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PNG Papoua New Guinea

Created by Teva987 > 9 months ago, 28 Jul 2013
3 posts
28 Jul 2013 1:09AM
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HI everybody,

i would like advices and information about Papoua New Guinea.

I'm from Tahiti , going to live in PNG for job,i will be based in Madang.

I'm looking for kitesurf and surf spot I will really need It!

Do you also Know somehing about Life condition medical aids and price ?

Can anybody help me please?

Thank you very much for your answers.

WA, 1019 posts
29 Jul 2013 12:54AM
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Cant give you any about kiting but near madang theres supposed to be a few waves? Also some exceptional diving.

The country itself is breathtakingly beatiful. Dense jungles, waterfalls and rivers and mountains that seem to just rise and fall sharply. There are plenty of places in PNG that no one will ever see up close. Scientists have only just recently got back from the Hindenburg Wall and found 80 unknown species of flora and fauna.

Safety in PNG needs to be taken seriously. I know Madang is a bit touristy but places like lae, poppendetta, moresby can be very uncivilised. You really do need to exercise caution. IE in some places local women wont leave their daughters alone... certainly not all groups of people of course. Kiori people, for example, are fantastic.

Unemployment is huge and crime, violence and corruption are all areas of serious concern throughout the country. Some places a whitey simply isnt welcome and i was speaking to a bloke a few weeks back who's life was genuinely valued at 1500 kina. Another aussie pilot i was chatting to was held at gunpoint, face down and was "robbed" for around $100... it was the police

William Kapris (PNG famous bank robber) was finally found (and killed) last week after 3 months on the run after escaping prison for the 3rd time. I heard from local sources that he overpowered two prison guards and stole their semi automatic guns, wallets and phones before escaping with 2 others. In a poor country money can buy anything.

Healthcare is basic, i spent 2 hours in emergency at the best hospital in moresby and while the doc was great and the place clean, it was pretty basic. Next to me was a bloke suffering bush knife (machete) wounds and the nurses were actually on their phones texting lol.

There are always 2 rates.. whiteys always much pay more but my time in ER cost me about $100 so its a lot cheaper than i expected. Education is generally poor as well.

For all its negatives there's something about the place and people (well some of them) that makes it incredibly special and like any of these places, if you exercise caution and use common sense you'll love it. I'd definitely learn some pidgeon english though, It'll help out heaps.

QLD, 38 posts
29 Jul 2013 5:30AM
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Madang is not really touristy anymore and not so safe either, however all third world countries caution needs to be taken, ask the old time locals on what to do and were to go, overall PNG people are very friendly. I am sure you will be able to kite in madang, I do not believe anyone does, it will be cool if you can start something, you can always fly back to POM, we have great kiting spots, we have just set up a kiting camp, with cross shore winds, just about guaranteed very day, between 15 to 25 and +++, supper flat water and little kickers with waves when the tide comes in. The camp is located 1 1/2 hours out of Port Moresby super friendly and safe, you can walk around the village with no concerns, if you like we can meet on your way thought POM to Madand and give you all the info.

WA, 21 posts
31 Jul 2013 2:32PM
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Hi, I have just come back from a week at Gelebara kite camp.

I have travelled to many places with and without my kite gear-Spain, morocco, Africa, SE Asia etc.

Go to Gelebara! We were two mates on a casual (budget) trip with the aim of taking in some kiting, snorkelling and getting into some local seafood. The time spent at Galebara exceeded both of our expectations ten fold.

Firstly the kiting setup- I'm from wa and I would describe it as the best kiting playground I have seen. It's got something for every kiter and keeps changing throughout the day with the tide. The wind kicked in at around 9am until sunset and it howled for a week! Warm water, flat water, small boosting ramps what else do you need?!

Secondly the people - the camp is run by locals with support from an expat Aussie. You will feel like part of the family after the first campfire cook up. If you are prepared to roll your sleeves up and get involved then a bounty of amazing experiences is ready and waiting.

Finally the accommodation - it's beachside bungalows with decking, couches, showers etc. it's basic yet it's exactly how it should be. You sleep, eat, drink beer literally metres from the water. I'm planning on posting some pics in the coming weeks.

Go to Galebara with a relaxed attitude and open mind and you'll not be disappointed.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"PNG Papoua New Guinea" started by Teva987