect kite company have the same business model. I hate PU tubes.

NT, 2177 posts
29 Aug 2016 8:43AM
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... I must admit, I'm not a fan of PU tubing too purely based on my recent experience, I finally get a bar with the stuff and its cracking and looking old only after 3 - 4 months. Maybe its a one off for me,,,,,, I'll probably be told I'm doing it wrong, but it seems the benefits don't outweigh the downsides of having PU tubing over the rope.

On a different note, silly question about the click bar, and its packing up. When the lines are wrapped up, do they rub on the click button, will this be something to look out for, keep and eye on? I don't have a bar to look at so I can't see for myself, hence question.

Is the PU tube stiff so when packing the bar away, do you have to take care in how you store it in the bag ie not getting kinks in it?

Just wondering is all.


Robbie :)

25 posts
29 Aug 2016 7:44AM
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windreams said..
Who knows I might buy one but not until some of you guys pay the money and become Guinea Pigs .

The mechanism is my concern because in a similar example – 3 years ago I purchased the Mystic Code 1 harness with the adjustable waist tensioner and even though I cleaned it every 3 or 4 times the sand and salt took its toll and soon made it inoperable. Other than that great harness and I still use it but I had to epoxy the mechanism in one position but that’s not a real option for a bar.

Eagerly awaiting your feedback in 12 months chaps.

I also bought this harness in 2013 and been using it heavily since (about 800 days of use at 3+hrs each day, between teaching and kiting myself). The BOA system still works altho in all fairness I did warranty the BOA system and they sent me a replacement dial and mechanism. It works great altho rust and corrosion eventually mess it up (they will just keep sending you new dials and its easy to replace).

Unfortunately, the mainstream ClickBar 3.0 system that attaches at the front of the harness always comes undone on me - happens with every Mystic harness I have ever used (I teach kiteboarding and we have some Mystic harnesses). Its the slack followed by extreme tension that undoes the metal clicker bar. Oddly no one else can get the same result except me and it occurs on every Mystic ClickerBar 3.0 system I try. I think its high weight/tension followed by slack breaking past their mechanical tolerances.

Recently made a FrankenHarness out of a Dakine C1 and Ion spreader bar system, really happy with that.

Still, I wish the BOA tech was used, I really love the form fitting tightness the system provides. Its a vote in favor of new tech.

One thing I would love to hear from you guys who have this bar - how is the stopper performing? This is the first stopper system on a single PU rope I have found. I am dying for something like that too, but does it actually stop the bar in place so youc an do some nice full Deadmans?

289 posts
29 Aug 2016 8:01AM
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EternalNoob said..

eppo said..

well a very possible scenario is let's say you have a two, three kite quiVer. I would be running a normal bar plus a clicker. When you sell your kite, you sell it with the normal bar get a new kite with another normal bar...or just keep the older Bar. Point being made we should all run at least a back up bar but instead of on selling both bars, only one would go and you'd keep the clicker. As I said, I would imagine the idea behind the clicker whether it be purely for marketing or possible logistics, the clicker is a long term prospect...

Plus let's say you decide to change have your bar you know and trust to not only use the thing but demo with it.

bottom line I suppose is I always have a back up bar on hand. especially when travelling away. Or in the case this year a back up line set at least. The rest of a normal bar is pretty rock solid. Still got bars from 2009 that could be used. I'm sure I'm not alone on this.

but yeh you could imagine a scenario whereby the turn around on a more complex bar per say might take more time.

Then in again don't know about you but if I call up my local retailer he will lend me bar anyway in the meantime.

My mate has a switch bar sitting in his truck the whole time, just in case. Gets used funnily enough from time to time. like the other day when someone forgot to even bring his bar lol!!!

Yes, I know maybe there is one dealer that could lend me one for a day... but Im not sure... I am not a superstar like you!!

Hmmmmm, Whoa, you mess with the Grand Mufti you mess with me. Another 2 weeks of winter for you fella.

WA, 9503 posts
29 Aug 2016 8:05AM
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Puetz said..
... I must admit, I'm not a fan of PU tubing too purely based on my recent experience, I finally get a bar with the stuff and its cracking and looking old only after 3 - 4 months. Maybe its a one off for me,,,,,, I'll probably be told I'm doing it wrong, but it seems the benefits don't outweigh the downsides of having PU tubing over the rope.

On a different note, silly question about the click bar, and its packing up. When the lines are wrapped up, do they rub on the click button, will this be something to look out for, keep and eye on? I don't have a bar to look at so I can't see for myself, hence question.

Is the PU tube stiff so when packing the bar away, do you have to take care in how you store it in the bag ie not getting kinks in it?

Just wondering is all.


Robbie :)

Hey big fella, yeh the PU from what I see in the clicker is very different to the one you are using. Seems a different material hey, looks on the surface very hardy..but time will tell. Its really solid, with distinct grooves in it...very different to what I've come across. Not sure it matters about winding on the bar, the button mechanism is totally rounded off, nothing sharp at all. Clicker won't move when you wind. The depower...yeh not sure but I think some care will be needed, maybe someone who has used it for a while will know...but it is relatively stiff. Suppose you could always wind with the depower left loose, mate of mine always packs his bar away like that.

Stopper...yeh I'd like to know more on that as I to use my stopper all the time. The bar I looked at had the stopper set really tight, no way you could move it. I'd like to know how good that screw is for differing tightness, that is to allow it move if needed but tight enough to do a deadman etc when needed, like a normal north stopper.

...oops the freeze is on to me, always my litmus test for far too many posts...bye for a while...(hi freeze... )

QLD, 2433 posts
29 Aug 2016 10:28AM
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When riding waves and looping the kite, I wonder if the PU will cause friction when unsheeting? Causing the kite to stay powered.

That is my only concern. "Edit" - and the fact you cant see the lines-within the bar.

I do still like the bar.

VIC, 4982 posts
29 Aug 2016 11:21AM
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I have a set of Cabrinha bars with PU tubing from 2010-2011. They're working just fine. They always have. I have a new bar with 3 bare ropes going through the bar. It works ok but **** it's ugly.

This thread is a perfect example of all that is wrong with social media. Something new comes along and every armchair expert goes into overdrive making stuff up based on zero knowledge or expertise.

The clicker bar does look like it should be complicated. The maintenance videos show it is not as complicated as it looks. I will wait and see how it goes once it's released to the public. It certainly addresses something that has been an issue since the invention of the trimmer and the safety leash.

It is quite expensive but on a par with other high end kite bars.

VIC, 222 posts
29 Aug 2016 11:49AM
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PLease. . . . Over the criticism
The concept looks great. . . . .More interesting than the fireball 4 sure. . . . As mentioned give it a year. . . Might get me onto a north kite if I don't like my pivot. . . .

QLD, 6493 posts
29 Aug 2016 12:55PM
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Puetz said..
... I must admit, I'm not a fan of PU tubing too purely based on my recent experience, I finally get a bar with the stuff and its cracking and looking old only after 3 - 4 months. Maybe its a one off for me,,,,,, I'll probably be told I'm doing it wrong, but it seems the benefits don't outweigh the downsides of having PU tubing over the rope.

On a different note, silly question about the click bar, and its packing up. When the lines are wrapped up, do they rub on the click button, will this be something to look out for, keep and eye on? I don't have a bar to look at so I can't see for myself, hence question.

Is the PU tube stiff so when packing the bar away, do you have to take care in how you store it in the bag ie not getting kinks in it?

Just wondering is all.


Robbie :)

Yeah, pinched fingers vs scraped raw, for example.

The biggest issue is that while the tube itself lasts for years, the rope inside doesn't. Replacing it yourself is not economical due to the time it takes, so you're stuck buying another $100 part. At least the plain rope is bloody cheap and simple to source and replace.

Folding the tube would be bad, but you can bend it gently. Just pull it out far enough so that when you wrap the lines the tube isn't being wrapped around the ends.

31 posts
29 Aug 2016 11:22AM
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For all that are interested, the CLICK bar is now in stock throughout our national retail store base.For all that haven't tried it (sounds like most have, due to everyone's informed knowledge of the product) demo's are available throughout these stores, also.

Get yourself a demo and try it out.

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Sep 2016 1:10PM
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VIC, 563 posts
8 Sep 2016 1:22PM
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looks good .
do I need it?
if the price is reasonable I may get one.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Introducing the North CLICK BAR" started by NKBAUS