Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kiting Rules Clarification

Created by Mistral Nick > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2023
Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
9 Jan 2023 10:52AM
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Hi I just wanted to clarify in my head two rules ie Down Wind Kite having ROW and Kite on Starboard Tack having ROW. If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way? I understand that we must always try to avoid a collision no matter but I am a little confused.
Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick

WA, 50 posts
9 Jan 2023 1:40PM
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The rules for kite racing come from the rules for boats which is what you are partially referencing, but freeride and surf kiting seems to have some of its own rules, like right of way on a wave or when leaving the beach give way etc. But RE racing the port/starboard rule is first (apart from rule 14 - avoid collision at all costs) then the windward leeward rule so a kite on port tack will always give way to a kite on starboard tack. So in the situation you describe the kite on port tack (left hand forward) on a collision course - even if they are going downwind and the other kite is going upwind will have to give way and move out of the way of the other kite, usually by going clear astern. This gets more confusing with TT as both are reaching towards each other so its often more of who is upwind more and then you each put your kites up/down to make way for each other, this gets pretty weird when you ride a race foil through TT areas as the angles are so different.

RE your second point, in kitefoil racing (and boats) when you are being pushed out by a kite to windward of you and you want to tack you can't if you are on starboard tack, they can run you off the course or make you go behind etc. But if you are running into an obstruction (like a sandbank) you can signal to the other kite and call out that you are obstructed and tack forcing them to do the same. If they are crazy enough to not also turn then rule 14 applies- avoid collision but in racing you can then call protest despite you being on port tack and them on starboard.

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
9 Jan 2023 3:45PM
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Thanks for info Derek.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiting Rules Clarification" started by Mistral Nick