As previously posted, I got a bunch of jellyfish stings all over my ass as a result of one floating up the leg of my boardshorts. That was about a week ago and the pain is long gone.
Can anybody recommend something for the itchyness, it's starting to drive me mad.
Apparently I need a 1% Hydrocortisone ointment that can be obtained without perscription.
So just ignore me, unless you know something better.
Edit: Speelling error
Don't Laugh at this.
Try WD40.
Must be WD40 and not any other type of water dispersent.
It is fish oil based and is also good for ant stings etc.
Try on a small area first to ensure you are not allergic.
Try it
Cheers - Fitzy Gold Coast OZ
Fitzy ...... at least you didn't say Windex
Now as for WD40 ..... hmmmm ..... I always have 1 in the car .... wll try
although after verifying it on net, it turns out to be a myth... hope you read my second reply before you tried it out
All the nematocysts are long gone (got home and had a scorching shower, and scrubed with an exfoliating glove), so urine, vinegar, ammonia etc, wouldn't do anything anyway. Those are apparently remedies intended for when there are undischarged stinging cells and unabsorbed venom remaining on the skin.
yes but Nemacosts are distingwishable by elongated discharging bollomiydes that congregate phillasfically on the genetaillian concorse.