Forums > Kitesurfing General

Learning to kiteloop

Created by tgladman > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2011
WA, 500 posts
18 Sep 2011 9:09PM
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Just wondering if there's preferable conditions to be learning to kiteloop in? I would imagine it'd be high winds 25 - 30knts on a smaller kite as it'll loop quicker say a 7 or something but this will mean bigger consequences when inevitably coming unstuck in the learning process???
Have been giving it a crack in the low 20's on my 10m switchy which is obviously a little slower to turn but not as bigger crash. Should I keep practicing like this or wait till I'm out on the 7? How did u learn?

QLD, 307 posts
19 Sep 2011 11:21AM
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big kite light winds

WA, 1874 posts
19 Sep 2011 9:34AM
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get a helmet and vest and youll nail it quicker = their Superman accessories for the beating your gonna get if you go huge or dont keep that backhand down fun though

The Progression video has a good little breakdown of it and you can run thru it a hundred times before your gonnads get big enough to do it

Another good little idea is to stand out in a SAFE area of water (easy if you can Jesus walk
and get used to looping the kite both directions.. then regaining control as quick as you can.
It will teach you how your model kite will rotate - slow/quick or even backstall if not tuned properly... try it at various bar postions and feel/note the effect on the kite.
This way, youll know what the kite will do (the fear [}:)] factor) before you jump...

and most importantly.... learn to keep that back hand turned down

IMO have fun

QLD, 559 posts
19 Sep 2011 11:43AM
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im learning loops too
pulled some in light\big kite conditions
failed in strong \small kite conditions but it was so much more exciting !!

QLD, 549 posts
19 Sep 2011 1:19PM
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I've accidentally looped a few times recently, ouch. I was on small kite, decent winds. When I watch people loop, there seems to be less danger when unhooked. I've only ever tried hooked in and I seem to get yanked through my core and can't stay balanced. Unhooking would appear to "stretch" you out more and therefore less chance of over rotating and more chance of staying in control and having some idea of where you are??

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
19 Sep 2011 11:30PM
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JAKE123 said...

big kite light winds

Spot on
Big kite, light wind.

Pork Hunt
8 posts
19 Sep 2011 9:34PM
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fkn sik as

WA, 500 posts
19 Sep 2011 10:04PM
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Thanks heaps for the advice guys. Much appreciated. Will take it on board in my loop pursuit.

NSW, 631 posts
20 Sep 2011 8:50AM
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Here's an alternative that i inadvertently used. If you do back loop transitions to change direction then simply loop the kite and yourself and continue in the same direction. In the normal back loop transition you are almost at a standstill before popping out of the water and the kite doesnt have too much power so it's a fairly safe way of getting the feel of the loop. You still get some pull through the loop so don't land crossed up or your knees will pay.

WA, 134 posts
20 Sep 2011 10:38AM
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robbo1111 said...

Here's an alternative that i inadvertently used. If you do back loop transitions to change direction then simply loop the kite and yourself and continue in the same direction.

ahmen to that, this is how i learnt, loop at the end of a run to change direction, just loop the kite at the side of the window to get a feeling for the pull. after your comfortable with this gradually loop closer to the danger zone until your fanging. but seriously big kite light wind is the go, looping overpowered in 30knots is not for the faint hearted

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
20 Sep 2011 3:27PM
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90% commitment
10% skill

Strong or light winds - only the consequences vary.

One way to force the commitment is to add a back roll kiteloop and take your front hand off the bar, the natural rotation and the fact you only have your back hand on the bar will help bring the kite around.

And watch those knees

678 posts
20 Sep 2011 2:31PM
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Yea mate big kite light winds ,i always go out trying new s**t on a 14m once you've got it sussed its easy to do on a smaller kite,also found tha a set of line extensions also helps when looping on a bigger kite ,allows the kite to loop using less of the window.

QLD, 549 posts
20 Sep 2011 6:21PM
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harry potter said...

90% commitment
10% skill

Strong or light winds - only the consequences vary.

One way to force the commitment is to add a back roll kiteloop and take your front hand off the bar, the natural rotation and the fact you only have your back hand on the bar will help bring the kite around.

And watch those knees

Totally agree about the backroll. I'm not landing all of them yet, but it really helps you get the feel and confidence for looping. Because you turn away from the kite and counter the strong pull it really helps to stay controlled.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Learning to kiteloop" started by tgladman