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North Quad Bar

Created by RoryElliot > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2016
WA, 9 posts
25 Jan 2016 7:30PM
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I recently purchased a 2015 North Quad bar. After two weeks of use I snapped the front lines while looping. It may/or may not have been my fault. The front line depower swivel was getting caught, and even though I was turning my swivel, the front lines couldn't untwist completely. (Lesson learnt - always land kite and untagle lines, because "North" lines are weak as piss).

Anyway I was given new lines through warranty, but they gave me 2016. 2016 - They have changed the depower setup and the lines are different lengths. Does anybody know if I can modify the connector I have to make this work? I would have to drill the hole a little bigger to feed the line through. Id also need to tie the red stopper ball into the red depower line. This red depower line has eyelets on both ends, not stop knots like 2015. Any ides? I spoke to some guy today who tells me the 2016 depower link is not available yet as a spare part. So not quite sure what to do.


QLD, 362 posts
26 Jan 2016 11:41AM
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Kite shops that supply north have the replacement part from north for free. It's two metal rings and a red peace of line

WA, 9 posts
26 Jan 2016 6:46PM
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Thanks mate, Ill try ring around tomorrow and find one.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"North Quad Bar" started by RoryElliot