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Kite Gliding Fatality in US

Created by ricki > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2016
WA, 49 posts
4 Mar 2016 10:16AM
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I don't know how many on here snowkite, have tried other versions of gliding with kiteboarding gear or have thought about it. There are some hard won considerations in this accident worth thinking over regarding the use of kiteboarding gear for gliding. This could be over snow, dunes, cliffs, static and dynamic tow-ups, whatever aside from normal kiteboarding water or surface traction activities for which the gear has been designed. I regret posting this but hope the account may help kiters in the future. Condolences to family and friends on this tragic loss.

More at:

FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi

QLD, 3620 posts
4 Mar 2016 5:00PM
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That's crazy. Sad for the family and before the safety police have a rant Ill say that its seriously sad when someone dies before their time just pushing the limits and having fun.

We all have pushed the limits at times, but most lucky to see the other side of it.

QLD, 1451 posts
4 Mar 2016 9:23PM
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didnt read it all but got upto the general synopsis of he was rotateing and then panicked and dove the kite for whatever reason is unknown....

if you do do this disable your qr/ change your chicken loop for something permanently fixed. many use a much stronger rated rope or shackle.

also easy to say from the ground but if your ever under anything and rotateing or out of control all you need to do is keep the kite above your head. youll naturally loose altitude if he was rotateing uncontrolably under his kite and had of just let go of the bar and controls completely he would of probably just continued to rotate looseing altitude until he landed relatively safely probably just twisting a knee and hip etc

shame really, if he had any gliding background he would of known to just "hands up" (or hands off the bar in this instance) and rid it out

i still have a hard time understanding how in america no licence is required for ppg etc

also if your 55 and been kiting for like 2 years then decide to go gliding off a mountain maybe it wasnt before his time. honestly maybe it was right on time.

oh and bit of weight **** and kicking your legs can aid you in getting out of the line twists without touching the bar/control lines at all

VIC, 284 posts
4 Mar 2016 11:40PM
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Took this photo while snow kiting in Utah last year... It's of my guide who was awesome at gliding.

I tried, but was way to scary for me and I could not commit to the full launch.

Snowkiting is really fun. Adding the third dimension of elevation and contour. With things to jump off etc.

I hope this does not put people off trying snowkiting, in the right conditions it is amazing.

Condolences to all involved.

QLD, 1451 posts
5 Mar 2016 6:29PM
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polykarb said..

Took this photo while snow kiting in Utah last year... It's of my guide who was awesome at gliding.

I tried, but was way to scary for me and I could not commit to the full launch.

Snowkiting is really fun. Adding the third dimension of elevation and contour. With things to jump off etc.

I hope this does not put people off trying snowkiting, in the right conditions it is amazing.

Condolences to all involved.

i love the three dimensional aspect of snowkiting. but MAAAAANNNN you really need to understand how all the wind effects work, even for me with a gliding background theyre was plenty of times i would missread where the rotor would be etc. not a big deal but if it caught me out i cant understand how plane old coastal kiters can grasp it well enough to go xc etc. aussies are a bit crippled by all this as we have little idea on alpine winds


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite Gliding Fatality in US" started by ricki