Hi there, I've seen this topic ( www.seabreeze.com.au/forums/Kitesurfing/General/Kite-sizerider-weightwind-chart ) by oceanfire and want to add some more information to it.
After reading the other thread it seems like the Rule of Thumb is most suitable for the medium wind and medium weight regarding the kite size to choose. Its obviously not thought to be extremly precise as there are to many things as side conditions.
I hope this will help some beginner and might lead to an updated discussion ^.^
About the "not considered" Part:
... Diffentent topics ( www.kitesurfist.com/how-much-wind-for-kiteboarding/ )
... Foil ( kitesurfingmag.com/foilboarding-beginners-guide/ )
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What do you think?Is it now more appropriate than before?
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Greetings from Germany ;-)
Seems reasonable for beginners who are slim and diligent.
Pie eating legends are going to need a lot more grunt than that though.
Seems way under powered if you're on a TT.
I'm closest to 77kgs but feel the 104-111 range is most appropriate. My 8m in 30kts gusting up to 35kts is totally fine. I've only ever seen guys pump up 5m kites in 40+ knot gale force storms.
Chart seems a bit under powered on a TT, I also ride two weight categories up from that chart in real world conditions on an average size board with not much rocker. Add another kite size up for my more heavily rockered TT.