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Next years Red Bull Lighthouse race

Created by SaveTheWhales > 9 months ago, 14 Dec 2010
WA, 1877 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:54AM
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To begin with - congratualations to Alex and our New Local hero 'TT Said' !!!

After hearing criticisms from several people I think there are some things that could be improved upon to make event better.

1. A finish line between two Markers " Parallel " to the beach. No confusion or people racing to touch the beach first... its not a triathlon!

2. A Taped off from the waters edge landing area.

This was potentially the most dangerous thing at the event and it was mayhem for tired kiters with burnt out legs, coming in with hundreds of people crowding the shoreline with goodwill intentions.
Imagine the injury and lawsuits tallys if someone accidently dropped their kite in that crowd !!!

3. There should be two categories - genuine racers & 'as long as I make it, I'll be stoked mate'. A delayed start for second group to let the racers get a clean start as in any sport..

4. Entries & Waksa..... This was a big joke thats not going unoticed - you had to be a member before entering - and then get told you didnt make it in the draw ?????
Well do we get a refund now that it is absolutely useless to us ???

In the Poley ledge to lancelin - you offiically entered the race and provided a membership (or) bought a membership on the day, at registration for a higher price than normal - a fair and win win situation for both parties concerned.

If you dont make the draw - youre not out of pocket and I would Honestly rather give away $60 to a Charity for the less fortunate kids at Christmas !!!

According to the lotteries commission when you pay money to go into a draw, its legally scrutinisd - for a good reason ?

Ok thats the winge and someone had to say it on behalf of others and lets hope they get it right for next year

WA, 813 posts
14 Dec 2010 12:47PM
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You have raised a number of issues that have already been acknowledged by WAKSA and some others that are not entirely accurate:

1) There were a number of different reasons for participation – the race versus ‘I simply want to get there’ approach. Given next year’s event is some way into the future it’s too early to commit but your suggestion for different entry categories has been noted and discussed already, since Saturday.

2) Dedicated landing area. Absolutely, could have been better organised & we are completely across the potential safety problems. Absolutely will be done differently/better next time.

3) Finish line being better delineated. Noted, but the finish line details were ‘clearly’ pointed out to participating kiters in the race documentation and pre-race briefing.

4) WAKSA membership is (and will be) required for future events. WAKSA was involved in this event for a number of reasons including raising the profile of the sport in WA as well as getting a sensational event up and running for our MEMBERS. Membership of WAKSA/AKSA was required to ensure that participating kiters had an appropriate level of liability insurance. If you joined WAKSA to participate in the event, you now have access to our full range of events including downwinders, competitions and Kitestock 2011 and the almost never ending work liaising and representing kite surfing to local and state government bodies. Your membership is not ‘useless’ as you put it.

5) The WAKSA committee made a clear decision that for the first time this event was to run, it was better for a small number of kiters to participate, and that number was limited to 50 kiters. A clear decision was made to run a small(er) event - the first time - to prove that it can be done, and done well.

The selection criteria required that participants had a minimum number of hours kiting to ensure that the likelihood of an over-confident newbie who couldn't kite upwind for example, didn't attempt the crossing.

There were two hundred applicants – it then goes without saying that 150 kiters were going to be disappointed. We acknowledge that the selection process has caused some angst amongst kiters who didn’t get a place in the event and whilst you claim it wasn’t ‘scrutinised’, (it was) - there was an independent judge who drew names from a bucket – literally.

WAKSA looks forward to the Lighthouse to Leighton event in 2011. Given it was the first time the event was conducted this year, we will be working to improve on this year’s success and making this event even better for next year and the years after.


The WAKSA Committee.

WA, 551 posts
14 Dec 2010 1:16PM
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I liked the finish - but it cost me a placing because I blew it.
My point of view the thought the end set up was perfect. Made the finish a technical finish with chances of high risk passing. I was racing for a 2nd , third or 4th and crashed out with 80m to go over cooked and limped in 4th trying to pass Marty and Philip. Philip was racing for a 2nd and crashed and finished third. Marty was racing hard for 2nd third or 4th and snuck in 2nd. This finish really puts pressure on if you are racing.

Also its way easier for judges and audience to clearly view as people cross line.

WA, 44 posts
14 Dec 2010 2:16PM
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Out of interest, how many of the 50 lucky competitors were actually chosen out of that hat of yours WAKSA? Versus, for example, guys like Alex-the-Frenchie and others who got hand picked?

WA, 649 posts
14 Dec 2010 6:17PM
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To Rotto & back

or each alternate year switch the direction

WA, 281 posts
14 Dec 2010 6:28PM
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I would hope that those who qualify to participate but missed out this year are given a priority for entry next year over those who took part on Saturday.

Spread the joy around....

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
14 Dec 2010 8:32PM
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swinginginthewind said...

I would hope that those who qualify to participate but missed out this year are given a priority for entry next year over those who took part on Saturday.

Spread the joy around....

I would hope the volunteers both on Rotto and at Leighton get first dibs.

WA, 1877 posts
14 Dec 2010 8:44PM
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the WASKSA committee

Now given the fact that myself and others - if you read correctly, have only entered for the Red Bull race and are not interested in any other activities as we just kite for the Fun factor.

Does this mean if not selected for next years event - we are going to waste another $60 subsidising everyone else ???

Thats just not Cricket mate !!!!

All the other activities we are guranteed participation.

Thankyou for the other replies...

WA, 5353 posts
14 Dec 2010 8:47PM
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Should just run it out to sea, see who can tack the furtherest out. No support boats though.

WA, 679 posts
14 Dec 2010 8:51PM
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I hope next year that the names drawn out of the hat are a mixture of people who have been WAKSA members for a number of years AND those who re-registered/ registered recently/just for the race.
Perhaps it's unfounded but seems that nearly all of the competitors have been members for +3-4 years?

Envious? Most definitely.
Jealous? Maybe a little.
Appropriate? Yep.

Having said that I think it's fair and reasonable for those who have supported the committee for that many years to have first dibs - without that support, this event, amongst numerous others, probably wouldn't have gone ahead.

Ahhh...tall poppy syndrome; comes with the territory. Well done WAKSA on what appears to be one of the most successful events in Australian Kiting history.

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:39PM
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Unfortunately I missed out on a place, was I bummed? Definitely! Am I going to get bitter about it? No.

I just have one legitimate question for WAKSA. Will there be more places on offer next year? If so, any idea of how many?



Knight Kiter
19 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:44PM
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SaveTheWhales said...

the WASKSA committee

Now given the fact that myself and others - if you read correctly, have only entered for the Red Bull race and are not interested in any other activities as we just kite for the Fun factor.

Does this mean if not selected for next years event - we are going to waste another $60 subsidising everyone else ???

Thats just not Cricket mate !!!!

All the other activities we are guranteed participation.

Thankyou for the other replies...

if you reckon waksa membership is a waste of money then i hope you never get a spot in the race. the insurance not worth it for you? how about the hundreds of hours they put into negotiation with councils to preserve access to beaches?

WA, 3480 posts
15 Dec 2010 12:25AM
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I really do hope that it is possible to have more kiters next year because it is obvious there is many more people that would love to do it.
I was lucky enough to get a start this year but still think I can understand how upset people are that missed out because I know I would have been pissed off myself.
Please don't take out your frustrations with WAKSA though, they are all volunteers who work tirelessly for the promotion of our sport and this is just one of the events that they organise through out the year.
I am certain that they will be working hard to try to get permission to increase the numbers next year and also think I have a pretty good idea of just how much red tape must be cut through to achieve this.

I believe this event has the potential to become absolutely huge but if too much was bitten off in the first year and there was problems it would have jeopardised the chance of even holding the event next year, as it is I think that with how incredibly well things went this year there is a good chance that more people will get to compete next year, but that is not going to happen without a lot of hard work by someone.
I am still blown away with how incredibly well things appeared to have ran this year and cannot begin to comprehend how much work was done behind the scenes, so I really don't want to critise anything however I believe the people concerned will realise that there is still room for improvement in a couple of areas and they have already acknowledged this.

From what I could see one of the main things was the landing of kites when some kiters arrived there legs were like jelly and although there was plenty of volunteers waiting ready to land kites there was also lots of members of the public that did not realise the dangers, that were standing too close downwind, with the potential for accidents.
The amount of kites coming in meant that they had to keep retreating to allow room for more kites to land.
Maybe if they could be encouraged to stand upwind of a certain point this risk could be reduced.

From a purely personal point of view if we could know if we had a start way earlier it would be great. Although I was lucky enough to get a start I was only notified about a week before the event. Whilst I can see how difficult it may have been to finalise numbers it meant that we did not get much chance to train or try different boards etc for the event.
I was thinking of customising one of my old gun pintail surfboards and sticking some pads and straps on it but by the time I found out I was in it was too late to experiment so I just went with my normal short fat wave riding board which was really no competition against the likes of Alex's custom board.
If I knew for sure I was in next year I think I would start planning way earlier and have the potential to be way more competive.

If you have paid up your WAKSA membership but missed out on the L2L make sure you get in early and register for kitestock it is an absolutely awesome few days that is more than worth becoming a member for by itself.
Anyone that went to the Wedge Wave Comp would also know how good the vibe was there.
Sorry about the long post, I think I used way more than my 2 cents worth but before I go I would again like to thank WAKSA, Red Bull, all the vollies, Tim, Juddy, Russ and all others that made this years event guys rock!!!!!!

WA, 3619 posts
15 Dec 2010 12:46AM
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I agree with kiterdan.
I think minimum requirement for entry should be at least a few years membership of WAKSA. Guarantees (at least provides a chance) that skills might fit; but mostly; IMO - If you are not prepared to put into your sport you shouldnt expect anything out of it.
If others kiters hadnt thought WAKSA was worth supporting for the past 9 yrs no-one would have had an event to enter.
If you knew you didnt want to be a part of WAKSA then you shouldnt have expected to be a part of the race they put on for their members.

And what about Knight Kiters comment. Spot on.
What is your local STWs. Ans - Melville.
Funny that. Where would you have kited for the past 3 years if WAKSA volunteers hadnt saved that one for you. And how much would you have spent on petrol going to the coast.
And where do you plan to kite if WAKSA gives you back your measly $65 then you make a paraplegic out of some kid on the footpath there and DONT have cover.
I dont think that particular unfortunate kid would be very happy with a $60 donation to his Xmas basket.

Wanting everyone else to do all the work and expecting to get all the benefit but not even being able to pretend to suggest that what they do a worthwhile SUCKS.
I doubt you will get across the start line if you ever do get a place. With an attitude like that you dont deserve a place on the water let alone a place in any event organised by those who want to see kiting remain open for all to enjoy.

WA, 3619 posts
15 Dec 2010 1:43AM
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probably said enough but like a saved whale I feel the need to vent....

SaveTheWhales said...

4. Entries & Waksa..... This was a big joke thats not going unoticed - you had to be a member before entering - and then get told you didnt make it in the draw ?????
Well do we get a refund now that it is absolutely useless to us ???

Why bother giving advice to next years WAKSA volunteers for next years event STWs. If everyone had your attitude there wouldnt be a WAKSA and there would never be another event to be improved on.

And then - how dare you kite at Melville without waksa membership.
And how absolutely ****ed are you to claim that membership is "absolutely useless" when you wouldnt even have a local to kite at unless WAKSA had worked on securing that one for you over the past 6 years.

If your membership of WAKSA wasnt so important for us all Id offer to personally donate $65 to the unfortunate child of your choice if you 'unjoined'.
If the choice of child was left up to me Id be asking if you had any at home - reckon they'd be pretty unfortunate

WA, 1877 posts
15 Dec 2010 2:01AM
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Last time I checked it wasnt compulsory to be a member of Waksa, to kite in WA. So no need to dribble there or you better start addressing the whole Australian kite community !!!

What you guys dont realise is that Im all for Waksa and beleive they do a great job !

What I object to is the process by which they have gained a membership !

as for the poor kid who im gonna hit on the head see the first paragraph.

Sticks & stones Honeys keep it real

WA, 3619 posts
15 Dec 2010 3:09AM
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SaveTheWhales said...

What you guys dont realise is that Im all for Waksa and beleive they do a great job !

I just dont believe I should support them unless they put on the exact event I want and also guarantee me a place in it - even if places are limited.
I gladly kite at a beach all year I owe to their work but Im not prepared to help protect it myself. Not even by spending a miserable $65 to support the organisation AS WELL as getting insurance to cover myself, those I may leave injured and to give a better chance of beaches staying open for other kiters everywhere.

Whats NOT cricket 'mate' is bludgers who are only prepared to put their money where their short sighted self interest is.
You are quite happy to pay the extra $65 as long as you get to kite where and when you want for just one day (even when someone else misses out) but not happy to pay $65 for the privilege of kiting all year at a beach you wouldnt have without WAKSA just because its not compulsory. Now thats whats not cricket. Thats plain old bludging.
And ur full of advice but never do anything but look after yourself while kiting for the 'fun (read selfish) factor'.
And whats so funny about the poor kid you 'might' just hit on the head then only have one house and half your life income to provide him with for the whole of his life.

Sure you are 'all for WAKSA and believe they do a great job' - as long as it doesnt go as far as your coin jar or require any of your own effort.

And STWs I AM addressing the whole Australian kiting community. If there are others out there with the same attitude you claim to be representing then its time they realised that they too are mean, tight fisted, self centred bludgers.
FACT not sticks and stones by any means.

WA, 1877 posts
15 Dec 2010 9:23AM
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Gee Puppet

Im really sorry to hear you feel that way, considering we still live in a Democracy.

I hope you are not on the Wasksa committee - as they have allready provided a very dignified informative response.

As for Selfish - well, all who know me, know that im the first person to lend a hand to someone who looks a little unsure about setting up, or even lend a spare kite and will always go and tow someone back from disaster.

Now have a nice day cherub Its nearly Christmas...

WA, 635 posts
15 Dec 2010 9:37AM
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Well SAVE THE WHALES, looks like they are saying, you should be paying WAKSA membership another 3 years at least. before they will consider your entry to a L2L race,

Sounds fair to me.

WA, 762 posts
15 Dec 2010 10:41AM
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After all the words and dribble spilled on the forum next years event needs to have qualifying races.

All riders that wish to participate in the RBL race can take part in a qualifying rounds to make this a legitimate race with real contestants?

The event will carry more international prestige and respect if the participants qualified and race ready. If the race is seen as legitimate it will attract more international riders, sponsorship *money* and garner more news interest.

By running qualification for the elite class with a long lead time to the event will allow athletes to train properly and acquire the correct gear. I do not believe names out of hat pays this event the respect it deserves and I doubt you could throw your hat in the ring for the Americas Cup.

I appreciate the first event was a trial and props to every person involved. Your hard work has proved this event can be run and managed in a professional manner.

I really hope next year people need to prove there way into the classes and there should be allocation for those who wish to embark the crossing for fun.

WA, 3619 posts
15 Dec 2010 10:59AM
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SaveTheWhales said...

I hope you are not on the Wasksa committee - as they have allready provided a very dignified informative response.

My comments have absolutely nothing to do with the WAKSA c'tee.
And, as I have come to expect, yes it was a very restrained reply.

WA, 808 posts
15 Dec 2010 12:21PM
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SaveTheWhales said...

Gee Puppet

Im really sorry to hear you feel that way, considering we still live in a Democracy.

Democracy? Nice idea in general. Governed by a huge capital, though....

WA, 679 posts
15 Dec 2010 12:40PM
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Puppet, I believe some of the frustration, whether it be considered selfish or otherwise, stems from not being informed about the selection criteria from the start. Perhaps it's case of clever marketing, but in any case I bet there were a few more than just STW that joined the organisation just for the race in the hope that they are lucky enough to be selected.

WA, 102 posts
15 Dec 2010 2:07PM
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I reckon sci is onto a good idea. This race proved that it is a world class kiteboarding event. And as such should be treated as a serious race. entry criteria should somehow filter out the serious race competitors from the average gumby who just wants to do the crossing. Places available don't allow for pleasure cruisers.

There's other ways to do the crossing for all those who missed out, get a small group together and a boat and make your own day of it. I know it doesn't have the bling and excitement of the event, but its still the same kiting experience.

WA, 3619 posts
15 Dec 2010 2:10PM
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Yeah I do realise that Dan. It must have been terribly disappointing for those who missed out. It just really gets my hackles up when people are prepared to take everything WAKSA does for them then still think that that a mere $65 annual membership (which includes the cheapest PL cover possible) is "absolutely useless". And even more so when the one who claims it is 'absolutely useless' kites everyday at a beach which he wouldnt have access to if it wasnt for WAKSA and the local kite group working on this project for the past 6 yrs.
A lot of kiters still dont realise that; whilst membership & insurance is still optional; every uninsured kiter out there is a liability to us all.
The reaction of the guys at Mullaloo has been awesome. I doubt that there is one kiter within coooeee of Mullaloo who isnt a commited WAKSA member after last years high profile campaign there.
Melville is way more marginal in every respect than Mullaloo yet I would guess that there are lots who kite there who are not supporting the effort at all. They are risking it for all of us. It is simply ludicrous - from every interest group involved - for any kiter to kite uninsured at a place where there are roads, footpaths and houses etc intertwined with a kiting zone.

Your chance to participate in some fun events is just the sprinkles on the icing on the AKSA/WAKSA cake. Kiters everywhere owe it to their sport to actively support it - esp through these developmental years.

WA, 44 posts
15 Dec 2010 2:23PM
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Which is interesting in itself. WAKSA, can you confirm?

Suggests that the entry/application process was really just to select 20 riders if the other 30 were chosen by other means.

I'm with SWT on the WAKSA membership thing. I don't for one moment question the value of WAKSA membership in general, but to make it a condition of submitting an application when only 20 spots were really up for grabs is a little suss in my opinion.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
15 Dec 2010 3:08PM
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This is for those bitter angry and upset they didn't get picked.
Best of luck next time

Until then dry your eyes princess's

WA, 813 posts
15 Dec 2010 4:59PM
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A number of SB posters have asked about the L2L selection criteria & the process used to select participants. As WAKSA President this season, I take responsibility for the criteria chosen and the selection process that was used for the event.

As previously advised, the WAKSA committee made a decision to keep the event small (50) for the first event so that we could prove to Dep’t of Transport and other necessary approval agencies that the event could be managed. As I’m sure most of you will appreciate, getting approval for an event such as this has got more than one or two hoops for organisers to get through, including the relevant authorities wanting public liability insurance for individual participants – no insurance, no participation. Plain & simple.

By the close of entries, two hundred kiters put their names forward to participate in the inaugural event.

Selection criteria: 200hrs minimum kite experience & membership of WAKSA/AKSA – which was also required of Alex Caizergues FYI.

Selection process:
A selection committee consisting of 3 WAKSA committee members (myself and 2 others); a representative from Red Bull, and a representative from Cabrinha was drawn up and met about 3 weeks before the event.

As major sponsors Red Bull were allocated 5 places in the event. Cabrinha were also allocated 5 places. WAKSA was also allocated 5 places to nominate for members – those places were allocated to five members by me, in my role as President. I allocated those places to 5 members who have all made serious and substantial contributions to both kite surfing and to WAKSA over the past decade.

When the selection committee met, we also recognised that of 200 names, only 5 women had nominated for the event so those 5 women were automatically granted a place in the event. That’s 20 out of the 50 places gone.

The remaining 30 names were then put in an ice bucket (we were at a pub after all) and pulled out by one of the independent race judges. The selection committee checked the names picked out against their stated number of hours kiting experience, and in a few circumstances a number of the chosen, were eliminated due to a lack of kiting experience.

Inevitably, 150 of 200 kiters missed out. When a small number of last minute vacancies emerged, those kiters who had indicated their interest if a vacancy came up, were given last minute slots – from memory that was a total of 3 last minute vacancies.

As I have previously posted under the WAKSA banner, as an event grows and evolves, improvements are made. I also acknowledged that 150 members missed out on this sensational event. From an organisational perspective, we note all of the various comments for next year, but it’s now time to move on.

The Inaugural Red Bull Lighthouse to Leighton Race was last weekend. It was the most spectacular kiting event in WA for many years. It was a sensational event for everyone – participants; volunteers; organisers; sponsors; and spectators. We should all remember the event in that light.


NSW, 609 posts
15 Dec 2010 11:12PM
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sci said...

After all the words and dribble spilled on the forum next years event needs to have qualifying races.

All riders that wish to participate in the RBL race can take part in a qualifying rounds to make this a legitimate race with real contestants?

The event will carry more international prestige and respect if the participants qualified and race ready. If the race is seen as legitimate it will attract more international riders, sponsorship *money* and garner more news interest.

By running qualification for the elite class with a long lead time to the event will allow athletes to train properly and acquire the correct gear. I do not believe names out of hat pays this event the respect it deserves and I doubt you could throw your hat in the ring for the Americas Cup.

I appreciate the first event was a trial and props to every person involved. Your hard work has proved this event can be run and managed in a professional manner.

I really hope next year people need to prove there way into the classes and there should be allocation for those who wish to embark the crossing for fun.

Wise words Sci has some good points here

WA, 3464 posts
15 Dec 2010 8:31PM
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As we are brainstorming for next year, my 2 cents.

1. 150 kiters, 3 waves of 50, 5 min. intervals.

2. Go to Leighton and finish there if you want, you get a time for the "mini."

3. For those wanting a time in the "maxi," there is a zig zag course up the coast with finish at Scabs.

4. I am forbidden to do it and will volunteer.

WA, 281 posts
15 Dec 2010 10:30PM
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gruezi said...

As we are brainstorming for next year, my 2 cents.

1. 150 kiters, 3 waves of 50, 5 min. intervals.

2. Go to Leighton and finish there if you want, you get a time for the "mini."

3. For those wanting a time in the "maxi," there is a zig zag course up the coast with finish at Scabs.

4. I am forbidden to do it and will volunteer.

Like it Gruezi, it would certainly mean a larger number would be able to participate and the staggered starts should eliminate problems created by a big number of kiters attempting to start together. "Maxi" sounds good too


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Next years Red Bull Lighthouse race" started by SaveTheWhales