Moti levy kite repair if he can't fix it throw it in the bin I've known him for over 10yrs he's a good mate and does a 1st class job
Clean the area to be taped with metho. Tape it with 50mm spinnaker tape. Tape it both sides. Round the corners. It will be stronger than the original.
If you have access to a sewing machine you could oversew the tape at the trailing edge. It's not really necessary. Use polyester thread.
Nothing exiting. went alone in a very gusty day and when coming out landed it on top of a small tree... not the best spot...
Yeah Jesper at Sail repair wa just repaired my kites gnarly Leading edge that made friends with some rocks...
Did a great job - solid repair
I wouldn't bother with a DIY job on such a large repair and what seems to be a fairly new kite
Also no point sending over to the East Coast when you have people who can do it locally.
With Neil being out of operation it seems Jesper is your best option
I reckon a repair like this should set you back somewhere around $100 but totally worth it.
You just loose a lot of resale value with a tear like this, but you shouldn't notice any difference in performance if it's well fixed.
Agree with gorgo.once upon a time I used insulation tape on massive tears.and did 500m off from pond to shoalwater on it loads..ask the people at the pond
Otherwise ..yes DAVE or JESPER (definitely for LE)