Forums > Kitesurfing General

New to kiting in Victoria

Created by KiterPete > 9 months ago, 8 Jan 2012
VIC, 2 posts
8 Jan 2012 8:44PM
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Hi all,
I've decided to give Kiting Boarding a go in Victoria but would appreciate any tips from punters out there who have just started learning.

What company should I go to in St Kilda - there's seems to be so many. Price is about the same with them all but are there any newbies just learning like me that could recommend a school?

One company is insisting I buy 3k worth of gear which is really annoying. I just want to learn first before investing my hard earned.



VIC, 701 posts
8 Jan 2012 9:25PM
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A number of the StK schools will be as good a place as any to start.

DO NOT spend 3K on equipment that may not be right for you. A number of shops are trying to offload last years gear, which is a great bargain but you have to know what you are buying and what will suit your level of experience.

I am not going to pimp any of the schools down there but go for one of them that is not trying to sell you gear. Just get a feel for the instructor and if you like him / her then away you go.

Lessons do not cost much (in comparison to purchasing equipment) so have as many of them as you need to know wether its for you or not.

Welcome to kitesurfing BTW, if its for you then it could be one of the most life affirming things you have ever done (speaks from experience).


VIC, 10 posts
8 Jan 2012 10:14PM
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hi pete,
kiteboarding is the best watersport for melbourne!
i am the instructor of kss altona.
we offer a 6hrs beginner course for 399 dollars and you dont have to buy any equipment of us. but you can... if you want, feel free to contact me.
my email is:
or call me: 0405626318
see you on the water!
cheers lars

VIC, 1607 posts
8 Jan 2012 11:26PM
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Hi Pete, loyalty should be earned, not demanded. Buy services and products from whoever you like, trust, hear good things about, and gives what seems a reasonable deal. As Junglist said, lessons are a small part of the cost in kiting so don't skimp.

Make sure in advance that your instructor will cover such things as flagging, self-rescue, body dragging upwind as well as down, safety considerations when launching and landing, right of way rules and general kiting etiquette.

These forums contain many pages of good information (and a fair bit of gratuitous silliness) so use the search button to find out more on the above topics.

For quickest progression, buy a trainer kite such as the Ozone Imp and learn to fly it in a large open space well clear of people or obstacles. After several hours flying time, then get lessons, then start considering what gear you'll need.

First things first, stay safe, and you'll have a great time.

This vid from the forum's own Steve McC is a good start

VIC, 1159 posts
8 Jan 2012 11:39PM
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KiterPete said...

Hi all,
I've decided to give Kiting Boarding a go in Victoria but would appreciate any tips from punters out there who have just started learning.

What company should I go to in St Kilda - there's seems to be so many. Price is about the same with them all but are there any newbies just learning like me that could recommend a school?

One company is insisting I buy 3k worth of gear which is really annoying. I just want to learn first before investing my hard earned.



I can't believe that any of the St K schools would insist on you buying your gear first. Schools often discount the cost of lessons off your gear if you purchase equipment afterwards.

Give "Salt" a message, he is a kite instructor with one of the schools and is a nice guy, he will be happy to help you out.

VIC, 219 posts
9 Jan 2012 10:09PM
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About 1/2 of the instructors kicking around St Kilda this year came out of the same course a few months back. So expect a very similar level of tuition from any of the schools. And so it should be similar, as it is a standardised course designed by the IKO, and schools pay an annual fee to be an IKO affiliated centre.

It's important to note that the instructors are employed as subcontractors, so they can only bill for the hour(s) which has been allocated by the shop. So don't arrive late, and take a toilet break before you start, as you don't want your lesson cut short cos you've wasted time getting in and out of your wetsuit, that being said, most instructors won't mind going a few minutes over, but only if its not too busy.

Also, if budget permits, go for the 1:1 student - teacher ratio, as watching someone else body drag or board start is not the same as doing it for yourself.
Gear has the biggest margin in it (enough even to subsidise all of your lessons), and students needing gear are usually the main feed source for kite shops, so they will be super keen to get your business, but there are great deals to be had on seabreeze for 2nd hand gear.

VIC, 2 posts
11 Jan 2012 11:22AM
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Thanks guys,
Found a school not hell bend on flogging off gear.
IrideWaiman thanks for the tip, I am doing one on one instruction.




Forums > Kitesurfing General

"New to kiting in Victoria" started by KiterPete