Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kite launch fail

Created by Marcus45 > 9 months ago, 17 Nov 2011
QLD, 91 posts
17 Nov 2011 11:04PM
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How NOT to launch your friends kite.

QLD, 2057 posts
17 Nov 2011 11:54PM
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Absolutely speechless.....

WA, 6277 posts
17 Nov 2011 10:02PM
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Quick thinking with the QR though!

QLD, 2057 posts
18 Nov 2011 12:15AM
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nebbian said...

Quick thinking with the QR though!

and give the other guy 2 kites to yank him?

First rule of kite tangles- don't pop your QR until it's safe for both pilots.

ACT, 1258 posts
18 Nov 2011 1:25AM
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what a banana! tools like that are the reason I self launch/land 90% of the time

WA, 3848 posts
17 Nov 2011 11:01PM
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Scary - could have got ugly real quick...

Casualness leads to casualties...

WA, 1094 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:19AM
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Nothing wrong with the method, just the execution.

I'd pick this method in 30+ before self launching, although I would move my kite to the side and hold the other kite until he was cool.

QLD, 344 posts
18 Nov 2011 8:35AM
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NickT said...

Nothing wrong with the method, just the execution.

I'd pick this method in 30+ before self launching, although I would move my kite to the side and hold the other kite until he was cool.

Wasn't that his method, flick his mates into the kite into the air, whilst holding his kite at 12 o'clock.

WA, 1549 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:23AM
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bennie said...

what a banana! tools like that are the reason I self launch/land 90% of the time

Yes i have to agree. Self land/launch is the way to go. You just have to be sensible and make sure you have the space and nobody around you.

QLD, 2057 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:27AM
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Kiter 2 should hand the kite to kiter 1 who has his kite resting at 3 'clock.

Kiter 2 walks slowly upwind to do gentle launch. As soon as kite can sit at the edge by itself kiter 1 should get the hell out of there.

This was balls up from the beginning

Imagine if kite 1 started looping while bar was entangled in kiter 2's lines. Poor kite pilot 2.

All smiles now but this can go so wrong and it's usually the pedestrians who get hit.

It's like watching funniest home videos when someone goes around the roundabout the wrong way. Good for a laugh but really really stupid.

NSW, 305 posts
18 Nov 2011 11:31AM
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Unbelievable . . . . That is all..

WA, 1549 posts
18 Nov 2011 8:35AM
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and this little ripper from our euro friends.

Coming to a beach near you this summer!

QLD, 2057 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:40AM
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^^^ Two unattended sailboards and one guy walking up the beach, all immediately down wind of that stupid f#@ker.

Face slap time!!

How many times do you see this before you call the ambo's?

NSW, 625 posts
18 Nov 2011 11:44AM
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Its actions like these that is bound to get kiting banned or seriously overpoliced by maritime or councils etc. It will only take one member of the public to get wiped out and make some noise in the media etc and it'll be on.

If you see someone doing something stupid, pull them up or tell them to p/ss off.

QLD, 2057 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:48AM
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Thanks Marcus for posting that video. I recognise the victims

Should post it in the newbies forum with a note saying what not to do!!

Best way to learn is seeing it go pear shaped!!

NSW, 305 posts
18 Nov 2011 11:49AM
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Once again.. UN FRIGGING BELIEVABLE . . . .

WA, 4485 posts
18 Nov 2011 11:22AM
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The 2nd one was worse IMO!

Fuggin hell - the tool that let the kite go just didn't give a flying fek what was gonna happen!!

Maybe the he was a poley - not baggin poleys - just he appeared to have no idea, or care, that the kite was gonna scream down into the power zone - right next to beach punter!

If the guy lettin the kite go was a poley with no idea then the kiter impatient to launch was at fault IMO.

I have learnt the hard way it is better to self launch than let some random casual fool throw your kite in air (whilst you are still fixing your loop in etc).

Yes - I have had 'alleged' kiters do this to me over the years! How's about waiting for a kn thumbs up - or even to be looking up at the kite!! Not kn Happy!![}:)]

If it's a random (generalising here.. but based on experiance) - with a Euro accent make it clear you will give a thumbs up when you are ready to launch

WA, 4485 posts
18 Nov 2011 11:26AM
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BTW - I did enjoy the voice over on the 2nd vid from the Muppet's Chef.

Reckon the muppet in that vid needs a good tenderising!

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:28PM
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back in the good old days before Quick Releases natural selection would have taken care of these two muppets........ giving them a flogging deterring them from ever pumping up a kite again. Keeping our beaches free from stupidity.

Unfortunately with the advent of safety features people like this learn nothing and will probably do the same things again.

SA, 66 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:39PM
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I think that first vid is a set up.

That guy had too much control over camera and kite to pull that move, and think it would be a good idea to launch like that. Surely he wanted a video people would watch?????????????????

QLD, 91 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:11PM
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Ezy guys, twas I who launched oldmates kite (don't worry we are still friends) But if you look more closely at the video you'll notice I was flicking off the sand in readyness to launch the kite when I lost grip and it all went wrong. My original intention was to flick off the sand then stand to the side with my kite well clear then after thumbs up let go of the kite safely.
It just goes to show no mater how safe you think you are sometimes things go wrong, its a good lesson for us all. I agree with everyone, I hate it when some people offer to launch your kite and do it all wrong so I'm a little red faced about this vid but I though it helpfull to post here so we can all learn from my mistake. As you can see it turned out well...this time...and we laughed about it later over a few beers but with kiting you can never get complacent, the moment you do accidents happen and people get hurt.
Thanks for your comments and stay safe.
Cheers Marcus.

WA, 790 posts
18 Nov 2011 1:36PM
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Good on ye for posting it Marcus. Looks like nothing really happened anyway. What happened to the sound? I think if you added some cartoon sound effects it could be much better.

QLD, 91 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:44PM
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The sound is muffled because its a GoPro in a water proof housing. Yeah a few Funnest Home Video sounds would be funny :)

juicerider said...

Good on ye for posting it Marcus. Looks like nothing really happened anyway. What happened to the sound? I think if you added some cartoon sound effects it could be much better.

WA, 245 posts
18 Nov 2011 2:05PM
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RPM said...

and this little ripper from our euro friends.

Coming to a beach near you this summer!

They are speaking in dutch... you wouldn;t believe what they are saying..


WA, 3271 posts
18 Nov 2011 2:31PM
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I was going to ask if anyone knew what they were saying, the tone and laughter suggested they were going to do exactly what happened.

NSW, 271 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:31PM
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is that a cabby??? [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

SA, 66 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:43PM
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juicerider said...

Good on ye for posting it Marcus. Looks like nothing really happened anyway. What happened to the sound? I think if you added some cartoon sound effects it could be much better.

+1 ^^^

Good on you for posting it. I thought there looked to be too much control for that to be a first time kiter mistake. I have made a mental note not to bother about sand on the kite, when launching for someone else, whilst I have a kite up.

QLD, 918 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:23PM
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pretty sure the first one he didnt mean to let go of the kite, looks like it slipped from his hand... I think they handled it well enough...

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:53PM
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Marcus45 said...

Ezy guys, twas I who launched oldmates kite (don't worry we are still friends) But if you look more closely at the video you'll notice I was flicking off the sand in readyness to launch the kite when I lost grip and it all went wrong. My original intention was to flick off the sand then stand to the side with my kite well clear then after thumbs up let go of the kite safely.
It just goes to show no mater how safe you think you are sometimes things go wrong, its a good lesson for us all. I agree with everyone, I hate it when some people offer to launch your kite and do it all wrong so I'm a little red faced about this vid but I though it helpfull to post here so we can all learn from my mistake. As you can see it turned out well...this time...and we laughed about it later over a few beers but with kiting you can never get complacent, the moment you do accidents happen and people get hurt.
Thanks for your comments and stay safe.
Cheers Marcus.

Your mate should of handed you the kite before hooking in. That way you are just holding the kite upside down until he is ready and then you can launch him with ease and SAFETY. You shouldn't hve to pick up a kite while you're still trying to fly yours

QLD, 91 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:07PM
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Well spotted BennyB12 as you noticed I was flicking off the sand in readyness to launch the kite when I lost grip and it all went wrong. My original intention was to flick off the sand then stand to the side with my kite well clear then after thumbs up let go of the kite safely.
It just goes to show no mater how safe you think you are sometimes things go wrong, its a good lesson for us all.

BennyB12 said...

pretty sure the first one he didnt mean to let go of the kite, looks like it slipped from his hand... I think they handled it well enough...

NSW, 540 posts
18 Nov 2011 9:44PM
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bennie said...

what a banana! tools like that are the reason I self launch/land 90% of the time

I agree self land and launch its less painful than someone launching for you!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite launch fail" started by Marcus45