Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kite size/rider weight/wind chart

Created by oceanfire > 9 months ago, 19 Mar 2010
WA, 718 posts
19 Mar 2010 11:30PM
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Hey guys, as a noobie it's easy to get confused as to the size of kites to be using for different wind strengths & rider weights, and asking around always seems to get you different answers as to the best kite size to use.
So, on one of my many net scouring sessions for anything kite related I found this seemingly little gem of a chart (source web address is on the image);

Now, I've had three lessons & my instructor recommended for my weight, 92kg, I should be looking at a 10 - 11m kite for my first purchase, which will enable me to kite for the majority of wind conditions in the Perth metro area.
The chart seems to back this recommendation, however during my lessons, I never went above using an 8m, all of my lessons were done after 4pm on weekdays when the wind was cranking.

Based on my experiences, I have a number of questions I hope you oracles can clear up for me;

1. What do you experienced kiters make of this chart, does it seem to be a good rule of thumb?

2. Should I stick to a smaller sized kite first off being that most of my kiting will be weekday afternoons around 4pm (the wind always seems stronger at that time of the day)?

3. Am I just a complete & utter noob & with experience I will be able to handle a 10-11m kite on the days with similar wind conditions to the days I learned on an 8m?

(I know this thread seems like it should be in the noob section (the powers that be can move it if they deem it appropriate ) but I felt that the chart belonged here cause I've never seen anything like it before & felt it would be useful here, if correct)


WA, 164 posts
20 Mar 2010 12:01AM
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As an experienced kiter who weighs around 65kg that chart is completely wrong for me. even if you weighed 43kg i don't see how you could get a 9m kite going in 10kn winds.

My suggestions is listen to your instructor as long as he is not profiting from your purchase. Its sad how people tend to stretch the truth a bit when it comes to making money

I dont think you could really go wrong with an 11 but I cant really comment as weight plays a large part and im a small fella.

good luck.

WA, 10 posts
20 Mar 2010 12:38AM
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Forget the charts....

Rule of thumb is fat farks need bigger kites

Skinny runts need smaller kites.

Me being a perfect specimen I fly a 9m like some true ****

QLD, 796 posts
20 Mar 2010 7:50AM
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The chart is wrong in so many ways. What type of kite is it based on, is the wind speed the min or max or optimum speed. I have a nephew between 40/50kg on a 9m and there is no way he would ride in 10 knots. Stick to asking locals in your area and your instructor.

VIC, 424 posts
20 Mar 2010 9:34AM
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For my 83kg and a 136 x 41 board, the chart is not too bad. Certainly there are lots of variables involved (bow kite != bow kite), but for a noob it is better to have a rough guideline rather than no clue at all.

When I started, I bought a middle size kite, which was a super flat bow and really a beginners kite. A couple of months later I sold it and got a 2 kite quiver of more high performance SLEs. They were a lot more fun to fly and easy to handle as well, so in retrospect I should have gone for that 2 kite quiver from the beginning.

For 92kg, a slightly bigger board and Perth conditions, something like 8-11 should not be too far off.
But definitely listen to your instructor or local shop, since the actual kite and board model make a big difference.

QLD, 312 posts
20 Mar 2010 9:54AM
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I don't think the chart is too far off, well for me anyway. I reakon add a 1-2k knots on for each kite and it's just about right.

SA, 65 posts
21 Mar 2010 10:46AM
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felixk said...

I don't think the chart is too far off, well for me anyway. I reakon add a 1-2k knots on for each kite and it's just about right.

2000 knots is alot of wind.

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
21 Mar 2010 8:55AM
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smart arse, charts pretty damn close for me at a whopping 80k, 8000kg is alot fat need/got a lot of wind. Would have been nice to have this when i started, the tried and tested info from shops/exp locals these days is pretty good, not such a new sport anymore


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite size/rider weight/wind chart" started by oceanfire