Forums > Kitesurfing General

NKL SYDNEY - Completes an EPIC day!

Created by NKL > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2016
This topic has been locked
156 posts
26 Jan 2016 8:53AM
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Brazilnuts said..

surfingboye said..
If you hate NKL so much why did you try and enter (and thus support David De Witt and his "corrupt" tour). And then why would you travel to the Gold Coast to be around the NKL finals?

The NKL, and other events, are not just about prizes and winning, there is a whole other aspect of meeting cool people from around the country. We then call these people friends.

Geez those grapes must be sour.

another sponsor team rider oh no
tell me math you was there in the beach who was doing the biggest airs ????

just have fun i have lots friends in gold coast

NSW, 2707 posts
26 Jan 2016 11:55AM
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Brazilnuts said...
surfingboye said..
If you hate NKL so much why did you try and enter (and thus support David De Witt and his "corrupt" tour). And then why would you travel to the Gold Coast to be around the NKL finals?

The NKL, and other events, are not just about prizes and winning, there is a whole other aspect of meeting cool people from around the country. We then call these people friends.

Geez those grapes must be sour.

another sponsor team rider oh no
tell me math you was there in the beach who was doing the biggest airs ????

You were. Your front rolls look sick.
But you weren't in the event. Rich was doing the biggest air in the comp and that's why he won the Big Air. I think all the winners won fairly and are deserving winners. I can't think of any results where I was like "what, they didn't deserve to win".

QLD, 799 posts
26 Jan 2016 11:10AM
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surfingboye said..

Brazilnuts said...

surfingboye said..
If you hate NKL so much why did you try and enter (and thus support David De Witt and his "corrupt" tour). And then why would you travel to the Gold Coast to be around the NKL finals?

The NKL, and other events, are not just about prizes and winning, there is a whole other aspect of meeting cool people from around the country. We then call these people friends.

Geez those grapes must be sour.

another sponsor team rider oh no
tell me math you was there in the beach who was doing the biggest airs ????

You were. Your front rolls look sick.
But you weren't in the event. Rich was doing the biggest air in the comp and that's why he won the Big Air. I think all the winners won fairly and are deserving winners. I can't think of any results where I was like "what, they didn't deserve to win".

Yer mate, it was the same here in the first round on the Goldy.....

From first right through to last in every division, IMHO they got it 100% correct!

Excellent job judges! and excellent job to everyone involved with the NKL!

Can't wait for the final!!!

NSW, 502 posts
26 Jan 2016 12:25PM
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Brazilnuts said..

Brazilnuts said..

surfingboye said..
If you hate NKL so much why did you try and enter (and thus support David De Witt and his "corrupt" tour). And then why would you travel to the Gold Coast to be around the NKL finals?

The NKL, and other events, are not just about prizes and winning, there is a whole other aspect of meeting cool people from around the country. We then call these people friends.

Geez those grapes must be sour.

another sponsor team rider oh no
tell me math you was there in the beach who was doing the biggest airs ????

just have fun i have lots friends in gold coast

With the holes you're digging yourself, I don't think you're going to have many friends left anywhere.

I think you're missing a pretty big piece of the puzzle here Leo. You and many others know that in the past few years I've changed sponsors a couple of times. Each and every time that happened, I thanked that sponsor profusely for the opportunities given to me and most importantly gave the gear back. You can come on here and spout off bulls**t about how everybody is trying to f**k you and that your photos, riding, and videos are better than everyone else's, but remember that most of those shots wouldn't have happened without somebody going out on a limb for you and believing that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be a spoiled f**king a**hole this time. The stuff you've stolen is mostly from good friend's of mine. Looking back at what you've posted over the last couple of years, you're on Ozone kites and bars that you stole from Steve, Blade kites and Mystic wetties you stole from James, North stuff you stole from Adam/Josh, and I have heard some pretty suss stuff about what the Flow guy thinks of you as well. When you breach your contract, that means you do not own the gear. That means that you give it back. I've literally watched Steve hand you cash so that you can have something to eat at Merimbula. He also helped you get to indo where you got photos done just like the ones you've posted. Then you went and f**ked him over. You've abused the hard working competition organisers and then crashed comps. You've abused magazine editors for not giving you covers. You can't even fathom how many people you have pissed off in such a small industry. Maybe if you go quiet for a while and eat some humble pie for a bit, you could get another shot since I'm the first to admit you're an incredible kiter. But being incredible at something doesn't mean s**t if you're a d**k. At this point, nobody in Australia is ever going to help you again. I suggest that you reflect and try to better yourself or you're going to be a very sad and bitter old man one day. I genuinely hope that you have some sort of revelation, though I doubt it will happen.

Regarding Rowdy - he is misunderstood by many but he's one of the most genuine people I know and the effort he is putting into the NKL to make this thing work and be great is commendable and immense. I have no doubt that without him this whole thing would not be going as well as it has been. They are the first people in years to be doing something of this magnitude for the Australian kiteboarding scene and they're actually helping grow the community with new riders and great comps. Hats off to them and the entire NKL crew for actually doing something instead of whinging about everything.

WA, 2119 posts
26 Jan 2016 9:40AM
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A perfect case of somesones mouth/keyboard cashing cheques that their body cant carry (or afford).

Geez, seabreeze needs an unfriend button so we dont have to see or read your crap. I personally want nothing to do with a whinging illiterate thief

WA, 31 posts
26 Jan 2016 9:54AM
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Happy Australia Day everyone,let's all just be friends and ignore Numb Nuts. let him rage on his own how good he wants everyone to think he is.

WA, 258 posts
26 Jan 2016 10:49AM
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An organisation trying to make just enough money to stay afloat and continue community publicity and growth of the sport!?!?? How dare they!! And God forbid they actually want to make a bit of profit on the side for all the hard work and time they invest? To hell with them I say!! Grab the pitch forks ---€ ---£

Also I don't understand why it's so hard to comprehend that just maybe the best riders In Australia just so happen to be the sponsored riders.. Because.. You know, they are the best.. Not rocket science, no big conspiracy..

WA, 258 posts
26 Jan 2016 11:18AM
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Maybe somebody is mixing up "organisation" and "charity".

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 12:48PM
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sponsor my friend they sponsor me and gave me the gear because i deserved in the end of the season i can keep the gear that was the contract i had whit then ..... if you have any allegations like you saying just call the police congratulations champ

Did you surf today ?oh i forgot you are a team rider from Firewire but i can not even stand up

Happy Australian day every one i love this country just not the guys from kitesurf industry

QLD, 1451 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:10PM
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Drury said..

I genuinely hope that you have some sort of revelation, though I doubt it will happen.

well i just had a bit of a revelation. if even HALF of what drury says is true brazil nuts you can kiss ANY sort of collaborated kitesurfing effort goodbye for good. holly **** man how long did you think you could hopoate about like that before the stink sticks and you become a household name in the tiny world that is kitesurfing.

hahahaha only thing you can do now mate is one of those shund from comp/mainstream docos where you go live in a beach hut for a few years at some desolate wasteland break and release the doco after its all blown over and your children have children. it would be a good doco tho and maybe with enough time the glasses could have rosied up a bit. good luck with that

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 1:14PM
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Kozzie said..

Drury said..

I genuinely hope that you have some sort of revelation, though I doubt it will happen.

well i just had a bit of a revelation. if even HALF of what drury says is true brazil nuts you can kiss ANY sort of collaborated kitesurfing effort goodbye for good. holly **** man how long did you think you could hopoate about like that before the stink sticks and you become a household name in the tiny world that is kitesurfing.

hahahaha only thing you can do now mate is one of those shund from comp/mainstream docos where you go live in a beach hut for a few years at some desolate wasteland break and release the doco after its all blown over and your children have children. it would be a good doco tho and maybe with enough time the glasses could have rosied up a bit. good luck with that oh no looks like

Kozzie said..

Drury said..

I genuinely hope that you have some sort of revelation, though I doubt it will happen.

well i just had a bit of a revelation. if even HALF of what drury says is true brazil nuts you can kiss ANY sort of collaborated kitesurfing effort goodbye for good. holly **** man how long did you think you could hopoate about like that before the stink sticks and you become a household name in the tiny world that is kitesurfing.

hahahaha only thing you can do now mate is one of those shund from comp/mainstream docos where you go live in a beach hut for a few years at some desolate wasteland break and release the doco after its all blown over and your children have children. it would be a good doco tho and maybe with enough time the glasses could have rosied up a bit. good luck with that

OH no looks like i lost another million dollar contract

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 1:26PM
Thumbs Up' /> Welcome to Kiteboarding Australia!Hi Leonardo,

Thanks for joining Kiteboarding Australia to take part in this Kiteboarding Australia sanctioned event.

Your Event Membership covers you while competing in the event.

If you would like to continue being a part of Kiteboarding Australia you should upgrade your Event Membership within 30 days - this means that you wont pay the new joining fee of $25!
Why get a full year membership?It allows you to compete in any upcoming Kiteboarding Australia sanctioned events;It gives you public liability and some personal injury insurance cover while kitingall the timeIt means you can access our member discounts and dealsMost importantly, your membership supports the growth of your sport in this country.
<div>To upgrade your membership log into your account and choose to upgrade

Please use your e-mail and the password used during the application to log on to the Kiteboarding Australia website.

Please follow all local laws and the CLEAR guidelines while kiting to reduce the risk of injuring yourself or others.

Good winds and safe kiteboarding!

WA, 203 posts
26 Jan 2016 2:13PM
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Shame the KA doesn't have a "flog filter"...

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jan 2016 2:31PM
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For everyones information I did some research today, as I feel it only fair for everyone to have a fair go:

According to KA records Leo unfortunately entered too late and was not a member of KA until 12.58pm on Thursday 21st Jan.
The event had already started by then and his request to compete was rejected by NKL management. This is the norm for any person trying to sign up for any event - 1. Without insurance, and - 2. After the deadline.

Apparently Leo was also not a member of KA last year when he entered comps saying that he was.

I think everyone deserves to be treated equal (as does Leo I'm reading) and in this case he was treated as anyone else would have been.

Remember to sign up on time and make sure your insurance is up to date people!

QLD, 1451 posts
26 Jan 2016 4:57PM
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Brazilnuts said..

OH no looks like i lost another million dollar contract

all i got is time.

far more then you

QLD, 147 posts
26 Jan 2016 5:00PM
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I'm really starting to think I've got a bit of a man crush on rowdy..

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:15PM
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sir ROWDY said..
For everyones information I did some research today, as I feel it only fair for everyone to have a fair go:

According to KA records Leo unfortunately entered too late and was not a member of KA until 12.58pm on Thursday 21st Jan.
The event had already started by then and his request to compete was rejected by NKL management. This is the norm for any person trying to sign up for any event - 1. Without insurance, and - 2. After the deadline.

Apparently Leo was also not a member of KA last year when he entered comps saying that he was.

I think everyone deserves to be treated equal (as does Leo I'm reading) and in this case he was treated as anyone else would have been.

Remember to sign up on time and make sure your insurance is up to date people!

what a bul**** i registered on time and payed my insurance prior the competition started like was on the web site no cut of date or time for that

i did all on time and i have all the emails to prove

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:18PM
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Your registration was approved.

To view / edit your registration - Click Here

Dolls Point / Wanda Beach Cronulla
Thursday, 21 January 2016 - Sunday, 24 January 2016
OrganiserKiteboarding Qld & NT Inc
This registration was processed by Register Now Pty Ltd on behalf of Kiteboarding Qld & NT Inc.If you have any further questions about the event please contact Kiteboarding Qld & NT Inc directly at [[ private details removed ]]

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:18PM
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Well the records say otherwise... In which case I fail to see how this is David from NKLs doing/ problem, so you should stop blaming him.

Also your above email says nothing about when you registered or whether you had KA insurance or not, it's merely an automatic email that gets sent to anyone who clicks the register button.

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:20PM
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sir ROWDY said..
Well the records say otherwise... In which case I fail to see how this is David from NKLs doing/ problem, so you should stop blaming him.

more lies and bull**** so embarrassing you just losing you credibility you just lost another million dollar contract now

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:25PM
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Brazilnuts said..

sir ROWDY said..
Well the records say otherwise... In which case I fail to see how this is David from NKLs doing/ problem, so you should stop blaming him.

more lies and bull****

What lies? You are constantly blaming David and this is nothing to do with him.

Unfortunately so far you have provided no proof that you entered before the deadline or had Insurance before the deadline. This is normal protocol everywhere. I'd love to see you argue this way about your car insurance if a cop pulled you over... rules are rules, deal with it and stop making yourself look bad.

You're a great kiter it's a shame you have to act silly on here and ruin peoples stoke about what you are doing.

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:27PM
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Brazilnuts said..
Your registration was approved.

To view / edit your registration - Click Here

Dolls Point / Wanda Beach Cronulla
Thursday, 21 January 2016 - Sunday, 24 January 2016
OrganiserKiteboarding Qld & NT Inc
This registration was processed by Register Now Pty Ltd on behalf of Kiteboarding Qld & NT Inc.If you have any further questions about the event please contact Kiteboarding Qld & NT Inc directly at

date is right there 20/01/16 and above you can see the insurance
you get this email after you pay for your registration
the system doesnt let you register after the expiring date

buy the way you forgot to say that was only 7 people in the open maybe less what a susses
JUst wandering how would you fell is was you been discriminated

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:35PM
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Select to expand quote' /> Welcome to Kiteboarding Australia!Hi Leonardo,

Thanks for joining Kiteboarding Australia to take part in this Kiteboarding Australia sanctioned event.

Your Event Membership covers you while competing in the event.

If you would like to continue being a part of Kiteboarding Australia you should upgrade your Event Membership within 30 days - this means that you wont pay the new joining fee of $25!
Why get a full year membership?It allows you to compete in any upcoming Kiteboarding Australia sanctioned events;It gives you public liability and some personal injury insurance cover while kitingall the timeIt means you can access our member discounts and dealsMost importantly, your membership supports the growth of your sport in this country.
<div>To upgrade your membership log into your account and choose to upgrade

Please use your e-mail and the password used during the application to log on to the Kiteboarding Australia website.

Please follow all local laws and the CLEAR guidelines while kiting to reduce the risk of injuring yourself or others.

Good winds and safe kiteboarding!
Kiteboarding Australia

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:38PM
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Above is just text on a screen, which you could easily change, hardly solid proof of anything... You would need a screen shot of an actual email to prove anything properly.

Even in the case that KA is somehow lying about when you registered (which I highly doubt), your silly behaviour on here is hardly justified.
You've not only given yourself a bad name but also unjustifiably abused and made some people quite angry, all whilst ruining a competition for people who just wanted to have some FUN...

There's no hidden agendas or people out to get you, the reason you aren't paid to kite or sponsored properly is because you're constantly self sabotaging your own career.

Being a Pro kiter isn't just about how good you ride, that's just a small part of it all. It's mainly about promoting the brand in a positive way and making people stoked on kiteboarding, these are two things I think you're really overlooking. I hope you can work things out and get what you desire in the future.

All the best Leo.

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:40PM
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sir ROWDY said..
It doesn't say anything about insurance above (and even if it did it's just text on a screen, which you could easily change), hardly solid proof of anything... You would need a screen shot of an actual email to prove anything properly.

Even in the case that KA is somehow lying about when you registered (which I highly doubt), your silly behaviour on here is hardly justified.
You've not only given yourself a bad name but also unjustifiably abused and made some people quite angry, all whilst ruining a competition for people who just wanted to have some FUN...

There's no hidden agendas or people out to get you, the reason you aren't paid to kite or sponsored properly is because you're constantly self sabotaging your own career.

Being a Pro kiter isn't just about how good you ride, that's just a small part of it all. It's mainly about promoting the brand in a positive way and making people stoked on kiteboarding, these are two things I think you're really overlooking. I hope you can work things out and get what you desire in the future.

All the best Leo.

i can and i will provide every thing in court i also have wittnes no worries pro kiter

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jan 2016 3:42PM
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Sounds good, I hope it all works out.

VIC, 475 posts
26 Jan 2016 6:48PM
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Brazilnuts said..

sir ROWDY said..
It doesn't say anything about insurance above (and even if it did it's just text on a screen, which you could easily change), hardly solid proof of anything... You would need a screen shot of an actual email to prove anything properly.

Even in the case that KA is somehow lying about when you registered (which I highly doubt), your silly behaviour on here is hardly justified.
You've not only given yourself a bad name but also unjustifiably abused and made some people quite angry, all whilst ruining a competition for people who just wanted to have some FUN...

There's no hidden agendas or people out to get you, the reason you aren't paid to kite or sponsored properly is because you're constantly self sabotaging your own career.

Being a Pro kiter isn't just about how good you ride, that's just a small part of it all. It's mainly about promoting the brand in a positive way and making people stoked on kiteboarding, these are two things I think you're really overlooking. I hope you can work things out and get what you desire in the future.

All the best Leo.

i can and i will provide every thing in court i also have wittnes no worries pro kiter

If you can take this to court then you have way too much money, have some fun, go kite and help support the sport.

WA, 30 posts
26 Jan 2016 4:10PM
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Brazilnuts said..

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i can and i will provide every thing in court i also have wittnes no worries pro kiter

Hey i'm no Pro Kiter im a noobie

156 posts
26 Jan 2016 5:17PM
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QLD, 1451 posts
26 Jan 2016 7:29PM
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Brazilnuts said..

i can and i will provide every thing in court i also have wittnes no worries pro kiter

what are you takeing them to court over? you said there was no prize money so you cant get any of that and registration fees you paid you said it was like 250 smackeroos ?!?! your going to go to court over 250? arent you still getting the insurance and all the other benefits that you paid for?
your not going to go very well

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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"NKL SYDNEY - Completes an EPIC day!" started by NKL