Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kiting Rules Clarification

Created by Mistral Nick > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2023
Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
9 Jan 2023 10:52AM
Thumbs Up

Hi I just wanted to clarify in my head two rules ie Down Wind Kite having ROW and Kite on Starboard Tack having ROW. If the kite on a starboard tack is upwind on on a collision course with a kite on a port tack who gives way? I understand that we must always try to avoid a collision no matter but I am a little confused.
Secondly yesterday while kiting a local spot i was followed into the mouth of a creek where I was going to transition. I couldn't really go much further but the kite following kept coming. I gave the universal "I'm turning signal" but she still kept coming so I sat on my arse with my kite at 12 and waited for her to pass as I yelled out "why?" Is it the responsibility of the person following to keep clear?
Cheers Nick


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiting Rules Clarification" started by Mistral Nick