Forums > Kitesurfing General

More crazy stuff! World record kite jump

Created by KiteBud > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2014
WA, 1565 posts
19 Sep 2014 9:12PM
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NSW, 6451 posts
19 Sep 2014 11:21PM
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Pussy, lenten would have looped it
If he had a foil board strapped to his feet it would have been more legit.

QLD, 918 posts
20 Sep 2014 9:04AM
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14?! pffft..I'd do it on my 9 that pulls like a 12....

WA, 530 posts
20 Sep 2014 9:03PM
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lotofwind said..
Pussy, lenten would have looped it
If he had a foil board strapped to his feet it would have been more legit.

Or any board - not landing on the water feels like a missed opportunity...

QLD, 581 posts
20 Sep 2014 11:23PM
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the most wtf moment was when the kite started to hindenberg just before launching + rigging it up on a bunch on dirt with stones and stuff

suuuper calm nerves for sure, amazing what is possible with a kite

WA, 5355 posts
21 Sep 2014 5:15AM
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lotofwind said..
Pussy, lenten would have looped it

No he wouldn't have... Marek (guy in the vid) is actually the guy that did Lentens "famous" snow-kiting jump first and actually completed the jump properly, landing further down the mountain and in the right spot. Marek is the king of this stuff and all the other kooks jumping off high cliff and towers etc have almost no idea what they are doing and to quote the man himself "are lucky to not kill themselves".


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"More crazy stuff! World record kite jump" started by KiteBud