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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Off to Mui ne Vietnam, any tips?

Created by noodelsrominov > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2015
VIC, 265 posts
16 Jan 2015 2:13PM
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Hi guys,

Off on a family vacation to Mui ne next week. Yup fly into Ho chi mihn from melbs then dragging the wife and kids (5 and a 3 year old) 5 hours in a car so I can go kiting. Any tips on good places to eat or see while I'm in the area? Things that are kid friendly and ones that are not. Are there any hidden kiting spots or good places to do some downwinders to?

151 posts
16 Jan 2015 11:22AM
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noodelsrominov said..
Hi guys,

Off on a family vacation to Mui ne next week. Yup fly into Ho chi mihn from melbs then dragging the wife and kids (5 and a 3 year old) 5 hours in a car so I can go kiting. Any tips on good places to eat or see while I'm in the area? Things that are kid friendly and ones that are not. Are there any hidden kiting spots or good places to do some downwinders to?

Get to the large, white sand dunes about 20 km or so out of town (maybe a bit further...haven't been there in 4 years). I forget the name of the place, but there will be tours advertised for it everywhere. Beautiful spot...especially if you're into photography. I rode out there on a rented scooter...but plenty of tours from town.
You'll be hassled by kids when you get show you around, rent you boards to slide down the dunes, etc. up to you how you interact.

Get away from the tourists one day and head to the north side of town where the fishing area is. There are huge steps leading down to the water. We also went for a walk through some of the locals areas there. Really nice people. We had a game of soccer with some kids in a back alley. You'll get a good taste of authenitic Vietnamese life there. We met some great people.

Lots of people do downwinders from the main beach. It's a good one. Just put the word out, ask around, you'll easily be able to hook up with some people doing it and share the tiny cost of a taxi back to town.

Have fun!

WA, 2183 posts
16 Jan 2015 11:25AM
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and this

and you could fly to cam ranh, airport code CXR

keep us posted on how you go, I'll be there in two weeks

VIC, 265 posts
16 Jan 2015 10:49PM
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Thanks for the tips guys. I'll definitely check out the dunes. The last couple of days I'm in Nha trang trying to make up to the wife for the first week of kiting so I'm sure I'll get over that and try and get to Cam Ranh.

WA, 2183 posts
17 Jan 2015 7:01AM
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noodelsrominov said..
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll definitely check out the dunes. The last couple of days I'm in Nha trang trying to make up to the wife for the first week of kiting so I'm sure I'll get over that and try and get to Cam Ranh.

cam ranh is where the airport is, the better kiting is about 1 hour drive south from there at phan rang, or so I'm led to believe

NSW, 5 posts
21 Jan 2015 12:35AM
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Good on you mate, i'm over there Feb 10th to 15th. Would love to know how you go and what you learn, cant wait to get over there myself.



NSW, 41 posts
21 Jan 2015 10:13AM
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HI mate

was there in april last year, end of the season. Very cheap, be careful of wood and rubbish in the ocean along with loads of crazy Russians trying to learn to kite, the main beach in very very busy, go rite up the southern end to get a bit of space, or head about 20-30kms north,little bit of a hike on a scooter but definatly worth it to get away from the crowds mainly fllat ish water, very hot!!

loads of cheap place to eat but go to the locals spots much better!

pretty standard place, good spot to go but i wouldnt go back as it was pretty dirty, very spoiled on the south coast

VIC, 431 posts
21 Jan 2015 9:09PM
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Don't bother. One of if not worst place to kite in the world. Sorry but we are so spoilt in Australia. Water is filthy grey, had everything from plastic to bovine animal parts in the water. Then you have to compete with the crazy Russians for choppy water. If your going - good luck, only pay half of what your ever first told, bring heaps of mozzy spray, worm/dia - rear tablets and activities for the kids.. And avoid Chinese new year.. Everything is shut.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
21 Jan 2015 10:58PM
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I'm kinda with these last guys - I stayed a month, thought it was pretty overrated on the whole but I'd say I've been spoilt. I don't want to be a downer so it has some positives tho:
generally cheap
Food - generally great
cheap & cold beer
kite boys / compressed air on the beach
can't beat beach bars, spring rolls & beer while you're still dripping
scooters are fun
great kite culture, everyone on the same buzz - great to chill at beach bar and watch the show on the water
cheap/free wifi everywhere

Negs - can be managed or ignored mostly:
water - not the cleanest, like qld bay water
beach- clean where they sweep every morn, lots of rubbish elsewhere. I almost stepped on a used syringe off a fishing boat on the northern beach
beach - narrow at high tide, launch over buildings almost or between tables/chairs, depending on where you are on the strip
learners in bad conditions - they were strapping total beginners in lifejackets and sending them out down the beach in 25kts and 1m swell, sending a rescue boat once they're disappearing over the horizon. You'd never send out someone here in those conditions.
shops - pretty limited in vietnam vs other SE asia, post commie they have the same rubbish in every shop, you can see they just go - lets have 5xtourist shop here and so they build/stock each exactly the same, down to the same stuff on the same shelf in each..

Also pick your spot some places had *loud* clubs, good if you want that, terrible if you don't. Other spots quiet & nice.

WA, 88 posts
22 Jan 2015 11:36AM
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Stayed in Mui Ne in April last year, so not the busy/windy period, and loved it - missus and I both plan on doing a week or so in Vietnam as our yearly getaway, rather than Bali. The people are friendly, the cities are clean, the food is delicious, and the coffee is good.

Anyways, my tips:
- the backpackers on the main beach strip, next to Jibes surf shop/beach bar & restaurant is run by an Aussie, forget his name but he was really helpful and friendly.
- the two guys who run the surf shop side of Jibes are both really good guys (one's Californian, one's English from memory) - the califronian guy spent time teaching my missus the basics of sailing so she could take a surfcat out solo. They hire SUPs and kites from Jibes as well.
- the older resorts at the northern end of the bay will tend to be cheaper, as they've had their beachfronts eroded over time (you basically take a few concrete steps down into the water). As you move further along, the beach frontages get bigger and the resorts get newer and more expensive.

Outside of that, my general tips on Vietnam are if you don't like Russians, avoid Nha Trang. Hoi An is definitely worth a visit. There's a little island called Phu Quoc about half an hours flight from HCMH, it's really pretty now, but give it about 3 years and it'll be overdeveloped and ruined, so if you get the chance, see it now.

AJ Events
WA, 111 posts
22 Jan 2015 10:23PM
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It's hand to store your gear at one of the Kite Schools/Clubs. It's an awesome way to meet people. You get to use the facilities (motorised pumps/shade/water/boys).

C2SKY is excellent. Run by a Dutchy (Liz) and a Brit. Both awesome people. Get to know Tommy, the kite surfing instructor and you'll have a great time! Such good crews!

TAS, 170 posts
23 Jan 2015 6:25AM
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+1 for Phou Quoc island. I was there a few years ago and it's beautiful. No kiting there from memory.

There's also a good semi-secluded beach that's a good wave kite spot around the corner from Mui Ne. I can't remember the name but when I was there, there was a dedicated kite camp there.

VIC, 265 posts
25 Jan 2015 2:14AM
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Thanks for all the tips guys and you are all spot on. its got the wind and 3/3 days so far I've kited. it's choppy and has a **** load of people on the water. I brought three kites and in one of the days (if I wasn't so lazy to pump them all up) I would have used them all. But really I've only used two (8m and 11m pivot so 9 and 12 for other kites). The journey here was a slow 6 hours but we had a little accident on the way so i think the driver was a little timid. Yup the side mirror came through the Window and into the center consol.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Off to Mui ne Vietnam, any tips?" started by noodelsrominov