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Jellyfish Stings

Created by Gambo > 9 months ago, 16 Feb 2008
WA, 12 posts
16 Feb 2008 1:07AM
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Two weeks ago I was stung on both my arms at Mullaloo. The pain has gone apart from some mild itching now and again but the marks from the stings are still there. How long does it take for the marks to disappear?

This is the first time I've ever been stung so apologies for my niaveity.

QLD, 318 posts
16 Feb 2008 2:51AM
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geez you must have a really stressfull life. i thought those people in africa were troubled, but mate i feel sorry for YOU. i think you should rub some baby powder on your painful injury. and dont forget the emergency number... 000.

WA, 1140 posts
16 Feb 2008 8:12AM
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Surfingboyo,theres no need to pay out on Gambo like that!

Gambo,unfortunately you are scarred for life ! The best solution is to always wear long sleeve shirts so you can hide the deforming scars.

Plastic surgery may be considered.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
16 Feb 2008 9:10AM
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I was once stung by something, and the mark was there for about 4months. But it was up my boardies. If its not hurting dont worry.
If it is 2 teaspoons of concrete (or vineger) and a cup of HTFU

WA, 1588 posts
16 Feb 2008 9:54AM
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my girl who is 12 get stung swimming at mulls all the time

NSW, 72 posts
17 Feb 2008 12:04PM
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Harsh Crowd.

QLD, 318 posts
17 Feb 2008 9:53PM
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dont you mean a manly/non girl crowd.

WA, 146 posts
17 Feb 2008 9:17PM
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I've been stung badly by a jellyfish before and I still have the marks a few months later. They fade eventually.

moon waxing
WA, 307 posts
2 Mar 2008 12:22PM
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Me and misses were stung whilst snorkeling near Hillarys yesterday. Then whilst kiting off Mullaloo got a large sting on the neck.

WA, 88 posts
2 Mar 2008 12:30PM
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I got stung at Leighton's last week. Haven't felt a sting like that before. Stung across the face and arm. The sting initially felt like I was whipped with a cat-o-nine tails energised at 415 volts. Pain and welts were gone by the next morning. My old man told me to HTFU and then he got stung two days later and fully sympathised.

WA, 153 posts
2 Mar 2008 1:06PM
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Mmm tough crowd.
Gambo, to answer your question. The sting scar should subside within 4-6 weeks, depending on the the type and severity of the sting. Its not uncommon though to see patients with faint scarring 12 months down the track. If it bothers you that much, vitamin E creme can be beneficial as can cocoa butter. You know, the stuff chicks use.
Thankfully it was your arms. I had to treat a nudist who got stung on her you-know-what. That was pretty unpleasant for her.... and me.

WA, 453 posts
2 Mar 2008 1:16PM
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Got stung a few times those last few days. It seems that there are a lot of them recently...

When I am stung, I generally hide, sit and cry...

QLD, 825 posts
2 Mar 2008 3:19PM
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I got stung by so many it took 4 years to fully recover, scars, being able to have a hot shower, spent 3 days in hospitable and am now allergic and have to take tablets if stung by to many.
So each person is different.

I cry like a girl when i am out ridding now and see them, i hate the little buggers.

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
2 Mar 2008 3:53PM
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I got hit by 5 at once as I came off my board at Woodie's down near the groin and had to bodydrag back to it after getting hit by the first one and I didn't know that I had lost it into a bunch of the little s**ts. Then went out the next day and one wrapped around my ankle while I was riding along. Looked like I'd been whipped around the neck, chest, arms and back for about 6-8 weeks. All I can say is the pain isn't any where near as bad as the bloody ITCHING. You won't see the scars after about 3-6 months.


NSW, 446 posts
2 Mar 2008 8:12PM
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Wow... I don't ever really see too many jellyfish up here near Sydney, very rarely have I seen these really big red ones... and I mean BIG, they must weigh around 10 kilos and some of the bigger ones look to be the size of a car wheel :|.

I remember I used to come across a few when I used to do rowing, we used to try scoop them into the opposing boat with our oars muahahaha!

We only get craploads of bluebottles... what do they eat? small fish? Because I rekn their sole purpose is to annoy mankind. I'm so used to their stings by now they are more a nuisance than anything else... although I heard some kiddy at Avalon or Newport swallowed one by mistake... makes me kindof hungry

QLD, 120 posts
10 Mar 2008 8:48PM
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i was watching catalyst on the ABC last thursday night and a segment was on about bluebottles. Apparently the sting from the bluebottle tenticle is a protein base. The best way to kill off protein is with hot water. While an ice pack will help to aleviate the sting, hot water will work much better and faster if you can find hot water on a beach. A five minute hot shower, above 40 degrees will dramatically reduce the pain, way faster than a cold one or an ice pack. Their tenticle is made up of one of the most complex and effective methods of injecting poison known in the marine stinger family.

WA, 478 posts
10 Mar 2008 10:44PM
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I could come around your place and give you a Golden Shower if you want, apparently that heals jelly wounds super quick.

QLD, 144 posts
11 Mar 2008 12:02PM
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Different species, different treatments - they can have very different types of venom. Two teaspoons and a nice warm mug wouldn't do anything if you're hit by a Boxy - death is usually the treatment for a large sting from one of them. Then there's the irukandji that can put some people in to some kind of fatal shock response, while other people can deal with it fine. I think they are discovering new types or subspecies of the irukandji as we speak.

I have a stinger suit which has kept me free from instant or prolonged painful death in the last 4 seasons in Cairns. (Running into a jelly wearing boardies and the stinger suit still stung, feeling like I was walking through lines of very tough spider web). It doubles as excellent sun protection too.

I still have the neck to knee figure hugging lycra outfit with me as I'm travelling down the East coast, add an orange ball and leather collar, and it's perfect after 5 wear.

Beats the years in the surf club before stinger suits were invented and we wore ladies stockings on the bottom, and another pair of stockings with the crutch cut out over the top. Running around on the beach wearing those that took some bravado, especially in the NQ heartland.

WA, 32 posts
11 Mar 2008 11:23AM
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Heres a tip for young players....unless you are in qld & being stung by a box or irakanji (or however u spell it?!), do not pour vinegar over the sting. This will cause you more pain as it will result in all remaining non-released stings to FIRE INTO YOUR BODY!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Jellyfish Stings" started by Gambo