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Kiting Maldives in May

Created by bowen > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2013
VIC, 12 posts
9 Apr 2013 9:25PM
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Anyone kite the Maldives in may?
Am heading there in May on a surf trip but am considering throwing in a kite in case the wind fills in. 8m or 10m bws noise? Any advice appreciated.

QLD, 1011 posts
9 Apr 2013 10:05PM
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Rarely any wind there, surf is sick though, but check this before you go just in

Nate KSO
QLD, 91 posts
10 Apr 2013 12:02AM
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Hey mate,

I kited over there in 2007 I was working there for 6 months, from April to September, yes you can get some wind...its light but occasionally it comes up and its pretty good. Only kited in the lagoons, but watched a couple of guys wash up on the left hander Honkys trying to kite in far too light conditions...

My opinion surf surf and take a kite and maybe you'll get lucky...

Enjoy its water world over there...looking forward to the day I go back :)

VIC, 12 posts
22 May 2013 7:47PM
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Thanks guys, didn't end up taking kites due to luggage weight. Murphy's law - it blew over 13 knots for 5 days out of 8 and the swell was 0.5ft till the last two days where it can up to 2ft. Rule of thumb - one less board add take a kite ever time.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiting Maldives in May" started by bowen