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Need a big boosting tip!

Created by Chris_M > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2023
2129 posts
5 Jan 2023 3:29AM
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I am in need of some expert advice for how to get my boosts bigger. Im stuck at my old PB of 17m and despite getting a few opportunities to smash it.
I am riding well powered up in some big storms, finding nice kickers to launch off, getting good timing and really sending it, but cant seem to get higher. Yesterday there were a bunch of guys at my local getting 20+ and I just couldn't get past the 17m mark. What am I doing wrong?


NSW, 148 posts
5 Jan 2023 10:52AM
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when your kick off point is spotted u should be loading up your kite and lines and also your board by doing a small sharp turn into the wind before lift off. some types of boards are also better than others also. once boosted ,plan on staying up for a long time and dont think about landing until its time. I like to then dive my kite before the land which gives u that nice soft landing. Think "Light as a feather Grasshopper"

WA, 74 posts
5 Jan 2023 11:32AM
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berski, what do you reckonnnnn...

WA, 59 posts
5 Jan 2023 11:35AM
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Can't you ask the guys at the spot for some pointers ? As they see you riding it would be a lot easier for them to see what's wrong.
Don't forget weight, if you're 10kg heavier and riding the same kite size you won't go as high.

2129 posts
5 Jan 2023 1:19PM
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LePhasme said..
Can't you ask the guys at the spot for some pointers ? As they see you riding it would be a lot easier for them to see what's wrong.
Don't forget weight, if you're 10kg heavier and riding the same kite size you won't go as high.

Yeah just thought I would see if anybody had any pearls of wisdom on this forum.
Trying to make more of an effort to direct the board more upwind when loading up and popping, had a crack at it today and it definitely felt more lofty, woo didn't show me the love I was hoping for though, but it definitely felt like more of a vertical pull.
Im a 100kg+ but I'll do anything other than diet

WA, 2100 posts
5 Jan 2023 2:17PM
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Chris_M said..

LePhasme said..
Can't you ask the guys at the spot for some pointers ? As they see you riding it would be a lot easier for them to see what's wrong.
Don't forget weight, if you're 10kg heavier and riding the same kite size you won't go as high.

Yeah just thought I would see if anybody had any pearls of wisdom on this forum.
Trying to make more of an effort to direct the board more upwind when loading up and popping, had a crack at it today and it definitely felt more lofty, woo didn't show me the love I was hoping for though, but it definitely felt like more of a vertical pull.
Im a 100kg+ but I'll do anything other than diet

The advice above was a small sharp turn into the wind (before you load and pop to allow for extra load). Sounds like you're doing it wrong if you're just planing hard upwind then pulling the trigger

2129 posts
5 Jan 2023 3:11PM
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psychojoe said..

Chris_M said..

LePhasme said..
Can't you ask the guys at the spot for some pointers ? As they see you riding it would be a lot easier for them to see what's wrong.
Don't forget weight, if you're 10kg heavier and riding the same kite size you won't go as high.

Yeah just thought I would see if anybody had any pearls of wisdom on this forum.
Trying to make more of an effort to direct the board more upwind when loading up and popping, had a crack at it today and it definitely felt more lofty, woo didn't show me the love I was hoping for though, but it definitely felt like more of a vertical pull.
Im a 100kg+ but I'll do anything other than diet

The advice above was a small sharp turn into the wind (before you load and pop to allow for extra load). Sounds like you're doing it wrong if you're just planing hard upwind then pulling the trigger

Sweet cheers. Will see if I can time it all a bit better.

SA, 114 posts
6 Jan 2023 2:52PM
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Get a high aspect big air kite and go out in 30 knots with 10m

623 posts
6 Jan 2023 7:11PM
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Are you doing a good pre-load? This is the jump thing prior to takeoff. Mike Macdonald did a video about how to do it. ALL the KOTA riders do this to get extra height. The theory is that you get a stronger edge so can load the lines better.... or something?

The young riders at KOTA (3 finalists) were also taking off just before their kite got to 12. They seemed to be going higher than most of the other riders. There might be something in this - though Kevin and Geil still go massive without doing this so it might be a small margins thing.

Finally - have you tried throwing your feet above your head? It helped one of the guys at my local crack the 20m mark

WA, 1790 posts
6 Jan 2023 11:03PM
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I think you can tell by the responses, the type of launch heavily influences jump height. Flat water needs to load up the raik which a small pre pop can help with, but if you have the right shaped wave / kicker you can get far more out of it by timing the kite launch as you leave the water, which will be the top of the kicker/ wave.

As someone else said . Kite size matters, if you are 10% heavier, and ride a 10% bigger kite, then launch 10% harder.... should be similar heights.

If your riding same kite size as them... that's probably your issue.

SA, 2884 posts
7 Jan 2023 7:22AM
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If you're already pulling 17m high jumps then what you're doing is pretty good.
it'S all about power and timing and release.
sometimes trying too hard messes with the above.

WA, 857 posts
7 Jan 2023 8:50PM
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riviere said..
berski, what do you reckonnnnn...

I wouldn't be upset with 17m... that's pretty efin high. Maybe you could stick a rocket up ya clacka... Grimsby style

2129 posts
8 Jan 2023 5:41PM
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Thanks for all the responses. I appreciate the time taken to help me out.
Wanting to get higher up, would love to crack the 20

Might have to try a well timed fart on take-off

WA, 2100 posts
8 Jan 2023 7:17PM
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Chris_M said..
Thanks for all the responses. I appreciate the time taken to help me out.
Wanting to get higher up, would love to crack the 20

Might have to try a well timed fart on take-off

Sounds like you're into round numbers. Switch to imperial, you'll break 20 yards in no time.

WA, 808 posts
8 Jan 2023 10:03PM
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I bet other riders are on smaller kites.

How many 100kgs on the same gear?

WA, 465 posts
8 Jan 2023 10:27PM
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Get yourself a 10m xr and go out in 40-45 knots

WA, 527 posts
21 Jan 2023 4:06PM
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Hmmm . I'm failing too at breaking past 17m.
My theory is that hitting a big ramp/kicker causes you to loose your edge. If you fly up a big ramp at speed you tend to lean forwards over the board and loose your edge, thus loosing line tension.
Get back in the flat water and work on your technique.
I M H O.

623 posts
23 Jan 2023 8:04PM
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daggy said..
Hmmm . I'm failing too at breaking past 17m.
My theory is that hitting a big ramp/kicker causes you to loose your edge. If you fly up a big ramp at speed you tend to lean forwards over the board and loose your edge, thus loosing line tension.
Get back in the flat water and work on your technique.
I M H O.

That's the problem. You need to pop off the top of the ramp/kicker. The idea is that you get more edge carving onto the kicker than you would on flat water. There's a video here that sort of covers it.

17m is still massive though! Good going.

WA, 1874 posts
23 Jan 2023 10:50PM
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Bro - you not heard of Acme boost
No excuses now

2129 posts
28 Jan 2023 9:20AM
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I asked ChatGP for a bit of a laugh, heres the response:

How can I jump higher than 20m on a kitesurfer?

It is not possible for a kitesurfer to jump higher than 20m due to the laws of physics and the limitations of current kite and board technology. To jump higher, a kitesurfer would need to generate more lift, which can only be achieved by using a larger kite or by riding in stronger wind conditions. Additionally, a kitesurfer would need to optimize their technique, such as by jumping at the right moment and using the right angle of attack to maximize the lift generated by the kite. However, even with these conditions, it would still be impossible to jump higher than 20m.

NSW, 170 posts
28 Jan 2023 12:45PM
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Maybe find a wave or kicker going cross shore opposite to current or rips, this could "force" your board into the wave more. That's just a guess but I've noticed a height difference in my jumps depending on where I launch off a wave when it's within a 100 mtr radius of my jump area

2129 posts
28 Jan 2023 10:05AM
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Yeah I think I need to just get the timing of the launch, kicker, be more aggressive, pray for a huge gust on the way up etc!

My woo scores say im improving over the long term, Im just getting impatient as my big jump was last summer and I haven't bettered it so feeling a bit stuck.

I think I might change boards to get something with tips that are a bit more pulled in, like the atmos. The North Focus is good, but it feels like those big square tips dont let me load up with as much force as I'd like going into lift-off.

Fun and games though, my working on bigger loops is keeping me occupied for now

SA, 2884 posts
28 Jan 2023 2:00PM
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Chris_M said..
Yeah I think I need to just get the timing of the launch, kicker, be more aggressive, pray for a huge gust on the way up etc!

My woo scores say im improving over the long term, Im just getting impatient as my big jump was last summer and I haven't bettered it so feeling a bit stuck.

I think I might change boards to get something with tips that are a bit more pulled in, like the atmos. The North Focus is good, but it feels like those big square tips dont let me load up with as much force as I'd like going into lift-off.

Fun and games though, my working on bigger loops is keeping me occupied for now

Last summer was less climate change. So just blame that.

QLD, 47 posts
29 Jan 2023 10:13AM
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Never measured my jumps but have done the odd XL jump where all the kites below look quite small.

A super stiff twin tip with rounded edges works best for me (made my own with a lot of carbon and kevlar).. most people would say its way too stiff.. but frankly thats only because they are not loading the hell out of a board in seriously over powered conditions. Yes its uncomfortable if you're mowing the lawns.

Also hitting a wave or kicker at full speed with the kite quite low (for speed and power), maybe 10 o'clock, then hit the wave and launch as the kite is going past 11-11:30. With the bar pulled right in from launch.

Note make sure it doesnt oversheet with the bar pulled right down... so sort out adjustment beforehand.

Also never launch if there is any white water on the lip or if its starting to break.. unless you enjoy a seriously off-axis beating. But you want wave thats going to throw you upwards with your shear speed.

I've never looped a kite during a jump, and from my observation, pure height does not require a loop, but rather speed, loading and a good kite (my biggest jump was on a 2012 9m Switchblade in 30+knots)

VIC, 567 posts
29 Jan 2023 12:21PM
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My 2.5 cents
Ive found you can increase jump height by just slowing the kiteloop down.

ie : as you leave the water slowly pull the bar in towards the center line and let the line tension build / develop gradually between you and kite.

if you slam the bar against the center line (fish pole the kite] the power shuts down the kite completes the loop too quickly.

WA, 29 posts
29 Jan 2023 9:39AM
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Add 2m to your lines: 22m > 24m = +9% but allowing the slight exponential from extra lift through the higher wind speed over the kite should get you +11% to +14% extra lift. 17m > 18.5m to 19m.

VIC, 567 posts
29 Jan 2023 12:39PM
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This video series is really good, best to start at episode 1 so you understand his explanations.

WA, 24 posts
31 Jan 2023 10:44AM
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Search up the WOO youtube channel for Coach Crathern. The video series takes you through all the stages of a jump. Maybe have a watch and see if there are some tips that might help you to get higher.

Also you can look at "Get High With Mike" and see if there is anything there that might help you

WA, 29 posts
9 Feb 2023 8:01AM
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Sandfoot said..

This video series is really good, best to start at episode 1 so you understand his explanations.

Anton's learning to fly Ep 1 & 2 cost $26 each at current exchange rates; both run at 50 minutes. I found Ep 2 really good for technique refinement on loading up on line tension with measurable positive height results on my weak side. He engages after sale if you've got very specific Q&A.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Need a big boosting tip!" started by Chris_M