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Kook kiting through surfers & swimmers - Torquay

Created by Surfer62 > 9 months ago, 3 Apr 2010
1357 posts
3 Apr 2010 3:53PM
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Scenario: Busiest weekend of the year for Torquay, EASTER !! Hundreds of families enjoying the safety of Cosy Corner ( called cosy corner because its protected from wind/swell and therefore a family magnet) nice little 1-2' high tide waves for families to play in, lots of swimmers and kids learning to surf, I see a father and son paddling out tandem, blissfully enjoying the moment, on a very long mal, nice pic eh. Wind SE 9-12knts.

Enter the kiting kook, big blue and black waroo, kites straight at the father and son duo, father takes evasive action to avoid collision, kiter just misses them and keeps going closer inshore into the mix of surfers and swimmers, tacks and heads back through the now pissed off throng, back past the father/son, I can see from shore that father not impressed, tries to remonstrate with kook kiter, kook kiter responds by giving him the bird.

Farq me, this isnt first time this kook has kited through surfers/swimmers, Torquay SLSC club has already made complaints to the police about kiters, this kook will singlehandedly get kiting banned at Torquay. Not to mention setting bad example for visiting kiters.

But alas I'm wasting my time shaming him here because he's so cool he says he doesnt look at

I did however have a chat with the surfing dad and point out the kooks car.

Karma will avail. [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

ACT, 9 posts
3 Apr 2010 8:41PM
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Thanks for the beat down there Birchy.

There are a number of errors in your "outraged" message that need to be clarified. In addition, you're deliberately trying to paint me as some sort of out-of-control aggressive kook, blasting the sweet father-son tandem team "blissfully enjoying the moment. I'm unsure of the reasons for the negativity and aggression inherent in your post, but will try to clarify the situation:

1) I was in a "sail/kite" zone, ie on the windward side of the line demarcating wind sports from swimmers. I'm quite obsessive about staying on the correct side of this line (others can confirm this, as well as my easygoing and diplomatic demeanour on the water).

2) 99.9% of the time I will give everyone a wide berth and avoid going anywhere near swimmers and surfers. There were a number of reasons I got close to the dad and son on their 11' mal on this occassion:
- I was on a peaking wave and was committed; I couldn't jibe off it without under running my kite.
- I was well clear of the dad/son with my board. Unfortunately they did cop some spray - but as stated - I was committed.
- I rode the same wave from "Mini-Tubes" for 100m. The dad was paddling out TOWARDS me. It was quite obvious from 100m out that I was on the wave IN A WIND SPORTS ZONE. He could easily have changed his trajectory ages before I got close to him.

3) Aggressive territorialism
The issue as I see it isn't so much about "irresponsible kook kiters" but aggressive territorialism. Good manners and civil behaviour are in decline in general society and aggressive territorialism is on the rise. Inappropriate aggression is seen every day at crowded surf breaks and on the road. This surfer dad seemed like he had a short fuse and wanted to make a point. His over-the-top abusive tirade was inappropriate and smacked of actually wanting to have a confrontation.

4) There are a number of factual errors in your post:
a) The father did not take evasive action.
b) I have never kited through surfers swimmers outside of a designated KITING ZONE. If kiting within the vicinity of surfers/swimmers, I deliberately steer well clear and cut them a lot of slack. My track record in terms of consideration for others is excellent.
- I'm not sure why you embellished your story with this little gem.

5) To "point out the kooks (sic) car" in the context you've just provided seems to be urging vigilante justice. Interesting angle for a policeman to take.

My reasons for not looking at don't relate to "coolness", but more to the fact I work 60-70 hour weeks. I really can't afford the time to respond to these sorts of posts and have better things to do on a Saturday night than hang on the internet, but your defamatory post, brought to may attention by a mutual friend, does require a response.

VIC, 4501 posts
3 Apr 2010 9:05PM
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Fatboy3 said...

Thanks for the beat down there Birchy.

There are a number of errors in your "outraged" message that need to be clarified. In addition, you're deliberately trying to paint me as some sort of out-of-control aggressive kook, blasting the sweet father-son tandem team "blissfully enjoying the moment. I'm unsure of the reasons for the negativity and aggression inherent in your post, but will try to clarify the situation:

1) I was in a "sail/kite" zone, ie on the windward side of the line demarcating wind sports from swimmers. I'm quite obsessive about staying on the correct side of this line (others can confirm this, as well as my easygoing and diplomatic demeanour on the water).

2) 99.9% of the time I will give everyone a wide berth and avoid going anywhere near swimmers and surfers. There were a number of reasons I got close to the dad and son on their 11' mal on this occassion:
- I was on a peaking wave and was committed; I couldn't jibe off it without under running my kite.
- I was well clear of the dad/son with my board. Unfortunately they did cop some spray - but as stated - I was committed.
- I rode the same wave from "Mini-Tubes" for 100m. The dad was paddling out TOWARDS me. It was quite obvious from 100m out that I was on the wave IN A WIND SPORTS ZONE. He could easily have changed his trajectory ages before I got close to him.

3) Aggressive territorialism
The issue as I see it isn't so much about "irresponsible kook kiters" but aggressive territorialism. Good manners and civil behaviour are in decline in general society and aggressive territorialism is on the rise. Inappropriate aggression is seen every day at crowded surf breaks and on the road. This surfer dad seemed like he had a short fuse and wanted to make a point. His over-the-top abusive tirade was inappropriate and smacked of actually wanting to have a confrontation.

4) There are a number of factual errors in your post:
a) The father did not take evasive action.
b) I have never kited through surfers swimmers outside of a designated KITING ZONE. If kiting within the vicinity of surfers/swimmers, I deliberately steer well clear and cut them a lot of slack. My track record in terms of consideration for others is excellent.
- I'm not sure why you embellished your story with this little gem.

5) To "point out the kooks (sic) car" in the context you've just provided seems to be urging vigilante justice. Interesting angle for a policeman to take.

My reasons for not looking at don't relate to "coolness", but more to the fact I work 60-70 hour weeks. I really can't afford the time to respond to these sorts of posts and have better things to do on a Saturday night than hang on the internet, but your defamatory post, brought to may attention by a mutual friend, does require a response.

You do realise of course that:

1. Swimmer are not confined to the swimming areas
2. You still have to remain at 5 knots when travelling within 50m of swimmers, irrespective of whether they are in the swimming zone or not.
3. Its probably worth your while to attend a skippers so you actually understand the boating laws we are required to adhere to.
4. I'm not quite sure why kiters insist on going out on the days when the beaches are the busiest

1357 posts
3 Apr 2010 6:08PM
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Took the bait fatboy

Good to see you acknowledge you're a dangerous kook but not too cool to drop in on seabreeze , maybe Tony tipped you off ?

For the sake of the local and visiting kiters and safety of those who dont know the dangers a kite or inconsiderate kiter can pose, can you just stay away from the casual surfer/swimmers/little children ?

Do what a responsible kiter would do and jibe/transition at least 50 metres from anyone else.

I actually saved you from a punch in the mouth by the angry dad who spotted kite gear in my car ! I didnt really point out you're car, that was a bit more bait

I have told you before that your kiting has lead to complaints but you chose to just ignore the subtle advice.

Nice rant too, shoot the messenger that's the best reply.

Happy winds

1357 posts
3 Apr 2010 6:11PM
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Fatboy3 said...

Thanks for the beat down there Birchy.

There are a number of errors in your "outraged" message that need to be clarified. In addition, you're deliberately trying to paint me as some sort of out-of-control aggressive kook, blasting the sweet father-son tandem team "blissfully enjoying the moment. I'm unsure of the reasons for the negativity and aggression inherent in your post, but will try to clarify the situation:

1) I was in a "sail/kite" zone, ie on the windward side of the line demarcating wind sports from swimmers. I'm quite obsessive about staying on the correct side of this line (others can confirm this, as well as my easygoing and diplomatic demeanour on the water).

2) 99.9% of the time I will give everyone a wide berth and avoid going anywhere near swimmers and surfers. There were a number of reasons I got close to the dad and son on their 11' mal on this occassion:
- I was on a peaking wave and was committed; I couldn't jibe off it without under running my kite.
- I was well clear of the dad/son with my board. Unfortunately they did cop some spray - but as stated - I was committed.
- I rode the same wave from "Mini-Tubes" for 100m. The dad was paddling out TOWARDS me. It was quite obvious from 100m out that I was on the wave IN A WIND SPORTS ZONE. He could easily have changed his trajectory ages before I got close to him.

3) Aggressive territorialism
The issue as I see it isn't so much about "irresponsible kook kiters" but aggressive territorialism. Good manners and civil behaviour are in decline in general society and aggressive territorialism is on the rise. Inappropriate aggression is seen every day at crowded surf breaks and on the road. This surfer dad seemed like he had a short fuse and wanted to make a point. His over-the-top abusive tirade was inappropriate and smacked of actually wanting to have a confrontation.

4) There are a number of factual errors in your post:
a) The father did not take evasive action.
b) I have never kited through surfers swimmers outside of a designated KITING ZONE. If kiting within the vicinity of surfers/swimmers, I deliberately steer well clear and cut them a lot of slack. My track record in terms of consideration for others is excellent.
- I'm not sure why you embellished your story with this little gem.

5) To "point out the kooks (sic) car" in the context you've just provided seems to be urging vigilante justice. Interesting angle for a policeman to take.

My reasons for not looking at don't relate to "coolness", but more to the fact I work 60-70 hour weeks. I really can't afford the time to respond to these sorts of posts and have better things to do on a Saturday night than hang on the internet, but your defamatory post, brought to may attention by a mutual friend, does require a response.

Had to read this again and keep it here for posterity !!!!!!! No editing now fatboy

ACT, 9 posts
3 Apr 2010 9:17PM
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Yeh, I do realise swimmers/surfers aren't confined to the "swimmers" area. As a member of the local marine rescue service, I had to get a "Boating Licence", so am well versed in the rules of the road. Yeh, I know about the 5 knot rule. 5 knots is equivalent to a brisk walk - probably about the speed I was riding (wave riding with a 6'7" surfboard). The business or otherwise of the beach shouldn't enter into this argument: I was in a "sail" zone jibing away from the "swim" zone. On those few occasions where surfers were in the "sail" zone (most of them were in the "swim" zone), I gave them a wide berth. As previously stated, I work up to 70h weeks, so have to make hay when the sun shines.

NSW, 1515 posts
3 Apr 2010 9:19PM
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Ding ding
Round 3.......

1357 posts
3 Apr 2010 6:25PM
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Fatboy3 said...


Yeh, I do realise swimmers/surfers aren't confined to the "swimmers" area. As a member of the local marine rescue service, I had to get a "Boating Licence", so am well versed in the rules of the road. Yeh, I know about the 5 knot rule. 5 knots is equivalent to a brisk walk - probably about the speed I was riding (wave riding with a 6'7" surfboard). The business or otherwise of the beach shouldn't enter into this argument: I was in a "sail" zone jibing away from the "swim" zone. On those few occasions where surfers were in the "sail" zone (most of them were in the "swim" zone), I gave them a wide berth. As previously stated, I work up to 70h weeks, so have to make hay when the sun shines.

lol, it gets better and better

NSW, 184 posts
3 Apr 2010 9:47PM
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I think this wind sport zone would go well at my local. Would that mean i have right of way over everyone that enters the zone?

209 posts
3 Apr 2010 7:27PM
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Just when I thought tonight was going to be boring.......

NSW, 149 posts
3 Apr 2010 10:54PM
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Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image.

It is usually, but not always, a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

...pretty close, even for a wiki answer.

QLD, 271 posts
3 Apr 2010 10:04PM
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Holy smoke's guys this is getting out of control!!. easy to see why surfer's pee'd off!! i'd be pished off too if i saw anyone going through the flags at any Qld beach. Fatboy, Does'nt matter a dam whos in wat zone, if the father and son's on a surf board on an empty beach, AVIOD LIKE THE PLAGUE DUDE. Are you stupid enough to get the sport banned for everyone??.

VIC, 772 posts
3 Apr 2010 11:40PM
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Surfer62 said...

Scenario: Busiest weekend of the year for Torquay, EASTER !! Hundreds of families enjoying the safety of Cosy Corner ( called cosy corner because its protected from wind/swell and therefore a family magnet) nice little 1-2' high tide waves for families to play in, lots of swimmers and kids learning to surf, I see a father and son paddling out tandem, blissfully enjoying the moment, on a very long mal, nice pic eh. Wind SE 9-12knts.

Enter the kiting kook, big blue and black waroo, kites straight at the father and son duo, father takes evasive action to avoid collision, kiter just misses them and keeps going closer inshore into the mix of surfers and swimmers, tacks and heads back through the now pissed off throng, back past the father/son, I can see from shore that father not impressed, tries to remonstrate with kook kiter, kook kiter responds by giving him the bird.

Farq me, this isnt first time this kook has kited through surfers/swimmers, Torquay SLSC club has already made complaints to the police about kiters, this kook will singlehandedly get kiting banned at Torquay. Not to mention setting bad example for visiting kiters.

But alas I'm wasting my time shaming him here because he's so cool he says he doesnt look at

I did however have a chat with the surfing dad and point out the kooks car.

Karma will avail. [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

just wanted to keep that on record too

VIC, 4501 posts
4 Apr 2010 1:13AM
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Fatboy3 said...


Yeh, I do realise swimmers/surfers aren't confined to the "swimmers" area. As a member of the local marine rescue service, I had to get a "Boating Licence", so am well versed in the rules of the road. Yeh, I know about the 5 knot rule. 5 knots is equivalent to a brisk walk - probably about the speed I was riding (wave riding with a 6'7" surfboard). The business or otherwise of the beach shouldn't enter into this argument: I was in a "sail" zone jibing away from the "swim" zone. On those few occasions where surfers were in the "sail" zone (most of them were in the "swim" zone), I gave them a wide berth. As previously stated, I work up to 70h weeks, so have to make hay when the sun shines.

1. if you were going fast enough to spray them, it was over 5 knots.

2. there are plenty of quiet beaches you could have kited outside of your 70 HR week.

QLD, 271 posts
4 Apr 2010 12:18AM
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if your kiting where swimmers are, and you need to be told.... your a dik

SA, 2884 posts
4 Apr 2010 8:56AM
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This is way out of control. and Surfers version does not correlate with what I saw.

I also was kiting there, albeit underpowered wishing I had the extra 6m2 of the blue kite and a surfboard.

In fact when reading the first post in this thread and the description of Busiest and the illusion of huge crowds etc. I am wondering if Surfer62 was maybe in a different town.

Plus from my own experience kiting there on that day and at that time. All other water users in the vicinity were trying to get closer for a better look, so the real issue was keeping a distance due to others heading towards you.

On each and every time that I saw "The Kiter" ride in on a wave he jibed away from others in the water when he saw them.

Not like the manyfold more SUPs that were going the same speed due to riding the same waves but rode those waves right through ALL the swimmers.

Then of course in the description given by 62 does it mention that the kiter did stay in the 'Sail craft only' zone and that the other water users going into that zone were, as I previously stated primarily doing so to get closer to us.

this whole thread appears to me to be born of sensationalism born of boredom.
there is no substance to these allegations, No threat to kiting areas, no threat to public safety.
a thread best put in a UFO magazine.

VIC, 672 posts
4 Apr 2010 10:27AM
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starting to sound to me like ole 62 didnt have a big enough kite to get out themselves.

VIC, 4501 posts
4 Apr 2010 10:33AM
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RAL INN said...


This is way out of control. and Surfers version does not correlate with what I saw.

I also was kiting there, albeit underpowered wishing I had the extra 6m2 of the blue kite and a surfboard.

In fact when reading the first post in this thread and the description of Busiest and the illusion of huge crowds etc. I am wondering if Surfer62 was maybe in a different town.

Plus from my own experience kiting there on that day and at that time. All other water users in the vicinity were trying to get closer for a better look, so the real issue was keeping a distance due to others heading towards you.

On each and every time that I saw "The Kiter" ride in on a wave he jibed away from others in the water when he saw them.

Not like the manyfold more SUPs that were going the same speed due to riding the same waves but rode those waves right through ALL the swimmers.

Then of course in the description given by 62 does it mention that the kiter did stay in the 'Sail craft only' zone and that the other water users going into that zone were, as I previously stated primarily doing so to get closer to us.

this whole thread appears to me to be born of sensationalism born of boredom.
there is no substance to these allegations, No threat to kiting areas, no threat to public safety.
a thread best put in a UFO magazine.

Sorry Tony. If he was close enough to admit spraying surfers or swimmers, how does that not qualify as too close?

1357 posts
4 Apr 2010 9:03AM
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sleek1 said...

starting to sound to me like ole 62 didnt have a big enough kite to get out themselves.

Yeah, bugger!! I only had a 12 with me, otherwise I would have gven that father/son duo and all the other no hopers in/on the water the what for, how dare they be in a kiters way, scurillous.

1357 posts
4 Apr 2010 9:19AM
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RAL INN said...


This is way out of control. and Surfers version does not correlate with what I saw.

I also was kiting there, albeit underpowered wishing I had the extra 6m2 of the blue kite and a surfboard.

In fact when reading the first post in this thread and the description of Busiest and the illusion of huge crowds etc. I am wondering if Surfer62 was maybe in a different town.

Plus from my own experience kiting there on that day and at that time. All other water users in the vicinity were trying to get closer for a better look, so the real issue was keeping a distance due to others heading towards you.

On each and every time that I saw "The Kiter" ride in on a wave he jibed away from others in the water when he saw them.

Not like the manyfold more SUPs that were going the same speed due to riding the same waves but rode those waves right through ALL the swimmers.

Then of course in the description given by 62 does it mention that the kiter did stay in the 'Sail craft only' zone and that the other water users going into that zone were, as I previously stated primarily doing so to get closer to us.

this whole thread appears to me to be born of sensationalism born of boredom.
there is no substance to these allegations, No threat to kiting areas, no threat to public safety.
a thread best put in a UFO magazine.


There is no "sail craft only zone", the signage indcates sail craft to stay out of the inner swimming area not the other way around. People just dont understand the dangers of the kite so it is up to us to be responsible and avoid them at all costs, fatboy was just showing off, reckless and irresponsible.

No-one can condone kiting through swimmers/surfers and fatboy did it more than once, you had actually packed up and left long before we left the beach.

I have been already been in contact with local authorities to organise more signage to assist both kiters and others. Ive also consulted with the water police who are trying to let kiters self regulate but their patience is not going to last. Its all about educating the public and common sense by kiters. But then again you dont live here so you wouldnt be bothered if we get banned, for your information the talk around town is to ban the kiters, Ive lived here for 25 years.

Whilst you and fatboy try to water it down, go ahead and live in denial, Im trying to fix the problem.

But good on ya for sticking up for ya mate fatboy anyways.

VIC, 1607 posts
4 Apr 2010 11:20AM
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Holy guacamole!

Threats, machismo, widely divergent versions of events, this thread has it all.

Seriously, when I see this much bluster, I suspect there are some other issues bubbling away below the surface of what seems a simple disagreement about etiquette and protocol.

Sure the etiquette and safety stuff are important, but if they're being distorted by other angst then this is not the way to resolve it.

It takes a certain type of strength to fight, and another type of strength to be able to back down and consider perspectives other than one's own.

Take care,


WA, 1501 posts
4 Apr 2010 9:43AM
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You have to be especially careful in Victoria because the vast majority of people There are very poor swimmers.

NSW, 280 posts
4 Apr 2010 11:49AM
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VIC, 672 posts
4 Apr 2010 12:43PM
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Surfer62 said...

sleek1 said...

starting to sound to me like ole 62 didnt have a big enough kite to get out themselves.

Yeah, bugger!! I only had a 12 with me, otherwise I would have gven that father/son duo and all the other no hopers in/on the water the what for, how dare they be in a kiters way, scurillous.

anyone else see your version of events?

QLD, 3615 posts
4 Apr 2010 12:50PM
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Fat boy, are you serious? Are you really taking legal action?
Would that be worth the money?
Why don't you just face him man to man at the beach.
Sounds a bit soft fatboy..

1357 posts
4 Apr 2010 10:53AM
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sleek1 said...

Surfer62 said...

sleek1 said...

starting to sound to me like ole 62 didnt have a big enough kite to get out themselves.

Yeah, bugger!! I only had a 12 with me, otherwise I would have gven that father/son duo and all the other no hopers in/on the water the what for, how dare they be in a kiters way, scurillous.

anyone else see your version of events?

Yep the non-kiting person with me who asked "Isn't that dangerous kiting so close to surfers and swimmers?" and about 200 people on the beach/grass area.

He admits doing it himself !

NSW, 551 posts
4 Apr 2010 1:39PM
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Fatboy3 said...

a) The father did not take evasive action.

This is the bit that really sticks in my throat. Fatboy how dare you be so arragant. If I was the one surfing I wouldn't feel any requirement to give way to the sailers either. A surfer has right of way on anything he can catch. If you can't accept that, well I guess our kitezones are doomed

VIC, 672 posts
4 Apr 2010 5:10PM
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Surfer62 said...

sleek1 said...

Surfer62 said...

sleek1 said...

starting to sound to me like ole 62 didnt have a big enough kite to get out themselves.

Yeah, bugger!! I only had a 12 with me, otherwise I would have gven that father/son duo and all the other no hopers in/on the water the what for, how dare they be in a kiters way, scurillous.

anyone else see your version of events?

Yep the non-kiting person with me who asked "Isn't that dangerous kiting so close to surfers and swimmers?" and about 200 people on the beach/grass area.

He admits doing it himself !

ah. so fatboy and Ral inn are mates.sorry seen the blame thing happen before and the outcome was totaly different.

VIC, 858 posts
4 Apr 2010 5:24PM
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This reminds me of the story a few years back of a well known Vic kiter that thought all the folk on the beach waving and yelling at him was because he was 'Going Off' ...... actual fact he had jumped over a couple of kids swimming....he is probably still oblivious to his stupidity

In Victoria most of the signs posted stating sailing areas are local guidelines only in an attempt to create some harmony between the water users. Fact is areas can only be designated by Parks Vic. After 25 years the signs along the Kingston council foreshore that indicated windsurfing areas were removed because they were not legally correct. Rediculous as they still indicated to all beach goers the activities to be aware of in the area.

If kiting gets banned by one council in one location many will soon follow, its is up to us all to kite responsibly and speak up when others dont!!

VIC, 672 posts
4 Apr 2010 7:20PM
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wishy said...

You have to be especially careful in Victoria because the vast majority of people There are very poor swimmers.

Ah. is that why they made a television show called bondi rescue.

WA, 71 posts
4 Apr 2010 7:26PM
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Select to expand quote
Smithy said...

This reminds me of the story a few years back of a well known Vic kiter that thought all the folk on the beach waving and yelling at him was because he was 'Going Off' ...... actual fact he had jumped over a couple of kids swimming....he is probably still oblivious to his stupidity

seems like he made a good job of "evasive action"


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kook kiting through surfers & swimmers - Torquay" started by Surfer62