Forums > Kitesurfing General

Neck brace

Created by lancekenny > 9 months ago, 8 May 2008
SA, 402 posts
8 May 2008 7:13PM
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Im about 20 sleeps from returning to the water - whos counting?? after breaking my neck.

Does anyone out there know of supportive neck braces that I can use while kiting?

I reckon I will need something for the first few months as a precautionary measure not a neccessity - just been watching a lot of kiting vids and it reminds me how hard you can go down at times...

not that there is a huge amount of wind in WA at the moment anyway!


WA, 4485 posts
8 May 2008 6:10PM
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Ummm - not trying to be a smart@rse here Lance, but I would think that if you need to wear a kneck brace then you are nowhere near ready to return to the water yet.

I understand your hunger but surely doing some more physio/repair and then being truly ready for the good summer breezes would be the go...

Best of luck anyhoo

SA, 402 posts
8 May 2008 8:02PM
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all is good and recovery is nearly there - I suffered a tear drop fracture to the base of my C2 vertebrae - and the doc should give it the all clear shortly.

I wont need to wear a neck brace - but like any injury and subsequent muscle deterioration from treatment you want to take things slow and steady.

The brace isnt required but its more for piece of mind - I guess brace could be a bad word - looking for more of a soft support or similar - there are products out there for motorbikes etc - just wondering if there was something out there for water sports.

But thanks for the support - hunger isnt the half of it - been stuck in bed and chairs looking at the ceiling for the better part of 6 weeks is enough to drive anyone insane - who said laying on your back would be easy!!

QLD, 4083 posts
8 May 2008 8:39PM
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I can't sit still for more than about half an hour, that must be tough.

WA, 384 posts
8 May 2008 6:49PM
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why wouldnt the normal foam one work? sure it will get wet but i dont think that will stop its ability to support

SA, 402 posts
8 May 2008 8:22PM
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yeah I can find heaps of motorcycle form or rigid ones but none specific for water - but I do think that is the way to go...

I am the PS3 master now - you gotta do something with your down time even if I am an old fart!!

NSW, 46 posts
8 May 2008 11:43PM
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4 1/2 years ago I fractured C1 C3 and C4. I was off the water for about nine months. I purchased a soft neck brace from the local chemist just held on by a piece of Velcro, I blew it off the first time I hit the water, got another one and blew it off. Third one I sewed extra Velcro so it went right around my neck did the job nicely. I do yoga exercises every day, every day without fail, I figure half an hour working on my spine and my neck is well worth it so I can stay on the water. Don't let your age be a barrier, I am now 61 and still managed to pull off double back loop transitions the occasional unhooked back loop boost as big as anyone in this area and of course my favourite big waves.

Bob Dawson

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
8 May 2008 9:47PM
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"I am the PS3 master now " see now thats y your going insane

you should of gone for the 360 and got live and you would of bin set for the next 4 months!!

SA, 402 posts
9 May 2008 1:05AM
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Cheers Bob I have to confess Im only 36 so Im not that old but I do hope to be still cranking along at your age and doing the things you are saying - including yoga which I hope to start next week - or pilaties - which ever fits in best.

I am wearing the soft neck brace now - off the damn Philadelphia Collar which has to be the worst invention in the world! How anyone can sleep with that thing on and not take drugs is beyond me.

New game due for the last couple of weeks of rehab - Warhawk and Motorstorm have been done to death on the PS3 - need a kiting game - like that old Kelly Slater surfing game

273 posts
9 May 2008 12:25AM
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Good to hear the recovery is on track.

How did the injury happen?

SA, 402 posts
9 May 2008 10:18AM
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did it playing masters footy - over 35 - last 10 seconds of the game - bent down to pick the ball up and connected the very top of my head with another players hip bone - absolute freak accident and I only play footy to keep the fitness up for kiting and to burn some calories before the post training beers.

Kiting is much safer

NSW, 6451 posts
9 May 2008 6:02PM
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mahadev said...

4 1/2 years ago I fractured C1 C3 and C4. I was off the water for about nine months. I purchased a soft neck brace from the local chemist just held on by a piece of Velcro, I blew it off the first time I hit the water, got another one and blew it off. Third one I sewed extra Velcro so it went right around my neck did the job nicely. I do yoga exercises every day, every day without fail, I figure half an hour working on my spine and my neck is well worth it so I can stay on the water. Don't let your age be a barrier, I am now 61 and still managed to pull off double back loop transitions the occasional unhooked back loop boost as big as anyone in this area and of course my favourite big waves.

Bob Dawson

just gotta look out for Lee and his low flying lines,they will rip that neck brace right off ,hey


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Neck brace" started by lancekenny