Who would red thumb any of the comments on this thread? (So far)
Just watch the red thumbs on this comment!
Lame comment Plummet! Measurement comes from swell size, and the faces vary depending on reef and the way waves drain. People who are serious about swell study the conditions long before the actual waves hit the shores. if you want to measure the faces, go for your life...but to call it lame is, well, I will say no more.
I have been out at Cloudbreak many times, from 4 foot to 15 to 20 (according to Shane Dorian who is pretty good at measuring waves) and I can say that you can be sure that 6 foot Cloudbreak is not like your local at 6 foot.
Here is a topic that explains the history re measuring wave size I posted about 4 years ago. Basically years ago it was face size. This changed with an agreement between surfers & lifeguards in Hawaii to back of wave, which underestimated size, keeping surfers and crowds from the North shore. It then reverted back to face size after litigation, that held the lifeguards and city council liable after some accidents in the shorey.
btw. Those waves look great to kite. I just got back from Indo, and while the surf pumped the whole time, it wasn't a great trip wind wise.