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Kite Camera mounts

Created by wassaby > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2010
QLD, 92 posts
9 Aug 2010 12:35PM
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Hey looking at getting a camera but i want to mount it inbetween the two middle lines. Anyone know where to get them from.

I have seen youri Zoon have them on his kite before.

QLD, 184 posts
10 Aug 2010 10:42AM
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I made my own.. cut up an ol milk crate...
works like a dream!!!

WA, 738 posts
10 Aug 2010 8:55AM
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Hey, that's pretty clever design --and I'll bet it'll work great.

I've made a few of these using a couple of different designs--they all worked--however, I did discover after using one of the commercially made ones (Thanks Vasco!) that a long frame (ie distance between the places where the device attaches to the lines) and a low mounting position of the camera relative to the mount (ie, close to the bottom of the centre lines) helps to stabilise the camera a lot.

The commercial variety that KitePower sells do work really well if you want to save yourself the time and effort of making one. Also, that design is very effective for allowing you to get the mounting device on and off the lines without having to remove the lines from the bar.

Couple of things you might try on the milkcrate design:

1. Cut a very narrow slit from the line holes through the plastic to allow you to squeeze the line through the slit but small enough to prevent it from accidentally coming off when i use. That way you can remove it easily when you don't want to use it without having to remove the lines from the bar.

2, Extend the top part by another section or two where the top part mounts to the lines to increase the stability.

Excellent creative thinking with the milk crate. I like it.

10 Aug 2010 12:16PM
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I'm just putting up blue milk crates on the website now.....

WA, 243 posts
10 Aug 2010 11:29AM
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whats the go pro HD like as a hand held camcorder? obviously no LCD screen but is it still usable if you wanted to jump in the water and shoot some hand held footage?

WA, 5353 posts
10 Aug 2010 11:38AM
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To be honest all GoPRO footage I see looks exactly like GoPRO footage (funny that haha) I think it has something to do with a very small lense or something? Obviously the frame rate is great for slomos etc, but in less than perfect lighting it really looks poxy. I would reccomend getting a real handheld for handheld work, one because it will be more stable and 2 because it will look a lot nicer.

p.s. I have heard they are releasing a LCD screen attachment for the GonoobPRO soon as well.

NSW, 601 posts
10 Aug 2010 1:56PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

I'm just putting up blue milk crates on the website now.....

When are the red crates coming in?
And is that the 2010 or new 2011 blue crate?

I have the original line mount and it's been excellent, I was a bit worried during my first self launch but I had no issues.
The GoPro itself has at least two functions in my household

WA, 570 posts
10 Aug 2010 11:57AM
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Got mine here

10 Aug 2010 2:51PM
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We can't sell the red crates, the red crate distributor has issues...
2011 Blue crates are a bluer shade of blue, and the blueness is more tightly blue and higher performing, faster type of blue than the 2010 version.
The 2011 Crate will make all other crates obsolete, especially red crates.

I was eating lunch when I clicked on the youtube gopro doggy cam video, got to about 2.15 then threw up, thanks for that Trant!

QLD, 701 posts
10 Aug 2010 8:11PM
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Hey trent i love it especialy the dogs shadow it cracked me up . What was the special coating used on the lens " anti droole stuff " . must be some wicked stuff .


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite Camera mounts" started by wassaby