Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kiting Rules Clarification

Created by Mistral Nick > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2023
Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
9 Jan 2023 10:52AM
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Hi I just wanted to clarify in my head two rules ie Down Wind Kite having ROW and Kite on Starboard Tack having ROW. If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way? I understand that we must always try to avoid a collision no matter but I am a little confused.
Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick

WA, 1536 posts
9 Jan 2023 9:50AM
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Hi Nick,

I recently posted this new ROW rules poster on our website:

If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way?

A collision course suggests that no one is really upwind of one other so this question is a bit confusing. Either way, the starboard tack kiter has right of way so should keep it's course upwind and kite up, while Port tack kiter goes downwind and keep the kite down.

i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?

Common sense prevails here. If the person in front of you can't go anywhere and, as a result, must change direction, it only makes sense that you change direction.

hope this helps


Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
9 Jan 2023 3:53PM
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Thanks Christian. In relation to the first query I was thinking of our local flat water spot which is usually cross on shore SE or NE hence kiters may both be on a reach but on different tacks, one being usually slightly upwind with a potential for collision.
Your answer makes sense.

623 posts
9 Jan 2023 6:09PM
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Mistral Nick said..

Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick

This just happens from time to time. Sometimes people are just in a bit of a world of their own. Everyone does it ocassionally. You just need to try and avoid the person who isn't tuned into the world that day and try not to let it ruin your session.

Assuming the other rider is upwind of you then its best just to use a downloop transition and ride away.

WA, 857 posts
9 Jan 2023 8:42PM
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I nor anyone I know have ever adhered to any ROW rules in terms of starboard vs port tack. It doesn't make sense in practical terms when wind direction in relation shoreline are completely variable, as are solid land or open sea vs starboard/port tack... a starboard tack could mean in one location your heading away from the shore and in another location your heading towards the shore.
The only thing that really works is common sense, experience and consideration. Those things are not always present or available in all riders. The prevailing unspoken ROW rule used by the experienced regulars at my local (and the one I use) is the rider heading away from the shore will give way to the rider heading toward the shore if on a collision course.
Newbies mostly dont understand this simply through inexperience or don't have enough kite control to make that happen. They are best given a very wide berth

QLD, 5283 posts
9 Jan 2023 11:16PM
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Be nimble......

37 posts
9 Jan 2023 11:17PM
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snalberski said..
the rider heading away from the shore will give way to the rider heading toward the shore

Was that meant to be the other way around? If I'm heading towards shore & see someone waiting to take off or paddling out with a wing I always turn around early so they can head out. Not everyone does though for some reason?

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
10 Jan 2023 8:03AM
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greenleader said..
Be nimble......

Ya gotta be :

NSW, 1515 posts
10 Jan 2023 2:18PM
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Mistral Nick said..
Hi I just wanted to clarify in my head two rules ie Down Wind Kite having ROW and Kite on Starboard Tack having ROW. If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way? I understand that we must always try to avoid a collision no matter but I am a little confused.
Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick

Kiter on wave has right of way....

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
10 Jan 2023 5:09PM
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loco4olas said..

Mistral Nick said..
Hi I just wanted to clarify in my head two rules ie Down Wind Kite having ROW and Kite on Starboard Tack having ROW. If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way? I understand that we must always try to avoid a collision no matter but I am a little confused.
Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick

Kiter on wave has right of way....

Yeah thanks, that I know. This is a flat water spot, the runs aren't that long and many people congregate to do their tricks so you have to thread the needle back to landing area.
It's OK though, I know common sense prevails in general, I just wanted some general feedback.

WA, 857 posts
10 Jan 2023 7:20PM
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LucienSanchez said..

snalberski said..
the rider heading away from the shore will give way to the rider heading toward the shore

Was that meant to be the other way around? If I'm heading towards shore & see someone waiting to take off or paddling out with a wing I always turn around early so they can head out. Not everyone does though for some reason?

No as described... The rider heading out to sea gives way to the rider approaching the the shore if a collision is possible.
The logic in our location really is that the rider approaching the shore has just spent effort getting upwind and is setting themselves up for a boost or some such thing.
Sometimes a rider heading seaward will do a boost or trick that will deliberately take them down wind to avoid conflict with a shore bound rider.
Short trackers really f**k the understanding that the regulars have.

WA, 74 posts
11 Jan 2023 8:40AM
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too right berski, i know someone who hates short trackers...

QLD, 355 posts
11 Jan 2023 12:27PM
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ROW is ridiculous in recreational kiting, we aren't a vessel, you can stop and change direction pretty much immediately.

One goes downwind, the other goes upwind, give each other a smile as you pass.

ROW just creates weirdo's who think everyone has to give way to them.

QLD, 152 posts
11 Jan 2023 1:21PM
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EastCC said..
ROW is ridiculous in recreational kiting, we aren't a vessel, you can stop and change direction pretty much immediately.

One goes downwind, the other goes upwind, give each other a smile as you pass.

ROW just creates weirdo's who think everyone has to give way to them.

Generally, whoever would win in a fight has row, next determining factor is whoever is going faster. Boardies outside WS never have row. Portside starboard lol

WA, 59 posts
11 Jan 2023 1:39PM
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EastCC said..
ROW is ridiculous in recreational kiting, we aren't a vessel, you can stop and change direction pretty much immediately.

One goes downwind, the other goes upwind, give each other a smile as you pass.

ROW just creates weirdo's who think everyone has to give way to them.

ROW rules avoid the stare down contest of "I don't want to give way, you just go downwind", or even the opposite of both being nice and going downwind still on a collision course, it allow for easier and safer riding for everyone.

NSW, 1261 posts
15 Jan 2023 2:54PM
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I think the most important thing with ROW is to make your intention early and obviously
Kiters tend to do this with kite positioning
Up high in the window (11/1 O'clock) Means you want to go upwind
Down low in the window (9:30/2:30) Means you want to go downwind
The problem with many Surf hero's is they have there kites up high when they are going downwind on a wave

QLD, 47 posts
23 Jan 2023 1:35PM
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Not sure about ROW rules (I can never remember what starboard is - even less what a starboard tack is - and I wouldn't assume anyone else knows), however basic courtesy would be nice and at the very least the most basic of logic of if you're upwind keep your kite up and down if you're down wind.
At Caloundra I cannot tell you how many times I've had to change direction because someone is approaching from down wind (not collision course) with their kite at 11:30 - weird.
While on the subject of fellow kiters.... it would be awesome if other kiters would offer assistance when someone is obviously in trouble - if someone is waving for help.. it doesn't always mean they are saying "hi" - please confirm with them before riding past - again - weird.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiting Rules Clarification" started by Mistral Nick