Forums > Kitesurfing General

Load and plop at Melville!

Created by gruezi > 9 months ago, 26 Nov 2008
WA, 3464 posts
26 Nov 2008 9:18PM
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I'm not in a humerous mood.

If you are in such great form that you can do the load and pop handle pass squiggly thing.....which is very hard to do, please practice your great skills outside the yellow markers at Melville. It is always the same thing...load and pop and then squiggly followed by dropped kite and plop....then we all have to watch in wonderment......and wait for the relaunch.............boring.

WA, 568 posts
26 Nov 2008 11:51PM
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QLD, 4083 posts
27 Nov 2008 10:48AM
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I do believe Nick is trying to say: "Stay outside the buoys at Melville"


WA, 40 posts
27 Nov 2008 10:51AM
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Yeah, big props to Gruezi!

Saw him actively chase down a couple of crew on the water yesterday who were ignorant to the new regs. All was cool when he explained the situation.

Looks like the word is getting out and most people are staying outside the buoys. Cheers to everyone doing the right thing and passing the word on.

Keep it up people...

WA, 175 posts
27 Nov 2008 11:06AM
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I secound that to. Its vey scary watchin some-one crashing right near the shore.

WA, 762 posts
27 Nov 2008 12:33PM
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Yesterday was fresh gusty Westerlies at times being direct onshore. The majority of the crew where inside the buoys. It hard not to be on a W.

Yes there where people doing unhooked stuff inside the buoys but there where plenty of others staying upwind riding through the Buoys. If you want to stay outside of the Buoys you need to tack out into the deeper water so do it.

That goes for tricksters AND cruisers or am I interpreting the rules incorrectly here?

QLD, 4083 posts
27 Nov 2008 1:50PM
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As far as I understand the rules are that you session outside the buoys, whatever you're doing, and only come inside them for launching and landing. If you're misinterpreting that then I think there's something wrong.

I don't think crashing the kite on a botched flicky-spin-thing counts as landing either hey?

WA, 3619 posts
27 Nov 2008 1:23PM
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Pat is perfectly right.
All session kiting; including body dragging and learning; is to be done OUTSIDE the bouys.
It will be clear once signage is provided but in the meantime kiters in the know must talk to offenders. Use the little intro cards waksa provides in your welcome pack to help start up a conversation and to get the right info across. You have to realise you are dangerously close to losing this site altogether.
If its westerley and you cant kite upwind to get outside of the launch/land zone you shouldnt be kiting there in a westerly - simple.

WA, 40 posts
27 Nov 2008 1:34PM
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puppetonastring said...

If its westerley and you cant kite upwind to get outside of the launch/land zone you shouldnt be kiting there in a westerly - simple.

Too true...

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
28 Nov 2008 3:48PM
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gruezi said...

I'm not in a humerous mood.

If you are in such great form that you can do the load and pop handle pass squiggly thing.....which is very hard to do, please practice your great skills outside the yellow markers at Melville. It is always the same thing...load and pop and then squiggly followed by dropped kite and plop....then we all have to watch in wonderment......and wait for the relaunch.............boring.

squiggly = gold

from now on all these moves shall be refered to as squigglys

WA, 1790 posts
28 Nov 2008 6:10PM
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I may as well jump on the band wagon as I find myself kiting into the beach to walk up the beach all the time in the gusty and or light SSW winds. So long as you walk up the beach with your kite out over the water there shouldn't be a problem?

The markers are a fair way out I estimate 2+ maybe 3 kite line lengths depending on your position and the tide... Some people were down on the beach in almost a full Westerly breeze the other day ,at around the area of the bouys learning in a full onshore gusty westerly wind? If a kite is going to land on a car or in a tree or someone get dragged up a beach it's gonna be a learner in onshore winds? Why bother when it's not suitable?

Last of all is there any chance of getting the markers moved in closer to the shore? What is the background as to why they are 50 meters off the beach vice any closer? Why not 30 given you are asking people to not be within that distance and nobody has 30+ meter lines?

Nick #2

WA, 1874 posts
28 Nov 2008 7:52PM
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Hmmm - a few weeks of not been logged in and

it appears some Melville Kiters have gotten more stupid !!!

Which one of you idiots thinks the Road Or Houses across the road - is the best place to land the kite if you Stuffed up on " Squigglies " lol & had to pull the safety ???


If your flash enough to pull the moves - then why the Fark dont you know how to edge your board 50 piddly meters upwind past the markers !!!!

Or is it that your using an undersized Kite for the conditions... more stupidity again !!!

Harden up & show some appreciation for the Marker Buoys - their the comprimise with local council that wanted to ban your stupid arse alltogether !!!

There are No good reasons for anything - after you lose another beach, is there ???

Have a nice day now, wont you

WA, 1874 posts
28 Nov 2008 7:54PM
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Hmmm - a few weeks of not been logged in and

it appears some Melville Kiters have gotten more stupid !!!

Which one of you idiots thinks the Road Or Houses across the road - is the best place to land the kite if you Stuffed up on " Squigglies " lol & had to pull the safety ???


If your flash enough to pull the moves - then why the Fark dont you know how to edge your board 50 piddly meters upwind past the markers !!!!

Or is it that your using an undersized Kite for the conditions... more stupidity again !!!

Harden up & show some appreciation for the Marker Buoys - their the comprimise with local council that wanted to ban your stupid arse alltogether !!!

There are No good reasons for anything - after you lose another beach, is there ???

Have a nice day now, wont you

WA, 1874 posts
28 Nov 2008 7:54PM
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Hmmm - a few weeks of not been logged in and

it appears some Melville Kiters have gotten more stupid !!!

Which one of you idiots thinks the Road Or Houses across the road - is the best place to land the kite if you Stuffed up on " Squigglies " lol & had to pull the safety ???


If your flash enough to pull the moves - then why the Fark dont you know how to edge your board 50 piddly meters upwind past the markers !!!!

Or is it that your using an undersized Kite for the conditions... more stupidity again !!!

Harden up & show some appreciation for the Marker Buoys - their the comprimise with local council that wanted to ban your stupid arse alltogether !!!

There are No good reasons for anything - after you lose another beach, is there ???

Have a nice day now, wont you

WA, 368 posts
29 Nov 2008 10:43PM
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I think you're gonna have to write Melville off after this summer unless some real enforcement is brought to bear. The rich bastards wont want ppl stuffing up their gardens with kiter blood & bone.

I suggest make it a WAKSA location ONLY. Any kiter who doesnt show membership card on demand gets an on the spot council fine. That way, interstate/international kiters wont give locals a bad reputation and WAKSA can effectively ban ppl from the site if the dont play by the rules.

Its the only way it will ever work. Non of this namby pamby pussy footing around with please do this and please do that. As if tourists are going to take any notice of signs that say "please". Forget it. Tourists have nothing to lose. But the Locals do.

Get fines and enforcement happening now or you'll lose it for sure.

NB: Frankly I dunno why anyone would go to Melville anyhow. It really sucks. But hey, if you gotta go, you gotta go....

WA, 40 posts
30 Nov 2008 10:25AM
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OK to clarify -

Several of us (Melv Kiters and local residents/rate payers), have started a dialogue with key Councillors on this issue. We've identified as non-WAKSA representatives for several reasons, however we are all financial members.

It seems the info WAKSA gave everyone is on the money and Melv is one Council meeting away from some significant regulatory reform... and not in Kiters favour.

For the record, the Councillor who is dealing with the matter and weighs up both sides of the debate is being VERY proactive and helpful towards working out an amicable solution. What he's dealing with is a long history of complaints from local residents, and he cant ignore these. However he's keen to know how to avoid a blanket ban though changing the way we go about kiting at Melville Beach to avoid further complaints and or a significant incident.

For example;
Strict seasonal restriction similar to surfing at Cott Main & City Beach Groin
Condition restrictions - say no kiting in Westerlies, marginal SWsterlies or any conditions that an average kiter cannot stay outside the buoys etc.
Limited area for launch & land - one designated strip of the beach
Buoys marking sessional kiting exclusion zone

I think if we can prove we are willing and capable of safe and effective self regulation then we stand a good chance of keeping some access to this limit resource open. However, one kite on the road, one kite up a tree, one kite in a rose bush, one beach walker abused for their dog walking over lines, one kiter ignoring the buoys and we don't really have a case for maintaining access.

SO - please be on your best behaviour when coming to Melville Beach whether a local, non-local, over-easter, or International Pro... If not the guys trying to keep this place open my not be the friendliest kiters you've met. [}:)]

WA, 568 posts
30 Nov 2008 10:49AM
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Went down to Melvs for the first time since the new bouys been put out... I couldn't belive how far out they are! What's the point? Isn't the whole point with the bouys that you land and launch inside of them? Then why not put them at 30 meters from the beach, that way you can go out, launch, get on your board and ride out and if you wanna throw tricks you don't have to ride out to the middle of the river to be allowed to do so.. If you stuff a trick up at the bouys there's still 30 meters to the beach which is mooore than sufficient.. where they are now (not sure of exact distance but looks waaaaay out) is overkill, IMHO..

All spots should be for everyone, freestylers/wakestylers/freerides, not just people who think an awesome kite session involves cruising from one side of the river to the other. And for the record I don't belive the people throwing "squigglies()" are the ones crashing their kites in trees/houses/over cars. It's the kooks and noobs.. Get rid of them and problem solved, even though it's not that easy to get rid of them:)

moon waxing
WA, 307 posts
30 Nov 2008 11:04AM
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DaveSpruce said...

Then why not put them at 30 meters from the beach,

I think if you go down there on a super low tide there is about 30 meters between the buoys and the edge of the water.

WA, 3464 posts
30 Nov 2008 11:06AM
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Good insights shmoo man!

While I was still responsible for the Melville Kiters group I've had 3 meetings with officials and residents regarding access and protocol at Melville.

In the last meeting it was decided that DPI would put up buoys and Council would make up some signs. DPI did it's part, but Council has not done theirs. Why Council is not putting up the signs is beyond me. It is either "too hard," or there is a new Council member who wants to revisit the whole thing from scratch, his right as being newly elected.

I am not impressed with Council agreeing to making the signs and not giving them a go before revisit. Having signs at Melville would make it very clear about the do's and dont's. Without signs telling people what the protocol is, kiters new to the spot haven't got a clue on what is right or wrong. Kiters who do know the rules can not be expected to police every action without signs to point to.

The local vocals have the upper hand when it comes to getting the attention of Council and that is just the way it is. It is important for someone new to step up (preferably a WAKSA member) and help our President (who started the original Melville Kiters Groups some years back) coordinate with officials responsible for water and land issues. In the last meeting we agreed on limiting the kiting season to by making winter a no kite time. In winter all we get is westerlies and they are onshore and gusty.

Melville is dear to my heart and many of my best friends. We live in Melville and can get a quick blast without having to travel to either Woodies or Leighton. Furthermore, Melville is the best place for handling many learners as long as they stick to the local rules. However, without making those rules explicit with signs we are open to random and stupid behaviour.

I'm afraid to think of the overspill effects to other popular Metro spots if Melville gets closed. On a good day, which we have yet to have this year Melville can handle 60 plus kiters no problem. Just imagine with the growth of the sport if you put an extra 20 learners at Woodies, Leighton, Cott. etc.

I am positive about our officials doing the right thing in this instance. They are reasonable people with concerns, but they also need to listen to their constituents even though they may be a minority of the population, it is those that scream the loudest that get heard.

And finally, with property values in premium spots dropping some people with find blame for this beyond what is reasonable and rational thinking....just a thought.

I have full confidence in WAKSA being able to handle this as they have in the past. However, it is up to the stakeholders of this spot to step up now and become pro active. I am not going to carry the ball any longer because even though keeping kiting open at Melville affects me also, I feel I have done enough. I am going to be selfish this year and just kite, but I will do the right thing.

I'll get my kite in every day regardless of what happens at Melville. Personally I think all of WA should be a WAKSA zone only. At least we know that if someone is a WAKSA member they have gotten some written rules about safety and location for a nice day of golf.....sure hope the wind kicks in for you all has been a miserable season start.


WA, 3464 posts
30 Nov 2008 11:09AM
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Hey Spruce, you are missing the point bud and I am not going to argue with you. History and facts speak for themselves and that regards you too mate.

Get involved rather than complaining.

WA, 1790 posts
30 Nov 2008 11:26AM
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From what you are saying Nick, an issue I see possible is that Melville council either forget the whole deal when re-visiting the situation, or that they are willing to put up signs everywhere saying "kitesurfing banned" the day after they decide to ban ( if it happens ).

Correct me if I am wrong but The bouys aren't their for personal protection or to take responsibility for how deep the water is at all or else DPI would place them another 200 metres out in the middle of the river? They are there to keep people a set distance from the ROAD and TREES and HOUSES to stop possible complaints and possible injuries to people ( I am yet to hear of any ) around the roads/trees/houses only. If the bouys are relocated 30 metres from the high tide beach mark they are still at least 30 metres from the trees, 35 from the road and 40 - 50 from the houses? The kites end up flying over the road more oftern th not because people walk up the beach with their kites over the road... or they land in too close to the beach again with their kites over the road.....when it's low tide, people will kite further out still anyhow? See you down their today...

WA, 3464 posts
30 Nov 2008 11:31AM
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Hi wife is screaming at me to get ready for golf....I'll see if I can get in a quicky, but it will be just before sun-set. Hope to see you too.


WA, 568 posts
30 Nov 2008 12:00PM
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dachopper said...

From what you are saying Nick, an issue I see possible is that Melville council either forget the whole deal when re-visiting the situation, or that they are willing to put up signs everywhere saying "kitesurfing banned" the day after they decide to ban ( if it happens ).

Correct me if I am wrong but The bouys aren't their for personal protection or to take responsibility for how deep the water is at all or else DPI would place them another 200 metres out in the middle of the river? They are there to keep people a set distance from the ROAD and TREES and HOUSES to stop possible complaints and possible injuries to people ( I am yet to hear of any ) around the roads/trees/houses only. If the bouys are relocated 30 metres from the high tide beach mark they are still at least 30 metres from the trees, 35 from the road and 40 - 50 from the houses? The kites end up flying over the road more oftern th not because people walk up the beach with their kites over the road... or they land in too close to the beach again with their kites over the road.....when it's low tide, people will kite further out still anyhow? See you down their today...

I second that.. Seems excessive how it is now..

And further more gruezi, I'm not complaining, I'm raising a question. You can either go, "No Dave you're wrong, because of these and these reasons" or "You have a point Dave, we'll keep it in mind". Not sure what "history and facts" in regards to me you're talking about. I have never, and will never, crash/land/stack/ myself or my kite in a tree/house/road or car. I'm not the problem here, I go kiting there cause it's a fun spot and close by. I didn't sign up to be a kite police. How I "get involved" is I make sure I follow the rules and don't **** up. That's my involvement. Like I said before. It's not the people who know how to kite which is the problem, it's the learners/kooks/tourists that want to show off and/or don't have common sense..

WA, 1790 posts
30 Nov 2008 12:17PM
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maybe a quick email to DPI suggesting they be moved to 30 metres from the high tide mark will sort the problem out?

WA, 40 posts
30 Nov 2008 12:24PM
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This is my last post before hitting the water today.

Dave Spruce - PM me if you want the low down on the situation at Melville and want to be proactive in keeping the spot open. Kooks, International Pro's, everyone can influence the situation either negatively or positively....

Either sit on the fence or give us a hand.


WA, 368 posts
30 Nov 2008 1:33PM
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shmoo said...

OK to clarify -
SO - please be on your best behaviour when coming to Melville Beach whether a local, non-local, over-easter, or International Pro... If not the guys trying to keep this place open my not be the friendliest kiters you've met. [}:)]

Putting up a "please..." on Seabreeze, yeah that'll really work.

Laws, enforcement and fines are the only thing that will make the residents happy and the kiters obey. Get that proposal on the table!

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
30 Nov 2008 3:03PM
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DaveSpruce said...

Went down to Melvs for the first time since the new bouys been put out... I couldn't belive how far out they are! What's the point? Isn't the whole point with the bouys that you land and launch inside of them? Then why not put them at 30 meters from the beach, that way you can go out, launch, get on your board and ride out and if you wanna throw tricks you don't have to ride out to the middle of the river to be allowed to do so.. If you stuff a trick up at the bouys there's still 30 meters to the beach which is mooore than sufficient.. where they are now (not sure of exact distance but looks waaaaay out) is overkill, IMHO..

All spots should be for everyone, freestylers/wakestylers/freerides, not just people who think an awesome kite session involves cruising from one side of the river to the other. And for the record I don't belive the people throwing "squigglies()" are the ones crashing their kites in trees/houses/over cars. It's the kooks and noobs.. Get rid of them and problem solved, even though it's not that easy to get rid of them:)

Sprucey, it seems pretty obvous that the reason they have set the buoys so far out is to compensate for noobs or people that are going to interpret staying outside of the buoys as you (the kiter) is outside of them, which would still mean that the kite could be up to 25m inside them.

I do feel that the sign to be posted should definately state that it's not really a spot suited well to beginners and the inherent hazards/difficulties of kiting the location.


poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
30 Nov 2008 4:03PM
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I guess the jist of it all is ride outside the buoys.

Moaners, if you had an opinion of how close/far away they needed to be you should have voiced an opinion when discussions were underway. If you think about it 50m can be traversed by a powered kite in a death loop in less than a second. So 50m whilst looks extreme, isn't.

Discussions about these buoys have been ongoing since 2005 (
so you have had 3 years to organise an opinion and voice it.

This year is different bans are a distinct possibility so I guess kiters at Melville need to be vigilant.
...and if you dont like the rules and aren't willing to abide by them then the ocean is only a 5min car ride away

WA, 66 posts
1 Dec 2008 11:01AM
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DaveSpruce said...

Then why not put them at 30 meters from the beach, that way you can go out, launch, get on your board and ride out and if you wanna throw tricks you don't have to ride out to the middle of the river to be allowed to do so.. If you stuff a trick up at the bouys there's still 30 meters to the beach which is mooore than sufficient.. where they are now (not sure of exact distance but looks waaaaay out) is overkill, IMHO..

Never fear, everyone can still see you 50m off the beach.

The Whompuss
WA, 2 posts
1 Dec 2008 4:15PM
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The council hasn't put up the signs because it may legitimize kiting at Melville beach and then be harder to ban it. We should really try and get these signs in place.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Load and plop at Melville!" started by gruezi