Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kite line cut at Lighthouse, Golden Beach

Created by Reach > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2022
QLD, 60 posts
8 Dec 2022 12:12PM
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I'm learning to kitefoil and a regular at the lighthouse, Caloundra esp for the last 3 months. It's deep water, ideal for foiling, popular with wingfoilers and windsurfers. I've had a lot of grief from a windsurfer on several occasions. Despite trying to reason with him, he continues sneakily to goad and intimidate saying he'll f'ing run right through me. When I swapped kites and left one on the grass, the bridal line was cut. That nearly ended badly the next time I put it up.

Everyone else shares this space and the majority are learning to foil, mostly on wings. Most seem able to tolerate mistakes and adjust round each other as best they can. I've never seen a collision.

Today, after further goading from him, I reported the harassment to the police as I feel I'm becoming part of the problem for others who simply see me get increasingly upset by this. Unfortunately few seem to get this guy's insidious, dangerous harassment.

I'm told I'm not the first kiter to be made unwelcome here. It needs to stop. I'd like to just go kiting and enjoy this spot with all other decent water enthusiasts.

I've posted this to the windsurfer and wingfoil forums too

Mr Keen
QLD, 565 posts
8 Dec 2022 5:54PM
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Have you at some point through your learning process inadvertently caused a dangerous situation....
FFS the pond at Golden Beach is not the place to LEARN to kite foil, it's small enough as it is.
There is still no excuse for aggressive behaviour, you should have been approached politely if your actions doused someone's stoke.

QLD, 60 posts
8 Dec 2022 6:40PM
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Is it dangerous to fall off and someone has to adjust ? No. Have I dropped lines over someone - No. I make a big effort to adjust to minimize risk. I've good kite skills so I've been successful at this. But everyone must adjust their path to account for others.

Re the area being too small to learn to kite. No it isn't. It can get busy. Should it therefore be exclusive for one group - No. Do you think if I'm out first, then others shouldn't go out? That'd be the logic if busy is a criteria. I don't think that.

I try to get there when it's not busy. I try to find a path that's relatively clear. I turn early if there are too many going one way. I come in if it's really busy and I've had my share. 3 months learning and I haven't hit anyone.

I'll continue to kitefoil here. I'm hoping this post will lead to more tolerance. It's a natural learning area - a pond as you call it. Safe with deep areas, surrounded by sand and little current It's open to everyone. If I get real good, I'll look to expand to other more challenging places. If I then choose to foil at the light house with advanced skills, I certainly won't hassle learners, who are developing skills, to get out of my way.

Mr Keen
QLD, 565 posts
8 Dec 2022 7:54PM
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Reach said..
Is it dangerous to fall off and someone has to adjust ?

Yes, spent time off the water because of this self entitled attitude. FOOL DO NOT PUT OTHERS AT RISK

44 posts
9 Dec 2022 12:24AM
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Don't worry to much bout it reach, windsurfers seem to be a touchy pretentious bunch that don't like change and hold on to the legacy that they own certain areas of the beach...just jokes poleys. But cutting a line is low dog act and a **** thing to do to anyone.

That being said man there is an unwritten law of places better suited for learning to kite/foil/wing and there is a good reason for this. Usually those spots have minimal hazards, easy launch, no wind shadows or buildings/trees nearby, not to many downwind obstructions, not many other water users hanging on the shore or swimming, shallow water/sandy bottom, not much of a drift or tide flow and generally a fair few other beginners around and sometimes a few instructors keeping an eye out.

The more experienced guys stay clear of these areas so you can guys mess launches up, crash kites, walk back upwind and make all the mistakes just like we did. The other advantage of this setup is the more experienced guys chasing waves, tricks and big boosts can do it in areas better suited to them without having to keep an eye out too much for the learners. It's not like anyone owns the beach but it's respectful and smart to use the area suitable to your skill level. Gonna keep a bit of peace too. Sort of like I wouldn't paddle out at pipe just because I surf - I'd just end up getting in peoples way and potentially hurting someone if I messed up. It's that sorta thing man.

2129 posts
9 Dec 2022 3:53AM
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Good to see windsurfing/ kitesurfing becoming aggressive and douchey just like what happened to surfing.

3 posts
9 Dec 2022 4:10AM
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Seabreeze, please remove this false and defamatory post. The guy that posted this is going around what is a peaceful beach, spreading rumours and acting in an aggressive and threatening manner. He is now using Seabreeze to further his vendetta against someone that he has taken a dislike to. Totally unacceptable behaviour on his part.

44 posts
9 Dec 2022 6:15AM
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SunnySky said..
Seabreeze, please remove this false and defamatory post. The guy that posted this is going around what is a peaceful beach, spreading rumours and acting in an aggressive and threatening manner. He is now using Seabreeze to further his vendetta against someone that he has taken a dislike to. Totally unacceptable behaviour on his part.

You would have to agree cutting a line is pretty below the belt tho

44 posts
9 Dec 2022 6:18AM
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Chris_M said..
Good to see windsurfing/ kitesurfing becoming aggressive and douchey just like what happened to surfing.

Kiters are the most chilled bunch of crew I know tbh...everyone just froths on kiting, seeing each other progress and no egos like ya find in other sports. Maybe thats just WA tho? Did kite in QLD for a bit and have to say the vibe over here in WA is way better than it was there

QLD, 60 posts
9 Dec 2022 9:16AM
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All I can do is say what has happened and let people judge for themselves. I'm becoming part of the problem by reacting to this guy despite many requests for him to back off. This post is an appeal for tolerance everywhere. Everyone has a right to be out there.
I spent decades in the surf where intolerance has almost become acceptable and those that instigate it do so with impunity, often 'top dogs' locally. Greed is the cause of all of this. I've had one disagreement in kiting in just over 4 years when a guy ran into me. We worked it out and are good friends. I've had no disagreements with wingfoilers or other windsurfers. That's why I love the wind sports - Good people, who generally like the social side of it too.

Will I just quietly be harassed, bullied, made feel unwelcome or have my gear deliberately damaged. No chance.

WA, 8407 posts
9 Dec 2022 11:03AM
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Stick the head on him

QLD, 60 posts
9 Dec 2022 7:26PM
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I'm going to try not to contribute any more to this to avoid it degrading, as long conversations sometimes do.
I hope it has served some purpose as this location has had a reputation of tension for some time. I was targeted by one or more of the intolerant people and I don't defer to such attention. I'm sure there are other similar spots where intolerance could flare as it has here.

I'll make a renewed effort to go out when it's quiet and seek to avoid putting anyone at unnecessary risk. But, others must do the same....change direction, turn earlier, don't hog a line, don't follow up tight to the beach when someone needs to turn. And remember, we'll all make mistakes, rarely deliberately. But, if I'm out early and it's getting busier and you go in anyway - don't complain about the kite. It's a learning area. Are you capable of going somewhere more challenging? If you are and you go out anyway, fair enough, but don't complain about learners. I'd estimate 70% of users here are learners or improvers.

Thanks to everyone for the contributions.

QLD, 271 posts
10 Dec 2022 2:14PM
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I was at GB yesterday. I know a few of the crew due to semi-regular attendance. There was a windsufferer there setting up who wouldn't say g'day, studiously avoided eye contact at all costs, and made a point to put his gear right in my way between my kite and board as I was running my lines out upwind to where my board was waiting. I found it really weird as it's the friendliest spot ever and all the kite and wing crew are pretty good mates. So I tend believe Reach. I put it down to an inferiority complex and went on with my day.

QLD, 271 posts
10 Dec 2022 2:18PM
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Also - the pond is the perfect place to learn to kite foil. Why not? There's normally 15 dingers on training wheels to avoid anyway, we all make it work with a smile.

NSW, 115 posts
11 Dec 2022 8:41AM
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The crowd is where the fun is at. Nobody wants to kite, wing, windsurf, paddle a kayak, row a surf boat, paddle down wind, sup, surf, prone surf, jet ski, or e-foil alone, it gets boring quick.

throw in a k

QLD, 1451 posts
11 Dec 2022 7:50AM
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KBGhost said..
I was at GB yesterday. I know a few of the crew due to semi-regular attendance. There was a windsufferer there setting up who wouldn't say g'day, studiously avoided eye contact at all costs, and made a point to put his gear right in my way between my kite and board as I was running my lines out upwind to where my board was waiting. I found it really weird as it's the friendliest spot ever and all the kite and wing crew are pretty good mates. So I tend believe Reach. I put it down to an inferiority complex and went on with my day.

KB ghost- I've given you a response to this in the windsurfing forum.

QLD, 60 posts
14 Dec 2022 10:26AM
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Fyi - pasted from windsurfer section of this thread.

I tried to stay out but this is directed at me and wrong.
My 2020 kite did not have worn or neglected bridal lines. They are tough lines permanently on the kite, rolled up and safe between sessions. They were cut by someone at GB.
Gentle souls don't threaten to 'Fuxxxxx run right through you', nor gesture or comment every time they pass you, even when I'm sitting in my car. I've acknowledged my angry defensive response. I can apologise to anyone, even old mate, if it's constructive. I've already done so here. I know why, but fully accept I could have done better and I've now become part of the problem for others. My post was an alternative route even if it may have been risky. However, I won't be demonized by the cheer leaders of a so called 'gentle soul'. Even normally 'gentle souls' can get it wrong. My Grandma had her moments.

When the bicycle was invented, pedestrians were alarmed by the speed and said they were unsafe.
When the car arrived, those on horses etc expressed alarm and discomfort at the invasion of their space by those 'new fangled demon machines'.
Users in kayaks and hire boats at GB most likely express alarm at windsurfers hurtling along at high speeds, HIDDEN behind sails on a straight line speed track. 'Can they even see me?'. (Could the poor vision of a windsurfer contribute to a sense of vulnerability for some?)
When a swimmer, kayak, jet ski or boat passes by, we all accommodate them. If it's a bigger boat needing more space, no one says they shouldn't be there. Difference is acknowledged and accommodated.
Kiters go out in large numbers together in restricted spaces, share the space, jump, slash etc on strapless surfboards and twin tips. Do they hit each other or complain? No. They have 360 degree vision. But put a couple of kites in at the lighthouse and a few 'grumpy oul fellas' are out of sorts. Makes me think of the tv series 'One foot in the grave'.
The odd windsurfer comes up to the cadet area with many kites out and I haven't experienced them being made overtly unwelcome.
It's a few old grumps at GB who sometimes create an unwelcome vibe and a couple have now taken it too far. They need to get over themselves and get on with it, like most of the other windsurfers and wingers who accommodate each other's chosen vice and can even enjoy and laugh at each other's developing skill and tenacity.

I'm going to be more aware for sure after this thread. I intend to maintain my normally agreeable demeanour with everyone. I enjoy the interaction with all users as most people at GB will already know. I love the sports and place. I've enthusiastically surfed, windsurfed, canoed, dived, kited, foiling now and winging will be next year. But I won't be bullied or hassled nor have my gear damaged. I'd be happy to shake and put this behind me with anyone involved if someone wants to facilitate that but I won't risk a direct approach. I tried that earlier.

I'm a decent kiter who had lessons to begin with, not an out of control beginner as some have suggested. I'm going to ensure I go out when it's quieter as I have already been trying to do. BUT
Will the few 'grumpy' windsurfers do the same or just pile in until they make it so busy that they feel threatened. It's not your spot, even if you've 'been going there for '30 years'. The area has changed and the lighthouse now serves as the deep water 'learn foiling area' for many many people on windsurfers, wings and kites. Maybe it will require regulation or formal management in time but that's not there yet. If you're so experienced and feel at risk or intolerant why not use your skills in open water. I'll certainly expand as I improve.

If you read this post then you were interested for some reason - you could have ignored it if it had no relevance to you. Please don't contribute meaningless rubbish about it wasting your time or similar. The thread may be useful to some.

QLD, 3116 posts
15 Dec 2022 10:56AM
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Reach said..

When I swapped kites and left one on the grass, the bridal line was cut.

Did you actually see the windsurfer cut the bridal line, or are you just assuming he did it, because you have had verbal confrontation with him?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite line cut at Lighthouse, Golden Beach" started by Reach