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Created by LouD > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2011
WA, 641 posts
8 Apr 2011 7:45PM
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A few guys riding north of marker today(unintentionally). Ranger taking photos and warning of spot fines.( not sure whether he has the authority to issue fines, but best not to try and find out the hard way),
Be careful guys, we dont want to lose this spot, after all the hard work by WAKSA, MUGS and others.

WA, 175 posts
8 Apr 2011 8:06PM
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The Rangers have been red hot on the nothern suburb beaches lately.

Yesterday I received a warning for having my dog on the kite beach (my own fault, I knew I was taking a risk by walking him through the kite beach to the dog beach) and they have been patrolling the Pinnaroo car park and handing out plenty of parking fines lately. I have not ever seen them this regularly in 3 or so years!

My kids were cautioned for walking in the dunes at the dog beach just a few days ago aswell.

I know that in all cases we were in the wrong but are we living in a police state now or what!!!

Do anything wrong on the northern suburb beaches and you will get caught

WA, 5353 posts
8 Apr 2011 8:44PM
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After getting back from overseas It really hi home just how regulated everything is in Australia... Free country my ass, more like little-america.

WA, 3464 posts
8 Apr 2011 9:23PM
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This country it too rich....and the gov. knows it and is getting bigger and bigger every day. All good as long as the people with the bi-nocks and cameras are fair and honest and on the ocean user side, they must remember who they are serving....the kn taxpayer that's who! They have nice cushy jobs and must do them properly............but hey, they will issue fines because they have to make a buck. This is a grey area, but we do live in a place that is learning to watch its people (whether or not this is a good thing is still open)..............because we are too kn well off, that's why....don't you get it.........ACHTUNG.....tomorrow is another great day in WA............kiting, surfing, golfing.............either play or become a ranger and watch it all get paid for it to boot............ACHTUNG.

WA, 724 posts
8 Apr 2011 9:30PM
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You said it, police state or money spinner?

I was fine $150 for riding my bicycle through a red traffic light ( at low speed ) in Perth city, forgot to pay as the ticket turned into mush in my bag, found out by my drivers card being suspended and ended up paying $250.

The day before Kitestock I forgot my Transperth card at home, could not see a sign at the station stating what zone it is in, I bought the wrong zone ticket, all fine. On my way home I buy the same ticket as in the morning, walking out the station some dumb f$&@ rail police pings for having the wrong ticket and nails me $100 fine for a $1 difference in ticket price.

I write a letter to Transperth asking them to reduce or cancel my fine as I had record of topping up my Transperth travel card the previous day I got fine. They sent me some copy and paste letter denying the request and telling me if I don't pay I will loose my drivers card.

Bullying tactics to generate revenue, I would be very embarrassed to work for a bunch of government free riders, and F$&& any donations I am ever going to give anybody that works for the government, they waste my taxes on useless policing as it is.

Very disheartened tax payer,

WA, 175 posts
8 Apr 2011 9:35PM
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This is a photo of the dog beach I was on just before I was cautioned yesterday....

Obviously clearly showing the hordes of people I must have been upsetting

Oh s*#t ..... now just incriminated myself by showing photographic evidence of me breaking another by law. No leash on the dog beach!!!!

sir ROWDY said...

Free country my ass, more like little-america.


NSW, 5780 posts
9 Apr 2011 1:49AM
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seriously, this is but one of the topics we have been covering,discussing and exposing on uncensored for years now, the continual encroachment upon civil liberties.

everyone thinks australia is becoming more like america....

...australia has always been the litmus for america

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
9 Apr 2011 2:21AM
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my problem is with the general public and their do gooder nosy as hell attitudes. The cool ranger at pinnas came down one weekend and let us know he was going to go fine people for parking in the wrong places and gave us a chance to move our cars, i moved it into that circle bit (i know i missed the sign saying no weekend parking) but then some douche from the yachting clubs yells across the parking lot some rabble that i missed and ignored then the ranger comes back down and told me that he went and called what ever department it is that rangers worked for and reported my car for parking in some rigging area that wasn't even being used. Ranger was a champ though and just asked me to move it again.

WA, 1588 posts
9 Apr 2011 6:57AM
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pinaroo there was not a car anywere..... empty but i still was hit with a $60 parking fine

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
9 Apr 2011 9:01AM
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Hi Guys,

It would seem that JCC are having a clamp down on local regulations in the shire. The ranger is actually a decent guy and has been overly fair in the past and still is, he's just doing what he is told by the Council.

We've all been getting away with illegal parking for many years as the ranger didn't give two hoots about it and usually gave warning when about to start fining.

The cars are probably safer in the allocated parking bays. On most days as there is a lot of people movement in th carpark these days. Our cars have been broken into right in front of us before when they were parked at the gate so it is no insurance against break in.

The rigging area is a joke, it's a left over from the days when Pinna's was a boat ramp. It is no longer in use and therefore the parking should be returned to the people. Write your local councilor as this is the ONLY way anything is going to change. Whinging here and getting pissy with the ranger is an exercise in futility and a road to frustration (and fines).


WA, 718 posts
10 Apr 2011 10:44AM
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spot1 said...

pinaroo there was not a car anywere..... empty but i still was hit with a $60 parking fine

I remember that, you weren't there very long at all; I reckon the ranger hides in the dunes.

WA, 893 posts
10 Apr 2011 4:21PM
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With so many local by-laws & federal laws being passed by people in power who have gained their positions through whatever means they can i believe there needs to be a fundamental change in the way these laws are approved.

Currently there is a bill/law/do-gooders politically correct totally incorrect law about to be passed whereby they can fine play groups/pre-schools/schools up to $50,000 for running easter egg hunts and christmas paegants all in the name of not offending non-christians.

What's going to happen to this country when our children cant even enjoy the same traditions that we did never mind the freedom to use our public spaces as we
have. There's some big issues that are being decided by a few that i dont agree with and i for one would personally like to know where i can direct my protest to.

rant over but i'm not happy

WA, 549 posts
10 Apr 2011 6:18PM
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Weta said...

With so many local by-laws & federal laws being passed by people in power who have gained their positions through whatever means they can i believe there needs to be a fundamental change in the way these laws are approved.

Currently there is a bill/law/do-gooders politically correct totally incorrect law about to be passed whereby they can fine play groups/pre-schools/schools up to $50,000 for running easter egg hunts and christmas paegants all in the name of not offending non-christians.

What's going to happen to this country when our children cant even enjoy the same traditions that we did never mind the freedom to use our public spaces as we
have. There's some big issues that are being decided by a few that i dont agree with and i for one would personally like to know where i can direct my protest to.

rant over but i'm not happy

.......and when we were at primary school, we were told the story about Guy Fawkes , we thought "the dude must've been an absolute nut bag". We are older now though, and much wiser. He was just pushed to the edge. We now know that this dude really was a kn legend , both in the Aussie, and true sense of the word . RIP Guy Fawkes, you earned it bro !

WA, 893 posts
10 Apr 2011 6:46PM
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James dude,
I am trying to find the meaning in your post??? Guy Fawkes isn't even celebrated in OZ?? we celebrate it in NZ cause we like blowing **** UP and paying homage to someone that was hanged for taking on the establishment!!!

In Australia you cant Because buying fireworks has been outlawed!!! Please Explain??

WA, 549 posts
10 Apr 2011 7:07PM
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Weta said...

James dude,
I am trying to find the meaning in your post??? Guy Fawkes isn't even celebrated in OZ?? we celebrate it in NZ cause we like blowing **** UP and paying homage to someone that was hanged for taking on the establishment!!!

In Australia you cant Because buying fireworks has been outlawed!!! Please Explain??

Ag , sorry man, it was intended to be a broad light hearted joke. I was bored , J

WA, 893 posts
10 Apr 2011 8:21PM
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Thanks for the joke James


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Mullaloo" started by LouD