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Jetski rams SUP

Created by pearl > 9 months ago, 3 Mar 2009
NSW, 984 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:17PM
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An Unmanned jetski rammed a stand up paddle surfer at Snapper during the Quicky pro. Now why do I find that funny? Great photo

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:25PM
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I can just picture him paddleing flat out trying to out run it cartoon style like the cyotee(spelling?) on roadrunner after one of his achme traps fails and turns on him.... ha ha ha hhhhaaaaaa.ttooooo funny.

Hope he is ok but,yeah makes me chuckle a bit,,,,,is that wrong??????

VIC, 4501 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:28PM
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Ow...they say he broke his leg but you can see that from the photo. Looks painful.

11 posts
3 Mar 2009 6:38PM
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thats a great new feature on jet skis. thoroughly deserved broken leg.

NSW, 238 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:49PM
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Stink boats are a menace and the main reason I can't swim in our local river...they don't pay attention to the rules, don't look out for anyone and are almost always irredeemable bogans. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. I note that the jetskier is wearing a helmet. Safety first!

VIC, 107 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:58PM
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I'm certainly no fan of jetskis. Was putting my boat into the Broadwater a few years back and a jetskier came racing at the ramp as I was fitting an outboard. Sprayed me, wash lifted the boat, smashed my fingers, dropped the outboard into the water then he rode off laughing.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2009 8:58PM
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I have spoken to the manufacturer of the jetski.
He said it was a design fault,,,,it was set for the designers defence the SUPs do look nearly the same,travel at the same speed ect

serious now

If he has broken his leg,hope he makes a speedy recovery

VIC, 600 posts
3 Mar 2009 9:24PM
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just had one of those new sup board bombs attached to my harness found out they also work on peter lynn riders and euro kiters down at st kilda who dont speak english. They can also be attached to cars to remove wicked vans out of the over taking lane.[}:)][}:)][}:)]

NSW, 1625 posts
3 Mar 2009 10:34PM
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When I seen that footage on the news I thought that was the jet ski rider getting thrown off
Now I can see it is the surfer dude getting thrown into the air

ACT, 1258 posts
3 Mar 2009 10:42PM
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ouch! his left leg is at a right angle to his body. I thoght SUP's were supposed to be in sync with the ocean, or some spiritual sh!t like that. I guess he wasn't listening to huey.

the irony is that if that accident rendered him unable to surf, then a jet ski would be his best option 4 gettin back amonst it in the surf.

NSW, 1625 posts
3 Mar 2009 10:42PM
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kiter789 said...

Stink boats are a menace

Cut said...

I'm certainly no fan of jetskis.

These words can be said about almost all of man's inventions, includings kites
But it's how some us neandathols choose to use them is were the problem is

QLD, 4083 posts
4 Mar 2009 11:56AM
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lotofwind said...

makes me chuckle a bit,,,,,is that wrong??????

Imagine if it was a kiter hit. Imagine if it was you hit. From the looks of that photo it could be his femur broken, a very bad kind of leg break I've heard, and thoroughly unpleasant.

So is it wrong to find it funny? I am not here to pass judgement, but I certainly don't find it funny. Nor do the SUPers over on the SUP forum, and they don't seem too impressed with the incident being made fun of here. I find it rather serious in fact, and feel sympathy for the guy who has to suffer through the surgery and recovery.

NSW, 238 posts
4 Mar 2009 1:17PM
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Yes I reckon it's a bit weird that people are finding this funny too - looks bloody painful to me. Maybe there's an underlying prejudice against SUP'ers I am unaware of...perhaps they were declared 'uncool' and I didn't get the memo?

To the previous comment - yes I know that stinkboats are just another one of man's inventions and they can be used for good and bad. But this is how stereotyping works: If EVERY single person you EVER see riding a stinkboat is behaving like an complete d**khead, then it doesn't take long for the group to get a reputation.

I knew a farmer once, who, after tiring of jetskiers almost running over his kids swimming in the river beside his property, put the word out that he had strung piano wire across the river. I don't know if he had or not, but the suggestion of it certainly had an impact on the speed limit. He had tried every other avenue.

WA, 752 posts
4 Mar 2009 12:13PM
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GreenPat said...

lotofwind said...

makes me chuckle a bit,,,,,is that wrong??????

Imagine if it was a kiter hit. Imagine if it was you hit. From the looks of that photo it could be his femur broken, a very bad kind of leg break I've heard, and thoroughly unpleasant.

So is it wrong to find it funny? I am not here to pass judgement, but I certainly don't find it funny. Nor do the SUPers over on the SUP forum, and they don't seem too impressed with the incident being made fun of here. I find it rather serious in fact, and feel sympathy for the guy who has to suffer through the surgery and recovery.

Not funny at all, and even if the jet pilot wans't riding like a dickhead, he was certainly a dickhead for not using the kill leash that comes standard with every jet ski. And I don't buy the "we don't use them 'cos we're professionals" excuse either - that's just more reason to ACT like a professional and use the freakin' saftey devices !!

VIC, 600 posts
4 Mar 2009 3:56PM
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GreenPat said...

lotofwind said...

makes me chuckle a bit,,,,,is that wrong??????

Imagine if it was a kiter hit. Imagine if it was you hit. From the looks of that photo it could be his femur broken, a very bad kind of leg break I've heard, and thoroughly unpleasant.

So is it wrong to find it funny? I am not here to pass judgement, but I certainly don't find it funny. Nor do the SUPers over on the SUP forum, and they don't seem too impressed with the incident being made fun of here. I find it rather serious in fact, and feel sympathy for the guy who has to suffer through the surgery and recovery.

Well on the news they said the guy was in good spirits and would make a full recovery. I no a broken leg is bad but if the tables were turned and an out of controll sup board took out a kiter i'm sure the sup forums would be havin a laugh and dont forget that everyone laughs at the funnist home vidoe show the only difference is the dont show the aftermath. And they did say also on the news that it was a freak accident and there was a comp on at the time so maybe he shouldn't have been there in the first place........either way i'm sure if that was me in that photo alot of people would be laughing

VIC, 107 posts
4 Mar 2009 4:20PM
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Even I laughed when I broke my leg

Glass off
124 posts
4 Mar 2009 4:21PM
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Pearl asked,"why do I think it is funny?"

Thats easy to answer,,,,, you feel the need to inflate your ego like a D*#KHEAD to compensate for your tiny weaner.

NSW, 6451 posts
4 Mar 2009 7:29PM
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chill out eveyone, it looked funny, till we knew he was hurt.

And greenpat,sorry if you find it offensive,and yes if it was a kiter hit(and I didnt know that he was hurt),I would have still found the pic a bit amuseing.
Im sure you have had a good laugh at funniest home vids,not knowing how bad they got hurt?????

you even made lots of amuseing comments about colin after he lost half his finger in a kiteing accident????The difference is??????

Its all in good fun,no one ever thinks its all tooo serious,and if they do,relax,we all dont agree on everthing.its all good.

This forum has come soooo sensitive.

If he wasnt hurt,all you saints would have been throwing in some funny comments as well.

And I say again,,,,,hope he makes a speedy recovery.

NSW, 984 posts
4 Mar 2009 8:10PM
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Glass off said...

Pearl asked,"why do I think it is funny?"

Thats easy to answer,,,,, you feel the need to inflate your ego like a D*#KHEAD to compensate for your tiny weaner.

Gee you SUP's are a sensitive lot! It's got nothing to do with what the guy was riding, whether it be a SUP (which I've ridden) or any other water craft.
I hope they put him in the running for best wipeout of the contest! He could probably get together with the photographer and sell his story to a mag and as Tex Perkins said "better get a lawyer son" cos I can see a you getting some serious $chops
p.s. glass off keep away from my meat tray!!

WA, 5353 posts
4 Mar 2009 6:20PM
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Every normal person finds others getting injured ammusing, thats why there are whole shows on TV dedicated to it. Just because this time you might know the person that got hurt doesn't make it any less funny for the rest of us. Sad but true.

NSW, 6451 posts
4 Mar 2009 8:28PM
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Geeezzzzz pearl, look what you have started now...
Not only do the windsurfers hate us,now the SUPs hate

some people are way to sensitive.

by the way pearl,,,I find your avatar very raciouslol but then again,apparently you have "a tiny weiner" lol so I will forgive you

did I put enough lol's in there so people know its all in fun LOL

NSW, 836 posts
4 Mar 2009 8:52PM
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Everyone laughs at babies getting hit in the head by swings so hard that they back flip on funniest home videos.. Its bad that there were injuries. Its **** that some jet skiers aren't more respectful of others and the rules. But, I'm pretty sure getting hurt can more often than not have a funny side to it. One of my funniest memories is of a mate coming off this massive rope swing over the edge of a cliff when I was 11yrs. he broke a bone in each forearm. It was the afternoon of the last day of school before christmas holidays and he got his plasters taken off on the day before school went back hahahahhahaha.

VIC, 107 posts
4 Mar 2009 9:08PM
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Smedg said...

It was the afternoon of the last day of school before christmas holidays and he got his plasters taken off on the day before school went back hahahahhahaha.

I snorted my 2 min noodles out my nose when I read that

NSW, 5780 posts
4 Mar 2009 9:55PM
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i got a mate who broke both arms on new years eve staging diving onto an empty floor at a noiseworks concert...

funniest thing i've ever seen

WA, 89 posts
4 Mar 2009 9:55PM
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Unless your referring to some other song I've never heard of it was "Tex Perkins" (Cruel Sea) that said "Better get a lawyer son" not Nick Cave.
If your gonna try and be clever at least get it right.

PS: If there is some other song out there by Nick Cave then I stand corrected, hand back all my cool points and admit Im not as young and hip as I used to be!


NSW, 984 posts
5 Mar 2009 8:22AM
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pharro said...

Unless your referring to some other song I've never heard of it was "Tex Perkins" (Cruel Sea) that said "Better get a lawyer son" not Nick Cave.
If your gonna try and be clever at least get it right.

PS: If there is some other song out there by Nick Cave then I stand corrected, hand back all my cool points and admit Im not as young and hip as I used to be!


You are correct, and I am corrected.
I also promise to only watch wipeout or funniest home videos in a solemn mood.
Furthermore..... next time during a pro surf contest with a crowd hungry for action, the so so called "safety ski" rider stretches his bungey across to the throttle and the jet ski takes off full throttle with him cartwheeling over the back and beelines into an innocent SUP like something from a james bond movie...the crowd, commentator, and especially me will not react untill it is analysed and approved by all forums and the moderator on seabreeze!

QLD, 133 posts
5 Mar 2009 8:30AM
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theDoctor said...

i got a mate who broke both arms on new years eve staging diving onto an empty floor at a noiseworks concert...

funniest thing i've ever seen

Stage diving at a Noiseworks concert?

QLD, 12 posts
5 Mar 2009 9:34AM
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Hmmm ,Noiseworks? would have to agree, bit dangerous ,everyone knows its gonna be low tide

WA, 752 posts
5 Mar 2009 9:00AM
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Freeflow said...

theDoctor said...

i got a mate who broke both arms on new years eve staging diving onto an empty floor at a noiseworks concert...

funniest thing i've ever seen

Stage diving at a Noiseworks concert?

yup, no need to ask why the floor was empty, LOL

WA, 752 posts
5 Mar 2009 9:04AM
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a mate got speared in the back of the leg surfing yesterday, not funny (despite being the subject of some bagging by other mates)

luckily, no muscles or tendons were torn

NSW, 5780 posts
5 Mar 2009 11:18AM
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old chook the school bus driver, who stands about 6'5" jumped up on staged and danced away like a drunk carefree madman who didn't have five kids and a missus waitin at home, he felt the roar of the inbred bogan crowd who all of a sudden seemed to take notice of the band on stage and he took a huge swan dive onto the dancefloor.

the half a dozen or so fat chicks he was hopin would catch him, disappeared faster than you can say 'last one on the floor eats salad for a year'

and he went face first 'splat'.

in his true 'too cool for school' legendary chook form, he bounced to his feet as fast as he'd hit the ground like nothing had happened, continued to soak in the applause and misinterpreted guffaw of the couple hundred or so revelers who, like me i'm sure, knew the night now wasn't a total waste and this was THE highlight of the evening and he went through the rest of the night 'high fiving' and groping on his new found local celebrity status.

jon stevens stopped singing mid 'hot chilli woman' to proclaim... 'that guys a truckin idiot'

i saw chook a week later at the local supermarket, throng of kids in tow and a two foot long plaster cast on each of his forearms. knuckle to elbow.

he tells me it wasn't till the next afternoon, when he sobered up and climbed out of bed, that he realised his arms were aching, his wrists were swollen and he could not move his fingers or dress himself or anything.

so i asked him the first question that comes to mind for anyone you see with two arms set in plaster, i says..'chook, how you gonna drive the bus..?'


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Jetski rams SUP" started by pearl