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Missing Kiter GERALDTON friday 4th 2019

Created by king of the point > 9 months ago, 4 Jan 2019
king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
4 Jan 2019 9:31PM
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A person has been reported missing off the Geraldton coast between Drumbonds Cove and Coronation Beach .He was using a PINK NORTH NEO KITE . A major search has been initiated if anyone knows he is safe he is to contact the police OOO.

SORRY i was the last on the water a coronations and was made aware of this when police pulled me up on the way home at 830 9pm his friend in the police car opon suggesting i post something on seabreeze it was agreed to do so ......... Hope it all ends well ........

QLD, 3608 posts
5 Jan 2019 12:12AM
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Thanks for sharing. We kited the same downwinder a little earlier and hope all is ok.

WA, 3271 posts
5 Jan 2019 12:52AM
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FR24 shows the search and rescue jet from Perth doing grids up and down the coast. I'm assuming significant search assets will be deployed at first light, but geez with a slight cross-offshore, 35+ knot wind smashing in up there the search area is growing exponentially by the hour.

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1396 posts
5 Jan 2019 5:48AM
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Anyone got an update? If hes not sitting on a beach somewhere its quite a worry. It was a very heavy day with a big swell, low tide, and sttong and gusty s/se wind.

WA, 8407 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:01AM
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king of the point said..
A person has been reported missing off the Geraldton coast between Drumbonds Cove and Coronation Beach .He was using a PINK NORTH NEO KITE . A major search has been initiated if anyone knows he is safe he is to contact the police OOO.

SORRY i was the last on the water a coronations and was made aware of this when police pulled me up on the way home at 830 9pm his friend in the police car opon suggesting i post something on seabreeze it was agreed to do so ......... Hope it all ends well ........

Local or tourist KOTP,

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:08AM
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Matt 48 yrs doing downwinder from to coro last seen drummonds about 1400 hrs . theres a notice on gero sea search and rescue the jet is still up there looking
he Looks Local

WA, 8407 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:22AM
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Just seen a yellow chopper 6.15am
heading south past my house,
hope matey is ok

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1396 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:32AM
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Have checked Horrocks and Bowes, not sure if he would have drifted this far yet, but no sign of him.

WA, 726 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:36AM
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Search and rescue plane headed back to Perth 10 mins ago

WA, 237 posts
5 Jan 2019 6:40AM
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Search has re commenced 0500hrs, air and boat assests deployed.

Kitesurfer - Matthew WING, 6ft3, 120kg.

Matthew commenced a downwinder from Drummonds to Coronation's yesterday with an ETA of 1600hrs.

Matthew wasn't a local but is an experienced Kiter.

131 444 for any information useful to the search.

000 if you find Matthew

QLD, 448 posts
5 Jan 2019 9:06AM
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Jeebus.....Hope they find him. Not only for his sake but also his family.

WA, 1222 posts
5 Jan 2019 7:25AM
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Yes Matt is from Perth, very experienced kiter and been kiting 12-15 yrs I'd say! Hope all turns out well buddy and he is found safe!

NSW, 46 posts
5 Jan 2019 11:03AM
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Fingers crossed for him

WA, 69 posts
5 Jan 2019 8:50AM
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The CL60 SAR aircraft is headed back up to the area.

QLD, 3608 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:53AM
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3 of us left Sunset at 14:00 and never saw a kite along the way. I really wish we had seen him.

WA, 1222 posts
5 Jan 2019 9:56AM
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Apparently Matt has been found and is ok. Made it back to sure last night from reports! Great news!!!!!!!

WA, 396 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:02AM
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Ryland said..
Apparently Matt has been found and is ok. Made it back to sure last night from reports! Great news!!!!!!!

Great relief if this news is true. Any news on what happened to him?

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1396 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:11AM
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Confirmed found alive! No details yet.

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:28AM
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Missing kite surfer Matthew Wing found alive on Geraldton beach
By Jacob Kagi

Updated 23 minutes ago

PHOTO: Matthew Wing, 48, had been kite surfing at Drummond Cove in Geraldton. (Supplied: WA Police)

A kite surfer missing off Western Australia's Mid West coast since yesterday has been found alive, rescuers say.

WA, 69 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:38AM
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Ryland said..
Apparently Matt has been found and is ok. Made it back to sure last night from reports! Great news!!!!!!!

That is great news.

1221 posts
5 Jan 2019 10:40AM
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Spitfire said..

Ryland said..
Apparently Matt has been found and is ok. Made it back to sure last night from reports! Great news!!!!!!!

Great relief if this news is true. Any news on what happened to him?

Fake news?

WA, 237 posts
5 Jan 2019 11:15AM
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Confirmed Matthew has been located. 0930hrs, walking along the beach near Bowes river

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1396 posts
5 Jan 2019 11:32AM
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I was down the mouth of the Bowes with binoculars and 4wd at 0600 this morning looking for him. Bit disappointing I didn't get to pick Matt up, but am super happy someone else did!! I really was not expecting such a good outcome. Pretty amazing to see the amount of resources put into the search effort. Makes you proud.

WA, 12 posts
5 Jan 2019 12:08PM
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Great news

Let us all know the circumstances if you can.


NSW, 5778 posts
5 Jan 2019 3:11PM
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Probably didn't want to pull into corros with a pink kite

VIC, 134 posts
5 Jan 2019 5:24PM
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Great to hear he's ok.

WA, 8407 posts
5 Jan 2019 3:10PM
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theDoctor said..

Probably didn't want to pull into corros with a pink kite

Was gonna give him shidt about owning a pink kite
6ft 3 and 120 kg, might be a handful

16 posts
5 Jan 2019 3:21PM
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Kite was more purple than pink!

A few details

He likely "missed" coro on the downwinder.

Dropped the kite in the surf and blew out a panel. Made it to shore okay ( lots of reef north of coro).

Walked north along beach for about 4km, but was already past coro so almost made Bowes / Horrocks.

Went inland to try to find a road.....

Hunkered down for the night in his kite. Must have been to far inland for the plane that was using IR to search.

Walked back to beach this morning and got a jetski ride to the vmr boat for a run back to Gero. Happy Days.

WA, 737 posts
5 Jan 2019 4:49PM
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Kite2Surf said..
Kite was more purple than pink!

A few details

He likely "missed" coro on the downwinder.

Dropped the kite in the surf and blew out a panel. Made it to shore okay ( lots of reef north of coro).

Walked north along beach for about 4km, but was already past coro so almost made Bowes / Horrocks.

Went inland to try to find a road.....

Hunkered down for the night in his kite. Must have been to far inland for the plane that was using IR to search.

Walked back to beach this morning and got a jetski ride to the vmr boat for a run back to Gero. Happy Days.

Saw the Geraldton Volunteer Marine Rescue team who picked him up this morning and this version of the story above is pretty close to what they told me. Apparently, he had a portable EPIRB device that he'd been carrying with him but lost it in the surf on Thursday. He was picked up approximately 10 NM north or Corros, just south of Bowes River. It's a pretty desolate, uninhabited area, and the closest road is about 14km from the beach. The rescue plane was doing some serious searching up until well after midnight. I was unaware of the situation last night but heard a jet flying at low altitude just before 1am and had a look a FlightRadar to see what what going on. Here're the tracks they'd been flying up til about midnight and a screen grab of this morning's flights as well just before they flew back to Perth.

The new Bombardier Challenger 604 rescue plane that flew up from Perth for the search apparently is amazing.

Kudos to all the rescue personnel who gave their time, many of whom stayed up the entire night working on the search and were still on duty at 2pm this afternoon. WA Police kindly brought in sandwiches and coffee and family of Geraldton Volunteer Marine Rescue staff delivered cake and coffee.

Awesome community we have here in this part of the world, along with the superb support and world-class tech from our friends in Perth.

WA, 1916 posts
5 Jan 2019 7:01PM
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glad it all worked out ok

could be a sponsorship for a spec savers advert


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Missing Kiter GERALDTON friday 4th 2019" started by king of the point