Forums > Kitesurfing General

Planning kite trip to Australia - March 2016

Created by gsmith2go > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2015
1 posts
8 Dec 2015 11:39AM
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Hi there. Kiter from Canada...

I am planning a two week trip to Australia in March 2016 with my family (3 boys / 18 / 12 / 10). We all love to kite. My two younger boys still need lessons...

So the big question is where do I go? Looking for a place on the beach, where the wind blows 15-20 kts and there is a kite school for my kids to continue to learn. Who knows at the end of this trip they might be better than me!!

Love any thoughts people might have.

WA, 1536 posts
8 Dec 2015 12:06PM
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Hi there fellow Canadian,

March is towards the end of the kite season in the southern parts of Australia and Western Australia is where you will find the most reliable and frequent winds at this time of year. Statistically speaking, in Perth, you can expect about 1/2 days of kitable winds in March, 2/3 days at best if it's exceptionally good. You may get more reliable winds driving up North, but this really depends on the weather when you get there. Your best bet is to land in Perth and hire a big camper for the whole family and travel around following the wind. At this time of year sea breezes tend to be a bit weaker, but you may still have many days when the wind blows well over 20 knots, and often up to 30 knots if you drive further North.

2 weeks for Australia is pretty short and it takes a couple of days just to get over the massive jet lag, I'd recommend trying to squeeze in another week.

I'd be happy to teach your younger kids, I run a school in the Northern Suburbs of Perth, just send me a PM if you'd like more details.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Planning kite trip to Australia - March 2016" started by gsmith2go