Forums > Kitesurfing General

Marshall islands

Created by Waveswindy > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2018
NSW, 118 posts
8 Nov 2018 12:46AM
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Has anyone been to the Marshall islands for kiting?

Looks epic but not sure about wind strength, consistency or whether you can do it on your own. Season is apparently November until April.

I've done Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, Fiji and South Africa for wave riding... Looking for something new and especially a right hander for a change! There looks to be an epic kite camp of sorts but the cost is $5k excluding flights for 7 days ??

WA, 1222 posts
8 Nov 2018 5:40AM
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Never been myself but I have 4 or 5 mates that have been every year for last 10 yrs or so and reckon it's insane! And no one there at all!

WA, 106 posts
8 Nov 2018 11:28AM
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Right handers for kiting....

The holy grail for West Aus natural footers!

I sniffed out the Marshalls a few years ago. Bloody expensive for flights to get there and accomodation once youre there but perhaps worth it for the rights!?

NSW, 118 posts
10 Nov 2018 1:12AM
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Sounds like heaven....

If anyone can PM me details. Would love to hear more. As a natural footer... It's been hard to find a good right hander anywhere in the world with decent wind.

NSW, 1651 posts
10 Nov 2018 7:51AM
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Cabo Verde is pretty epic for rights, so is Taiwan from what I hear.

QLD, 3665 posts
10 Nov 2018 4:01PM
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dafish said..
Cabo Verde is pretty epic for rights, so is Taiwan from what I hear.

Wanda is not bad too.. but I think he was asking about Marshall

TAS, 56 posts
11 Nov 2018 5:39AM
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Hi everyone, happy to fill you in on some information on the Marshall Islands but because so few people have ever actually been to the Marshalls in general, let alone with the goal of kiting you're going to be hard pressed to get a lot of information about it.

Yes, it's expensive and hard to get to with extremely limited flight options (one route from brisbane and another from Honolulu) and an extreme lack of accommodation on the main island, let alone the outer atolls but there is a reason no one is there. It's remoteness is the reason no one is there. From Australia, I do recommend a two week stay if you can pull it off as it is a bit of a mission to get to and although worth it to come for only one week, two weeks are ideal.

Wind and wave season is starting now (Nov-April) with the surf coming from storms in the NPAC winter. (same swells that head to P-pass) and this particular atoll is home to several of the best right handers on the planet for kitesurfing as well as surfing. There is also some amazing flat water spots depending on the tides but seeing how I'm the one putting the kitesurfing camps on you're welcome to take what I say with a grain of salt, but the conditions the Marshalls offer send me constant inquiries from professional kiters asking to come help with the coaching so this is your chance to go where the pros wish they could. Make them dream for once instead of the other way around. ;)

Here's the info on what I provide. You can join myself, Keahi de Aboitiz, Moona Whyte and KiteWorld Staff photographer John Bilderback there this season. If you're still unsure, you'll be able to see what this season provides and have a chance at booking on for the 2020 season as this will be a yearly event.

WA, 1363 posts
11 Nov 2018 5:50AM
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One powerball

WA, 9581 posts
11 Nov 2018 10:28AM
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Damn... how good is that right !!

NSW, 1651 posts
11 Nov 2018 5:17PM
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I so want to go...Reo's other images are amazing. Dream trip.

WA, 1363 posts
11 Nov 2018 3:34PM
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We should start a Seabreeze lottery,. $100 entry, winner gets a trip. You would only need 80 tickets, good odds.... 1:80
The only hard part would be finding an honest person round here to run it.

NSW, 118 posts
12 Nov 2018 1:24PM
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Might need a bit more tickets! Just looked at flights from Sydney, assume WA higher as it's further, and it came in around $6k and 2 days of travelling... Ouch. So you will be spending $11k, take the kite package, for 7 days before any extras.

I am sure it is worth it...but I just don't have the coin for such a trip!

TAS, 56 posts
12 Nov 2018 2:29PM
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EugeneZA said..
Might need a bit more tickets! Just looked at flights from Sydney, assume WA higher as it's further, and it came in around $6k and 2 days of travelling... Ouch. So you will be spending $11k, take the kite package, for 7 days before any extras.

I am sure it is worth it...but I just don't have the coin for such a trip!

Your search is a bit off as the dates you need to fly need to be specific as there are limited flights from Australia. Still not a cheap flight but definitely not $6k! Flight from Brisbane to Majuro on the specific dates Air Nauru flies are around US$1100 round trip. It's a red eye flight with 3 stops (you don't get off the plane). Its not favorable but only a 12hr total travel time

TAS, 56 posts
17 Nov 2018 3:13AM
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Since I've been getting a lot of inquires asking if "they are skilled enough" at riding in the Marshall Islands. I just put together this clip from last season from the mellower fun days surrounding the resort


NSW, 1651 posts
17 Nov 2018 7:17AM
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Damn it that looks so amazing! With out a doubt this would be one of those "once in a lifetime" type of trips. I get why it's expensive, but you sure do get a lot for the money. Few places left in the world like this. I am going to start a little saving fund for 2020.

NSW, 129 posts
18 Nov 2018 10:01PM
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The Marshal Islands were the backdrop to a series of Atomic Bomb tests ranging from 1946 - 1958. The radioactive waste is believed to last anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 years.Go check out it's history.

WA, 7483 posts
18 Nov 2018 7:33PM
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GMK-KiteSurf said..
The Marshal Islands were the backdrop to a series of Atomic Bomb tests ranging from 1946 - 1958. The radioactive waste is believed to last anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 years.Go check out it's history.

although the residual radioactivity on islands in Bikini Atoll is still higher than on other atolls in the Marshall Islands, it is not hazardous to health at the levels measured ... ... IAEA estimated that living in the atoll and consuming local food would result in an effective dose of about 15 mSv/year.

NSW, 118 posts
4 Dec 2018 4:38PM
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GMK-KiteSurf said..
The Marshal Islands were the backdrop to a series of Atomic Bomb tests ranging from 1946 - 1958. The radioactive waste is believed to last anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 years.Go check out it's history.

Holy smokes.... not to keen on radioactive testies....

WA, 7 posts
27 Dec 2018 11:12PM
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If you look on SBS 27/12/2018 on the cancer rates on the islands you would have to be crazy to go there never never trust the USA

QLD, 23 posts
26 Mar 2019 8:35PM
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Thanks to the United States of Terrorism

QLD, 3665 posts
27 Mar 2019 11:20AM
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trumps said..
If you look on SBS 27/12/2018 on the cancer rates on the islands you would have to be crazy to go there never never trust the USA

Whatever keeps the crowds down. With Indo getting crowded it does look good.

TAS, 56 posts
28 Mar 2019 8:18AM
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Just an update from the marshall Islands trip this past Jan and March.. Moona Whyte just put together this awesome video from the two weeks she was there. It gives a great example of what to expect.

Dates set for Jan and March 2020 if anyone is interested. Details here:

NSW, 1651 posts
28 Mar 2019 8:29AM
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that IS the perfect trip....

1221 posts
28 Mar 2019 6:21AM
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East coast downwinder on a se'r has better rights than that

QLD, 3665 posts
28 Mar 2019 10:11AM
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But seriously.. Who goes right?


1221 posts
28 Mar 2019 9:09AM
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Clearer water too

NSW, 5784 posts
28 Mar 2019 12:29PM
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That was almost as bad as a ben wilson movie

1221 posts
28 Mar 2019 9:54AM
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Then on ne'r left's for days

NSW, 430 posts
17 Jul 2019 8:04AM
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NSW, 407 posts
Site Sponsor
17 Jul 2019 10:34AM
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Decent right from that...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Marshall islands" started by Waveswindy