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Not eating because I want another kite

Created by dutchy1985 > 9 months ago, 14 Sep 2009
213 posts
14 Sep 2009 6:25PM
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Hi friends,
I have decided that I need another kite, because I REALLY like them.
I worked out that in an average week I spend $270 on alcohol and $105 on food.
My goal is to spend $0 on alcohol and $14 on food. This will allow me to buy a new ~$2500 kite once every 6.925 weeks without having to increase my income.
The problem is that I only have a few 'very low budget' recipes, and I would like to ask for help with your favourite things to cook that are very cheap.

Here's what I have so far:
-Rice with fried onions
-Tuna patties which are mostly potato with a bit of tuna and chopped celery and salt
-Devon meat on bread
-Peanut Butter and honey

I am wondering if many butchers give away offal for free because most people don't like it?
This way I could keep a good amount of meat in my diet still!

VIC, 4501 posts
14 Sep 2009 8:32PM
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Why not just spend $0 on alcohol and $105 on food and then not suffer from starvation?

213 posts
14 Sep 2009 6:50PM
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Saffer said...

Why not just spend $0 on alcohol and $105 on food and then not suffer from starvation?

$14 a week is a best case scenario, it will probably be more like $50

TAS, 778 posts
14 Sep 2009 8:50PM
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Home Brew and Cabbage.

Awesome combination, you may get a discount on the kite if you hang around in the shop long enough.

NSW, 6451 posts
14 Sep 2009 8:55PM
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The local surf club where I grew up use to put on bacon,eggs and sausages for the homeless in the park on Sunday mornings.

When we were 15yr old grommets we use to go for an early surf then chuck on old ripped up cloths,throw dirt at each other to look grubby,then have all you can eat brekkie in the park with the wine'os.

Was all good till one day my mum drove past and saw us.

NSW, 836 posts
14 Sep 2009 8:55PM
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judging by your avatar, diet is already having some negative affects on your physique. best to use your alcohol budget to pickle what's left of you.

NSW, 692 posts
14 Sep 2009 9:09PM
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$0 on alcohol - Come on mate you need somethin to wash down that menu.

213 posts
14 Sep 2009 7:20PM
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Just had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Washed it down with 2L of fruity lexia.

I just found this:

Looks like they actually speed up a bit haha. awesome

NSW, 1261 posts
14 Sep 2009 9:27PM
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Kangaroo Mince is usually sold as pet food in Oz therefore its cheap. A Canadanian friend found that if bought from a good butcher it could be made into wicked lasagnas and Bolingaise.

NSW, 836 posts
14 Sep 2009 10:39PM
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dutchy1985 said...

Just had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Washed it down with 2L of fruity lexia.

Got yourself a new pillow too then. Bargain.

QLD, 6123 posts
14 Sep 2009 11:04PM
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scoop of chips $2.50

instant noodles $0.50

(for $14 you can have a couple of instant noodles per day!)

WA, 575 posts
14 Sep 2009 9:26PM
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Mi goreng is good but try this for a tasty variation on an aussie classic:

add a small tin of tuna and a small tin of corn to make your mi goreng a gourmet bounty of deliciousness.

But seriously, do you actually spend $270 per week on alcohol???

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
14 Sep 2009 11:01PM
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^^^ easily believeable i spend near 200 a night when i go out

yet i always complain about not having money...

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
14 Sep 2009 11:02PM
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oh and dude just get 2nd hand kites from the previous season most of them wud b in mint condition for half the price.

WA, 27 posts
14 Sep 2009 11:19PM
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Classic, I have been thinking alone the same lines but as I don’t have such an awesome drinking habit.........
I am trying to lose 5 KG before the seabreeze and the weather warms up to get a bit better use out of my one kite quiver, not too sure about the windy days but I would rather be lit up on the windy days then sitting on the beach on the medium ones!

You could join the "freegans" if you get desperate enough........ ;)

Freegan – “people who dumpster dive to salvage food they can eat for free.”

NSW, 451 posts
15 Sep 2009 6:26AM
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Heaps of carbs in oats and honey, always fills you up good.

VIC, 4501 posts
15 Sep 2009 10:16AM
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A second job in the evenings would always add extra cash. Cut out alcohol, extra job = kite in about 1 month.

WA, 42 posts
15 Sep 2009 9:39AM
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this concept works well on many levels - the less you eat, the lighter you will become and you will be able to buy smaller kites for less $$$ = more kites more often! genius!

Mi-Goreng noodles are the key - 50c a packet and they taste damn fine...

WA, 5353 posts
15 Sep 2009 9:44AM
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You do realise 1 pack of Mi Goreng = 1 McDonalds CheeseBurger..... Just so you know.

WA, 773 posts
15 Sep 2009 10:05AM
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mattyjee said...

Mi goreng is good but try this for a tasty variation on an aussie classic:

add a small tin of tuna and a small tin of corn to make your mi goreng a gourmet bounty of deliciousness.

But seriously, do you actually spend $270 per week on alcohol???

crack an egg in there to, tastes great.. i have my kites and i still eat thiss

WA, 4485 posts
15 Sep 2009 10:08AM
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I tried not taking a dump to save on date rolls but it turned out to be a false economy as I needed to go up to the next size kite after a few weeks which cost more.

Thought I'd get a bit of propulsion out of the gas build up too, but all that resulted in was a huge fine from the EPA to clean up all the dead fish (and blind mullets).

FYI, my last kit cost $750 (2 one season old C kites and one bar) and lasted me nearly 4 seasons. Learn to comprimise and not pine for sweet toys that cashed up d!cks don't know how to use anyhoo. Loved those kites and they literally fell apart before I upgraded.

BTW - wifey and i finally went out for dinner for her (and my birthday) ahem.. from LAST year! Learn to love my student diet of 2 minute noodles and all you can eat at the Hari's lunches (actually yummy and healthy too) and you will get there. Until then stop ya whining biatch!

WA, 1916 posts
15 Sep 2009 10:14AM
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maybe take up fishing? borrow a rod, reel and tackle

VIC, 1159 posts
15 Sep 2009 12:16PM
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You can't deny yourself food! Food is awesome! Besides if you don't eat, you don't sh!t, and if you don't sh!t, you die.

If you lived in NZ you could survive on Puha (Sow Thistle) and Pork Bones. Just keep the pot on the stove bro!

$2500 for a new kite seems a bit steep. Not even a new Naish sets you back that much.

WA, 384 posts
15 Sep 2009 10:44AM
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i dont think i saw the mention of vegies once on here :0)

QLD, 1003 posts
15 Sep 2009 12:53PM
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daal is all you need darl.

WA, 4485 posts
15 Sep 2009 12:55PM
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h20fly said...

i dont think i saw the mention of vegies once on here :0)

Haris is 100% vego. I still try to eat there at least once weekly. Great vego nosh and def keeps you regular!! Gotta be careful when fartin after the Haris as an old uni mate found out!

Whadaya call this darl?

Dharl.. darl.


WA, 384 posts
15 Sep 2009 12:58PM
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is that the hurricrishna... sorry thats probably spelled wrong, place on the foreshore where its pay by donation?

NSW, 2707 posts
15 Sep 2009 4:56PM
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sir ROWDY said...

You do realise 1 pack of Mi Goreng = 1 McDonalds CheeseBurger..... Just so you know.

you do realise that you are getting ripped off. see equation below.

pack of mie goreng = $.60
500ml of water = $.30
electricity used for cooking = $.10
cheeseburger = $2.30

double mie goreng meal cooked = 2(.60) + .30 + .10
= $1.60

difference = cheeseburger - double mie
= 2.30 - 1.60
= $.70

with this saving of 70 cents you could buy a can of LA Ice Cola (the cheapo version of pepsi found in discount shops).

i knew that my VHA in maths B would pay off.

NSW, 836 posts
15 Sep 2009 5:14PM
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All you richies going on about 2 minute noodles..... must have never done it tough. dutchy can't afford that **** if he wants new kites that often!

Throw brand names aside and enjoy the value of apptly named 2 to 3 min noodles. It could be the diff between kites every 7 weeks and achieving your goal of kites every 6.925 weeks.
In accordance with previous info re freegans, remember that discarded pizza boxes are an inexpensive source of cheese.

WA, 4485 posts
15 Sep 2009 3:28PM
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h20fly said...

is that the hurricrishna... sorry thats probably spelled wrong, place on the foreshore where its pay by donation?

Not quite flyguy.

The riverfront unit is Annalakshmi, very good Indian nosh and you donate what you think is reasonable. Lotsa eggplant dishes and a bit oily for my tatse but good nosh and million $$ views. If you kick in a measly $5 they won't whinge but don't say whoa is me if an elephant sh!ts on ya car in future!

Hari Krishnas joint is in northbridge. It's actually called Govindas (yumm - ate there today for 1st time in a month or more) and it is diagonally opposite the brass Monkey 'Woahtel'. Kn deluxe fried pakoras (semolina flour n veges I think), samaosa etc which are a couple o bucks extra. The standard nosh is good to outstanding somedays and will cost ya $7 standard or $6 concession with salad and lassi (youghurt drink).

Hari's kept this former stoodent happy and healthy for a few years. Back in those days i sometimes had to eat a massive lunch as i had no dough for dinner (32 class hours and 20+ studio hours at uni - so often 12 hr days). Forget about beer money!? Good thing when in need I had a friend indeed.

QLD, 362 posts
15 Sep 2009 5:35PM
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get up early like about 4 am walk around the shops and you will find crates and in them there is all sorts of free goodies like the days bread and milk plus a good shop will have cakes and allsorts ....if the shop keeper cant be bothered to get up early then stuff away for free ...grab a couple of milks then all you need to buy is weet-bix


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Not eating because I want another kite" started by dutchy1985