Hey guys,
Been awhile since I posted but you'd like to check this out. Back in May I spent some time in Tahiti and was lucky enough to score some an amazing swell while I was there. Although the wind wasn't perfect I was fortunate enough to sneak into a couple bombs amongst the guys towing. Definitely some of the biggest kiting barrels of my life and some visions I'll never forget! The first wave is the image featured on the cover of the latest Freedom kite mag. Enjoy!
He gets pulled out the back of the wave with the kite ((you can see his head pop up briefly) - actually he got pulled off the board by the kite but better that than go over the falls!!
I think going backside actually helps on such a sucky side-offshore wave. Its the timing and the great bottom turns in the pocket that set him up so well. Being able to use the heels as the wave sucks and pigdog a bit keeps the rail from flipping.. Foamball deep... Respect
Hi keahi
I have surfed chopes but to see someone kite it with that precision and smoothness under pressure is beyond impressive... that is next level! Well done
Amazing my friend, very inspiring.I wish I could surf it, let alone kite it. But I'm more likely to try it on a kite anyway.
Request: can we see that on the Double Agent? I've started foiling into waves on a kite but I am not at your level. I can only imagine what you'll achieve.
Care to reveal a few technical details Keahi?
board dimensions /kite size /wind conditions ....................!
You can omit testosterone level as it is fairly evident!