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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kite Repair

Created by SFenzo > 9 months ago, 13 Sep 2016
2 posts
13 Sep 2016 4:52PM
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Hi everyone,

I have bought a Naish 12m 2009 Kite a couple months ago, but just got to use it last weekend, when found out that is leaking air through the joint of one of the bladers..
I'm living jn Dee Why and I wonder how expensive could be to repair that, and where could I do it somewhere around here?

Thanks! I appreciate your help

WA, 490 posts
13 Sep 2016 5:03PM
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Ouch, I hate to be negative but If I had to guess I'd go with delaminating valves as your problem.. If this is the case its far quicker and eventually cheaper to buy a new bladder as If one is leaking the rest will follow.

I recently tried to repair one for a customer and found that the Octopus replacement valves were near impossible to find, we ended up getting a whole new bladder set, on memory I think it was around $250-300 but don't quote me on that as the kite owner paid for it.

2129 posts
13 Sep 2016 5:14PM
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Yeah go for the new bladders.

Im still waiting (Over 4 months!) after a kiteshop happily took my money for a bunch of replacement octopus valves and has yet to deliver the full order.

As a side note, how long do the seabreeze brains trust think it is before I name and shame? Shop is on this forum.

Im wanting to believe that this fella is doing his best to source these things but at the end of my patience right about now!

Vatos Locos
230 posts
13 Sep 2016 5:48PM
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4 words buddy
"Moi Levy Kite repair" up here on the tweed
07 5599 2267
If he can't fix it BURN IT

WA, 355 posts
13 Sep 2016 8:13PM
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A serious question....

I've heard a few times that people send their kites all around Australia by post or courier to get repaired.

Unless you live in the middle of no where, why? Sydney and Tweed Heads are in the same state, but only just.

Surely there is a kite repairer in Sydney?? Someone said a while ago that they send their kites from Perth to Tweed Heads. Why?? There are a few kite repairers here in Perth.

Sure, if there was a very tricky operation to be done, Moti Levy might be the Kite Magician but for a standard repair, by the time you include postage, you're doubling your cost and time.

Anyone know why?

To respond to the original poster, if there is a leak, it might be an easy fix but in the past, if it's a little tricky (and the octopus thingy sounds tricky) I've often found it easier to get new bladders.

WA, 103 posts
13 Sep 2016 8:15PM
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If it is delaminating valves, then airtime valve traps are the go.
You can cut out the original valves and re stick with the valve traps.
Done a number of these with 100% success.

If you buy the 10 pack,saves you money and can use the left overs
for future valve or bladder repairs.

If the valve or valves are cracked, you are probably better off spending the
extra bucks on a new bladder or buy another same make second hand kite.
You then can use one of the kites for spare parts.
(valves,bladders,bridles sailcloth, dacron and pigtails etc)
Second hand kite that age is probably cheaper to buy than a new bladder.
Good Luck.

Vatos Locos
230 posts
13 Sep 2016 9:44PM
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You will find that MOST kite shops in Australia send their repairs to Moti
However if you want to fix the repairs yourself a box of band aids and some bluetac does the job quiet well

WA, 815 posts
13 Sep 2016 10:57PM
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Flybykite says the right thing valve traps ten bucks each unless bulk..100% success rate just plonk' over the top
Other than that its pee easy just pull them out the end blow up put in bucket to check if its bladder pinpricks or whatever..
Valves..use tarzan grip and acetone just put them back on its the chemical reaction between the two that welds them..without acetone glue wont work .squash/weight down should take ten mins each strut..
I really wouldnt bother..and thats with lots and lots of experience as tgcp said.. to buy new valves for an 09 kite.just stick them on as above
I really wouldnt bother sending away something as easy and quick to fix as struts either..also
Neither would I bother buying bulk small struts..for 09!..they are too easy' to fix.. ..but the leading edge is very# important!!!!
failing that I have about 7 10m cabrinha struts if u want a bunch..with good valves

I've been going 2km out on patched up bladders.dont glue around the valve..just take it off

WA, 9588 posts
14 Sep 2016 4:08AM
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Yeh I replaced EVERY valve on my brothers 2010 fuse with trap valves couple of years back. Not a problem since.

WA, 355 posts
14 Sep 2016 8:24AM
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Vatos Locos said...
You will find that MOST kite shops in Australia send their repairs to Moti
However if you want to fix the repairs yourself a box of band aids and some bluetac does the job quiet well

Wow. I didn't know that. I thought that there would be local sail makers that do kite repairs. However, that might be for the East Coast but I still don't understand why you would send kites from Perth.

Vatos Locos
230 posts
14 Sep 2016 8:56AM
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Well with all the time you've been typing on seabreeze your kite could've been already at Moti's get'n repaired by now

QLD, 89 posts
14 Sep 2016 12:21PM
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Just do it yourself mate, If its a valve delaminating remove bladder and get a cup of hot water and put valve in hot water for a couple of seconds and you should b able to peel the whole valve off the bladder ,clean up the sticky side of valve [I use a wire buffer on a bench grinder ]but u can use sandpaper it just takes a bit longer .Once that's clean and back to plastic lightly sand bladder till its a bit rough ie not shiny and make sure there is no sand on the inside of the bladder where you are sanding as this will put extra holes in ur bladder and u don't want that ..I then have a couple of pieces of 16mm ply about 100mmx100mm with holes cut a tad bigger than the valve stems 25mm hole saw works a treat and a piece of paper the same size with the same size hole.. Lay your bladder out on a hard flat surface and sticky tape it there so it wont move. clean area to be glued with an alcohol swab and let dry about 30 seconds Next get some general purpose Tarzan grip and apply generously to the valve but not to the bladder as the bladder will go all wrinkly and will be hard to work with. Once you have applied the glue place it onto the bladder making sure its round the right way . Place piece of paper over the valve stem then the piece of ply over the piece of paper the piece of paper stops the ply sticking to the bladder if excess glue comes out the sides you can also put a piece of paper inside the bladder under the hole which can b removed later when the glue dries. This can be removed out through the valve stem .use the second piece of ply on top of the first as one piece of ply is not thick enough now get a G clamp and clamp it down and leave it overnight to dry properly ...As mentioned above if one valve is delaminating the rest are probably on there way out also so as you have it apart you may as well do the lot. I have fixed about 20 valves this way and haven't had a problem the oldest being about 2 1/2 years .
hope this helps

WA, 355 posts
14 Sep 2016 10:55AM
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Vatos Locos said...
Well with all the time you've been typing on seabreeze your kite could've been already at Moti's get'n repaired by now

You must use a different Australia Post or courier service with some amazing capabilities as the OP was 17 hours ago. I'd say he would be trying to pack it up into a bag right about now to then take it down to the post office for its 3 day journey to get there.

Alternatively I could drop mine off locally this morning and pick it up this arvo and use it this arvo.

QLD, 1079 posts
14 Sep 2016 12:57PM
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I just joined specifically to answer this thread, as I was shocked at some of the suggestions above re: postage and that there is only one or two people in the entire country that do repairs. My god.
I do repairs! LOL and I've been doing it for years.

farNT is spot on: try and do it yourself if you cannot find a local repairer. Even some sail repairers are good at repairing kites, especially the stitching and canopy work.

I might add to farNT's suggestion, that instead of a piece of paper and ply over the top of the valve stem trick, if you have spare bladder material, cut a circular piece about 1/2 inch larger than the base of the valve and apply that over the top instead. Then apply the ply-wood over the top and clamp together. Once dry, the bladder piece over the bladder acts as a double-seal to the valve - just like those over-priced valve-traps mentioned.
And yeah, TarzanGrip with a bit of water as a catalyst and you've saved a packet on those over-priced Stormsure and Aquaseal glues. Smell them. They are the same thing.

You do not have to fork out a fortune on an entire bladder either.

With the Octopus kites, seal the holes on the main bladder, seal the holes on the leading edge (using glue and pieces of ripstop tape), and seal off the female holes on the strut bladders. Turn the kite into a single pump/dump kite with individually inflatable struts. Yeah I know it's an inconvenience to pump but you'll save a pain in the neck with that Naish "octopus" system. It's a pain to repair and the valves are currently very hard to get due to a poor supply chain from Naish.

QLD, 1079 posts
14 Sep 2016 1:00PM
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Jono77 said..

Vatos Locos said...
Well with all the time you've been typing on seabreeze your kite could've been already at Moti's get'n repaired by now

You must use a different Australia Post or courier service with some amazing capabilities as the OP was 17 hours ago. I'd say he would be trying to pack it up into a bag right about now to then take it down to the post office for its 3 day journey to get there.

Alternatively I could drop mine off locally this morning and pick it up this arvo and use it this arvo.

NSW, 331 posts
15 Sep 2016 2:28PM
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Hi Mate,
Perhaps I can help with your repair issue. Feel frew to call me on 0459416816. Or email at Hope to hear from you.

WA, 298 posts
15 Sep 2016 1:25PM
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If you just bought an eight year old kite why on earth would you want to spend $$$ on a kite repairer or even new bladders that will cost more than the kite is worth?
Just fix it yourself. It's not that hard. Otherwise you're better off throwing it in the bin and buying another kite.
Do a search and you will find lots of how to do its, even just on this forum alone.

VIC, 942 posts
15 Sep 2016 4:18PM
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Jono77 said..
A serious question....

I've heard a few times that people send their kites all around Australia by post or courier to get repaired.

Unless you live in the middle of no where, why? Sydney and Tweed Heads are in the same state, but only just.

Surely there is a kite repairer in Sydney?? Someone said a while ago that they send their kites from Perth to Tweed Heads. Why?? There are a few kite repairers here in Perth.

Sure, if there was a very tricky operation to be done, Moti Levy might be the Kite Magician but for a standard repair, by the time you include postage, you're doubling your cost and time.

Anyone know why?

To respond to the original poster, if there is a leak, it might be an easy fix but in the past, if it's a little tricky (and the octopus thingy sounds tricky) I've often found it easier to get new bladders.

Get your kite repaired by him and you will see, not only did he repair my kite but he also fixed smaller details such as fraying in the bag - all inclusive.

QLD, 362 posts
21 Sep 2016 12:27AM
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2009 ..not worth investing 200/300 to repiar it back to its former glory..if it needs all new valves there are 12 in total they are octopus valves .and good luck getting a complete new bladder system that far back ...just invest in a newer model may cost you a little bid more than yhe repiar. But you will be better of in the long run

NSW, 331 posts
21 Sep 2016 1:40PM
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For what its worth guys, spartaco has sent it to me for repair. Im helping him out with a super cheap price to keep him going till he is ready for a new kite. We cant all afford brand new gear. SO I try my best to help guys out on a budget.

WA, 8407 posts
21 Sep 2016 11:46AM
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Naish octopus system
Most gynaecologist Learn theirs skills on that shidt

QLD, 41 posts
21 Sep 2016 2:17PM
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Good on you Adam,
Keep up the always good work.

2 posts
23 Sep 2016 4:21PM
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Thanks to all of you guys for your Answers.. It's my first kite and don'5 have time for mistakes as I'm leaving australia soon, so decided to contact Adam and he'/ gonna give me a hand with this.
I have learned a few things from your answers, so thanks for replying.
Have a great weekend, hopefully good winds for all of you!

QLD, 1855 posts
24 Sep 2016 9:39AM
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Townsville crew been repairing kites and boards for over 10 years. 1-2 day turn around and we specialise in parafoil

WA, 216 posts
15 Jan 2017 9:53AM
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DylanJamo said...
Well since there's no ethics in this place...

I also do repairs - Northern Kites Australia, also in Townsville.
Fernando (aka Lofty myself) has been repairing bladders, sewing and line repairs for over 3 years.

ps: If Marvo up there posts that pic again of a crap kite repair that actually someone else did over 5 years ago (I did a different repair on that kite in 2013), I will sue.

Yeah but who's gonna trust a guy with 10 different log ins? Who tells everyone he's someone he's not until he gets found out?
You've created a really professional image for your business bud

QLD, 1079 posts
16 Jan 2017 12:21AM
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Spark said..

DylanJamo said...
Well since there's no ethics in this place...

I also do repairs - Northern Kites Australia, also in Townsville.
Fernando (aka Lofty myself) has been repairing bladders, sewing and line repairs for over 3 years.

ps: If Marvo up there posts that pic again of a crap kite repair that actually someone else did over 5 years ago (I did a different repair on that kite in 2013), I will sue.

Yeah but who's gonna trust a guy with 10 different log ins? Who tells everyone he's someone he's not until he gets found out?
You've created a really professional image for your business bud

On Seabreeze, I agree with you unfortunately.

QLD, 116 posts
16 Jan 2017 7:07AM
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Spark said..

DylanJamo said...
Well since there's no ethics in this place...

I also do repairs - Northern Kites Australia, also in Townsville.
Fernando (aka Lofty myself) has been repairing bladders, sewing and line repairs for over 3 years.

ps: If Marvo up there posts that pic again of a crap kite repair that actually someone else did over 5 years ago (I did a different repair on that kite in 2013), I will sue.

Yeah but who's gonna trust a guy with 10 different log ins? Who tells everyone he's someone he's not until he gets found out?
You've created a really professional image for your business bud

Agreed dj

368 posts
16 Jan 2017 5:48AM
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DylanJamo said..

Spark said..

Yeah but who's gonna trust a guy with 10 different log ins? Who tells everyone he's someone he's not until he gets found out?
You've created a really professional image for your business bud

On Seabreeze, I agree with you unfortunately.

But yet you still don't change your ways.

Take your comment on the super glue being the same as Stormsure and Aquaseal. If you took the time to look up the MSDS you would see that they have totally different chemicals in them. What you could have said was, "it's different, cheaper, but still welds the valve to the bladder like the expensive glues do."

I assume it does "weld" the two materials together, as if it doesn't, superglue tends to dry very brittle and generally breaks when it's bent - maybe that is a way to keep getting return business at the expense of reputation (and long term business viability).

QLD, 1079 posts
16 Jan 2017 5:26PM
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SibboV1 said..
Take your comment on the super glue being the same as Stormsure and Aquaseal.

Do you have ANY un-doctored proof when I've ever said SuperGlue is suitable for valve repairs !?! LMAO

Oh if only you know the high profile kiters I've repaired bladders for, and are far more happier with the repair I've done compared to others that should know better. Yeah, many have been burnt and they come to me.

You and Marvo brothers split at birth? Wouldn't surprise me.

QLD, 116 posts
16 Jan 2017 7:05PM
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Prob not good for ur business either bagging people by name on the Internet hey lofty

QLD, 6493 posts
16 Jan 2017 10:43PM
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DylanJamo said..
I just joined specifically to answer this thread

Dude, seriously?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite Repair" started by SFenzo