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Point Henry needs your help

Created by Spartan > 9 months ago, 13 Jul 2016
VIC, 42 posts
14 Jul 2016 12:19AM
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Hey guys, Australian kiteboarding association is requesting some kiters that means YOU to voice there opinion to help Kiting from being banned at Point Henry. The meeting will be held on Thursday 21st at 6 PM at the Geelong public library. It would be great to have lots of numbers turn up because the council will notice how we can be a benefit to the community through this sport of ours and will inturn improve the area with better facilities and improve the area where we launch our kites.

Click below for full info

WA, 541 posts
14 Jul 2016 6:22AM
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And remember you cant vote if your not a member

QLD, 130 posts
14 Jul 2016 11:00AM
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Spartan said..
Hey guys, Australian kiteboarding association is requesting some kiters that means YOU to voice there opinion to help Kiting from being banned at Point Henry. The meeting will be held on Thursday 21st at 6 PM at the Geelong public library. It would be great to have lots of numbers turn up because the council will notice how we can be a benefit to the community through this sport of ours and will inturn improve the area with better facilities and improve the area where we launch our kites.

Click below for full info

!!?? Why are they trying to ban it? Kiters coming too close to ships? Accidents?
As far as I read, Alcoa has packed up and gone, so there should not be any issues with boats and the resident seal there (Henry the seal)
Thank God I left that Nanny state.

VIC, 98 posts
14 Jul 2016 11:53AM
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Essentially, the owner of a large part of the old saltworks, Ridley Corporation, has teamed up with Sanctuary Living Pty Ltd, and are hedging their bets on the Victorian State Government literally handing over the part they don't own, so they can develop it into a vast private "canal estate" (named Nelson Cove).
It's actually a very contentious issue and worth getting involved in, as the whole Moolap/Point Henry area will be under threat of enormous change and restricted access, should this proposal get the green light and proceed.

NSW, 72 posts
14 Jul 2016 3:30PM
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kookaburrahz said..
And remember you cant vote if your not a member

Actually all kiteboarders, members or not are welcome at the meeting.

We would love more people to become members to help us grow and be able to support the sport better! However, we want your input if you are a regular Point Henry kiter.. We will also be calling out to everyone to do the online survey (and help you out with some guidance on the different options/suggested answers once we have feedback at the meeting).

WA, 2940 posts
14 Jul 2016 5:02PM
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shouldn't this be in the vic section ?

VIC, 1090 posts
14 Jul 2016 7:13PM
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I dare say, Pt henry will look very much the same as it does now in 20 years time... Lack of money and growth will prove my point...

VIC, 701 posts
15 Jul 2016 11:47AM
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Alcoa (current leaseholder of 575 hectares of Pt Henry land) have been very good in engaging the local population with regards to the future use of the land. I have been on a couple of focus groups myself and have been pushing the access to the point for water sports (boating, fishing, windsurfing kitesurfing etc.). Considering Alcoa's response and understanding that water sports are a vital component of the future of the site I would be very surprised if the development was anything other than good news for us all.

Alcoa are currently working on a master plan for the land and their timeline for release of the plan is some three to five years, details here:

Will definitely be there on Thursday to support the application to DELWP.

NSW, 72 posts
25 Jul 2016 12:47PM
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Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

1357 posts
26 Jul 2016 7:34AM
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GMkal said..
Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

Hi kiteboarding australia

Your proposed sample answers are a disgrace, I read them from the perspective as a Geelong local and kiter, you clearly have no idea what Geelong is about, if kiters you are targettjng (predominantly from melbourne ) actually want to give honest well considered responses they should have the commitment and integrity to take time to consider all factors and complete the survey without your proforma responses, not adopt a lazy "super fast" KA approved and recommended response.

Many of your responses are kiter self centered without consideration for the greater geelong community and disregard historical, social and environmental factors.

I kited henry about a month ago, it was invaded by a group of melbourne kiters, including instructors teaching beginners, who showed no respect for anyone but their own group, they took over the whole setup/launch area with their kites taking it all instead of leaving room for others. Myself and another local, both who have kited there for around 10 years had no option but to do a dodgy beach launch, there were also a couple of overseas vistors forced into tne same predicament. The setup area is small enough, if your not using your kite, consider others, pack it up and let someone else setup and launch there.

A tip for the self indulgent money making instructors/schools, use the beach south of the point towards the salt flats, a much safer location for beginners and leave the point to competent kiters so they dont have to dodge out of control beginners.

While i would be disappointed to see henry closed to kiters, there are other areas nearby that suit the same wind conditions.

The current priority for the Geelong community is to create jobs due to significant job losses from the shutdown of major industries including the point henry smelter, if that entails losing one kite spot that is used and abused by kiters from outside of geelong so be it.

Selfish arrogant Kiteboarding Australia, now telling people how to mindlessly respond to a survey, have a good look at yourselves, you are not the voice of kiters.

Kitesboarding Australia, I do have one question for you, do the melbourne kite schools have permits from COGG to use henry ? I'll make that enquiry and get back to you.

VIC, 1473 posts
26 Jul 2016 10:01AM
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Surfer62 said..

GMkal said..
Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

Hi kiteboarding australia

Your proposed sample answers are a disgrace, I read them from the perspective as a Geelong local and kiter, you clearly have no idea what Geelong is about, if kiters you are targettjng (predominantly from melbourne ) actually want to give honest well considered responses they should have the commitment and integrity to take time to consider all factors and complete the survey without your proforma responses, not adopt a lazy "super fast" KA approved and recommended response.

Many of your responses are kiter self centered without consideration for the greater geelong community and disregard historical, social and environmental factors.

I kited henry about a month ago, it was invaded by a group of melbourne kiters, including instructors teaching beginners, who showed no respect for anyone but their own group, they took over the whole setup/launch area with their kites taking it all instead of leaving room for others. Myself and another local, both who have kited there for around 10 years had no option but to do a dodgy beach launch, there were also a couple of overseas vistors forced into tne same predicament. The setup area is small enough, if your not using your kite, consider others, pack it up and let someone else setup and launch there.

A tip for the self indulgent money making instructors/schools, use the beach south of the point towards the salt flats, a much safer location for beginners and leave the point to competent kiters so they dont have to dodge out of control beginners.

While i would be disappointed to see henry closed to kiters, there are other areas nearby that suit the same wind conditions.

The current priority for the Geelong community is to create jobs due to significant job losses from the shutdown of major industries including the point henry smelter, if that entails losing one kite spot that is used and abused by kiters from outside of geelong so be it.

Selfish arrogant Kiteboarding Australia, now telling people how to mindlessly respond to a survey, have a good look at yourselves, you are not the voice of kiters.

Kitesboarding Australia, I do have one question for you, do the melbourne kite schools have permits from COGG to use henry ? I'll make that enquiry and get back to you.

I filled out the survey, it took over half an hour and while I did not understand the reasoning of the responses by KA there were a lot of repetitive questions and I could not think of the best response so I used their default. I think if anything if the area is maintained as a conservation area (ie not developed into residential) then I think that would be a good outcome and if kiting is allowed to continue a bonus.

I have never kited there only on the basis that I dislike going to the west and Rosie is a much better option for me and there is plenty of space there. I used to surf down the west coast a bit but the crowds, traffic and the drive always turn me off.

Surfer62, to have Pt Henry all to yourself is unrealistic, there will be always beginners, schools, kiting groups at all popular spots, it can only be a "secret spot" for so long and its hardly remote. I have had to put up with the same thing at my local beaches, and have learnt to enjoy the extra company and new people you can meet.

1357 posts
26 Jul 2016 8:29AM
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HighzaKite said..

Surfer62 said..

GMkal said..
Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

Hi kiteboarding australia

Your proposed sample answers are a disgrace, I read them from the perspective as a Geelong local and kiter, you clearly have no idea what Geelong is about, if kiters you are targettjng (predominantly from melbourne ) actually want to give honest well considered responses they should have the commitment and integrity to take time to consider all factors and complete the survey without your proforma responses, not adopt a lazy "super fast" KA approved and recommended response.

Many of your responses are kiter self centered without consideration for the greater geelong community and disregard historical, social and environmental factors.

I kited henry about a month ago, it was invaded by a group of melbourne kiters, including instructors teaching beginners, who showed no respect for anyone but their own group, they took over the whole setup/launch area with their kites taking it all instead of leaving room for others. Myself and another local, both who have kited there for around 10 years had no option but to do a dodgy beach launch, there were also a couple of overseas vistors forced into tne same predicament. The setup area is small enough, if your not using your kite, consider others, pack it up and let someone else setup and launch there.

A tip for the self indulgent money making instructors/schools, use the beach south of the point towards the salt flats, a much safer location for beginners and leave the point to competent kiters so they dont have to dodge out of control beginners.

While i would be disappointed to see henry closed to kiters, there are other areas nearby that suit the same wind conditions.

The current priority for the Geelong community is to create jobs due to significant job losses from the shutdown of major industries including the point henry smelter, if that entails losing one kite spot that is used and abused by kiters from outside of geelong so be it.

Selfish arrogant Kiteboarding Australia, now telling people how to mindlessly respond to a survey, have a good look at yourselves, you are not the voice of kiters.

Kitesboarding Australia, I do have one question for you, do the melbourne kite schools have permits from COGG to use henry ? I'll make that enquiry and get back to you.

I filled out the survey, it took over half an hour and while I did not understand the reasoning of the responses by KA there were a lot of repetitive questions and I could not think of the best response so I used their default. I think if anything if the area is maintained as a conservation area (ie not developed into residential) then I think that would be a good outcome and if kiting is allowed to continue a bonus.

I have never kited there only on the basis that I dislike going to the west and Rosie is a much better option for me and there is plenty of space there. I used to surf down the west coast a bit but the crowds, traffic and the drive always turn me off.

Surfer62, to have Pt Henry all to yourself is unrealistic, there will be always beginners, schools, kiting groups at all popular spots, it can only be a "secret spot" for so long and its hardly remote. I have had to put up with the same thing at my local beaches, and have learnt to enjoy the extra company and new people you can meet.

Never said i wanted it to myself, only go there ocassionally nowadays, lots of fond memories and its never been secret, if people are considerate to others it can handle a lot of kiters but unfortunately its now over run by the selfish which is in itself a sign of the times I suppose.

See you at putus later

VIC, 701 posts
26 Jul 2016 1:49PM
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Surfer62 said..

GMkal said..
Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

Hi kiteboarding australia

Your proposed sample answers are a disgrace, I read them from the perspective as a Geelong local and kiter, you clearly have no idea what Geelong is about, if kiters you are targettjng (predominantly from melbourne ) actually want to give honest well considered responses they should have the commitment and integrity to take time to consider all factors and complete the survey without your proforma responses, not adopt a lazy "super fast" KA approved and recommended response.

Many of your responses are kiter self centered without consideration for the greater geelong community and disregard historical, social and environmental factors.

I kited henry about a month ago, it was invaded by a group of melbourne kiters, including instructors teaching beginners, who showed no respect for anyone but their own group, they took over the whole setup/launch area with their kites taking it all instead of leaving room for others. Myself and another local, both who have kited there for around 10 years had no option but to do a dodgy beach launch, there were also a couple of overseas vistors forced into tne same predicament. The setup area is small enough, if your not using your kite, consider others, pack it up and let someone else setup and launch there.

A tip for the self indulgent money making instructors/schools, use the beach south of the point towards the salt flats, a much safer location for beginners and leave the point to competent kiters so they dont have to dodge out of control beginners.

While i would be disappointed to see henry closed to kiters, there are other areas nearby that suit the same wind conditions.

The current priority for the Geelong community is to create jobs due to significant job losses from the shutdown of major industries including the point henry smelter, if that entails losing one kite spot that is used and abused by kiters from outside of geelong so be it.

Selfish arrogant Kiteboarding Australia, now telling people how to mindlessly respond to a survey, have a good look at yourselves, you are not the voice of kiters.

Kitesboarding Australia, I do have one question for you, do the melbourne kite schools have permits from COGG to use henry ? I'll make that enquiry and get back to you.

Damn bro, chill pill required

The sample answers were arrived at by consulting with the local Geelong kiteboarding community last week at a meeting at the Geelong Library. You may not agree with them but the attendees from Geelong and the Surf Coast outweighed the Melbourne contingent convincingly.

Personally I don't agree at all that its acceptable for Kiteboarding at Henry to be sacrificed. I cannot see a reason for which I would ever agree to that. The local areas which you allude to are nowhere near as accessible or safe as Henry. We should be fighting to improve our beach access as there are plenty of little nanny state soldiers out there who will want to restrict us.

1357 posts
26 Jul 2016 6:41PM
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So you say the wants of 20 selfish kiters is more important than the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community of 450,000 ? I will gladly forsake that kiting location for the betterment of the Geelong community.

It wont happen in your kiting lifetime and there are plenty more options nearby.

The fact you you need sample answers speaks volumes for the groups integrity and intelligence.

take a reality pill, show some empathy for the greater community and think about the big picture.

VIC, 701 posts
27 Jul 2016 9:32AM
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Surfer62 said..

So you say the wants of 20 selfish kiters is more important than the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community of 450,000 ? I will gladly forsake that kiting location for the betterment of the Geelong community.

It wont happen in your kiting lifetime and there are plenty more options nearby.

The fact you you need sample answers speaks volumes for the groups integrity and intelligence.

take a reality pill, show some empathy for the greater community and think about the big picture.

Please then enlighten us as to your thoughts on the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community with reference to the point Henry redevelopment. I am particularly interested in your thoughts regarding how and why the development of water sports as an activity that could be based at Point Henry should be detrimental to any of those considerations. Indeed I would have thought that the development of the area as a recreational facility would be a positive outcome to the wider community but perhaps you can clarify?

I note that you wasn't at the forum where these ideas were discussed. I do wonder why when you appear to have such strong views about the matter? Of course it is far easier to sit on the sidelines throwing stones and casting aspersions on peoples integrity and intelligence. Far harder isn't it to actually try to have a positive input?

1357 posts
27 Jul 2016 6:50PM
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junglist said..

Surfer62 said..

So you say the wants of 20 selfish kiters is more important than the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community of 450,000 ? I will gladly forsake that kiting location for the betterment of the Geelong community.

It wont happen in your kiting lifetime and there are plenty more options nearby.

The fact you you need sample answers speaks volumes for the groups integrity and intelligence.

take a reality pill, show some empathy for the greater community and think about the big picture.

Please then enlighten us as to your thoughts on the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community with reference to the point Henry redevelopment. I am particularly interested in your thoughts regarding how and why the development of water sports as an activity that could be based at Point Henry should be detrimental to any of those considerations. Indeed I would have thought that the development of the area as a recreational facility would be a positive outcome to the wider community but perhaps you can clarify?

I note that you wasn't at the forum where these ideas were discussed. I do wonder why when you appear to have such strong views about the matter? Of course it is far easier to sit on the sidelines throwing stones and casting aspersions on peoples integrity and intelligence. Far harder isn't it to actually try to have a positive input?

What i can enlighten you on is that i have recently been on a board/committee considering such questions in relation to the future development of a quite famous surfcoast location. The same survey process was also used in the community consultation process, a clear observation from that survey and associated social media was the lack of credibility of a certain self interest minority group who engaged in a similar process to what you and KA profess.

My historical and social links to pt henry and the geelong community can be traced back to the 1870s, hence my as you say " strong views", i prefer my comments to be regarded as my opinion.

Your grammar ( quote - "i note you wasnt at the forum" ) i believe the correct grammar is "weren't", clearly indicates why you need answers made up for you by KA, i wasnt at the forum because i was overseas you selfish deckhid.

QLD, 98 posts
27 Jul 2016 10:25PM
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I was at the meeting last week and am grateful that we had the GM from KA there to help. I have since filled in the survey and used the answers that we came up with as a group, but also used some of my own answers.

Surfer62, I am with you on some of your observations, but one question I have - what are the best alternatives for teaching new kiters away from Point Henry, especially on a Southerly wind. I'm trying to think of other flat-water spots that would be as good and as safe in the local area?

1357 posts
28 Jul 2016 3:14AM
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murrayceff said..
I was at the meeting last week and am grateful that we had the GM from KA there to help. I have since filled in the survey and used the answers that we came up with as a group, but also used some of my own answers.

Surfer62, I am with you on some of your observations, but one question I have - what are the best alternatives for teaching new kiters away from Point Henry, especially on a Southerly wind. I'm trying to think of other flat-water spots that would be as good and as safe in the local area?

Hi muzz,

I'm glad you tried your best with the survey, it was quite onerous, when you speak of the "group" Im sorry but I cant help but think of the monty python skit, are you the Peoples Front of Pt Henry or the Pt Henry Peoples Front ? Is the woman appearing in the below video of your save point henry meeting the KA GM ? I would also categorically state that I am not the mesiah Im just a very naughty boy.

Your kiteshop uses the talents of local instructors, they can answer your alternative locations question.

NSW, 72 posts
28 Jul 2016 8:13AM
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Surfer62 said..

GMkal said..
Hi Guys

As discussed here, there is a major planning process happening in Victoria at Point Henry at the moment. Read this newsletter which explains how to jump online to the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website to advocate for watersports in the planning process!

We came up with the sample answers at a meeting with about 20 kiteboarders down in Geelong, change them as you think fit but they will make it super fast to submit a survey


Kiteboarding Australia

Hi kiteboarding australia

Your proposed sample answers are a disgrace, I read them from the perspective as a Geelong local and kiter, you clearly have no idea what Geelong is about, if kiters you are targettjng (predominantly from melbourne ) actually want to give honest well considered responses they should have the commitment and integrity to take time to consider all factors and complete the survey without your proforma responses, not adopt a lazy "super fast" KA approved and recommended response.

Many of your responses are kiter self centered without consideration for the greater geelong community and disregard historical, social and environmental factors.

I kited henry about a month ago, it was invaded by a group of melbourne kiters, including instructors teaching beginners, who showed no respect for anyone but their own group, they took over the whole setup/launch area with their kites taking it all instead of leaving room for others. Myself and another local, both who have kited there for around 10 years had no option but to do a dodgy beach launch, there were also a couple of overseas vistors forced into tne same predicament. The setup area is small enough, if your not using your kite, consider others, pack it up and let someone else setup and launch there.

A tip for the self indulgent money making instructors/schools, use the beach south of the point towards the salt flats, a much safer location for beginners and leave the point to competent kiters so they dont have to dodge out of control beginners.

While i would be disappointed to see henry closed to kiters, there are other areas nearby that suit the same wind conditions.

The current priority for the Geelong community is to create jobs due to significant job losses from the shutdown of major industries including the point henry smelter, if that entails losing one kite spot that is used and abused by kiters from outside of geelong so be it.

Selfish arrogant Kiteboarding Australia, now telling people how to mindlessly respond to a survey, have a good look at yourselves, you are not the voice of kiters.

Kitesboarding Australia, I do have one question for you, do the melbourne kite schools have permits from COGG to use henry ? I'll make that enquiry and get back to you.

Hi Surfer62

Thanks for your input - it is a pity that you didn't make the meeting on the 21st in Geelong with about 15 local kiteboarders and one or 2 from Melbourne. We discussed the planning process and developed the answers, your input would have been much appreciated. It was great to get a range of views, and these were the consensus answers delivered.

As you would understand given your previous involvement in planning processes, this stage is all about putting forward very contrasting options to generate discussion. From discussions with DELWP, there is no doubt that a compromise or combination of all of the proposed outcomes will be reached. However, the group (and those that emailed in) indicated they would like to ask for the best possible outcome in this round so that it is take into consideration in reaching that compromise.

I also grew up in Geelong and entirely understand your perspective on jobs. In fact, in our formal submission we highlight that providing there is continued access to that western facing cost and considerations of long term environmental effects (eg from run off housing and/or industrial or commercial uses), then development of tourism facilities and or residential properties would be fantastic. Actually, from a KA perspective we would love to see greater exposure for kiteboarding in that area.

I appreciate that everyone will have different views on this, that is why we made sure to consult with the local community. We also are not asking you to submit our answers, but thought that it would be helpful where people did not have time or interest in reviewing all the supporting documentation themselves.

Very happy to discuss further via email at or on phone 0431 229 171.



VIC, 701 posts
28 Jul 2016 11:25AM
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Surfer62 said..

junglist said..

Surfer62 said..

So you say the wants of 20 selfish kiters is more important than the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community of 450,000 ? I will gladly forsake that kiting location for the betterment of the Geelong community.

It wont happen in your kiting lifetime and there are plenty more options nearby.

The fact you you need sample answers speaks volumes for the groups integrity and intelligence.

take a reality pill, show some empathy for the greater community and think about the big picture.

Please then enlighten us as to your thoughts on the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community with reference to the point Henry redevelopment. I am particularly interested in your thoughts regarding how and why the development of water sports as an activity that could be based at Point Henry should be detrimental to any of those considerations. Indeed I would have thought that the development of the area as a recreational facility would be a positive outcome to the wider community but perhaps you can clarify?

I note that you wasn't at the forum where these ideas were discussed. I do wonder why when you appear to have such strong views about the matter? Of course it is far easier to sit on the sidelines throwing stones and casting aspersions on peoples integrity and intelligence. Far harder isn't it to actually try to have a positive input?

What i can enlighten you on is that i have recently been on a board/committee considering such questions in relation to the future development of a quite famous surfcoast location. The same survey process was also used in the community consultation process, a clear observation from that survey and associated social media was the lack of credibility of a certain self interest minority group who engaged in a similar process to what you and KA profess.

My historical and social links to pt henry and the geelong community can be traced back to the 1870s, hence my as you say " strong views", i prefer my comments to be regarded as my opinion.

Your grammar ( quote - "i note you wasnt at the forum" ) i believe the correct grammar is "weren't", clearly indicates why you need answers made up for you by KA, i wasnt at the forum because i was overseas you selfish deckhid.

Selfish deckhid? Really?

You have not addressed the question of why kitesurfing is detrimental to the historical, social, environmental and employment benefits of the Geelong community.
I am sorry but you have not explained yourself very well on this point.

If you had actually taken the time to attend the meeting you would have discovered that a number of different schemes were proposed for the development of the land including cultural, heritage, recreational and commercial uses. All of these factors were considered alongside the narrow self interest of kitesurfers.

You state that: My historical and social links to pt henry and the geelong community can be traced back to the 1870s. In which case I am obviously discussing this with someone who has achieved a grand old age, my congratulations.

1357 posts
28 Jul 2016 6:52PM
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Hi jungy, you havent actually read my replies have you, if you had your last questions of me are answered, not sure why i need to explain myself to you but i have, especially why i wasnt there !

Whilst I am quite old, the 1870s reference was to my lineage, my great great grandpa, a merchant seaman, set foot in the colonies at Pt Henry in the 1870s which at the time was the original Geelong port as no channel had yet been created to break the sandbar which ran unbroken from the north side of corio bay to Pt Henry, he then settled in Geelong, gained employment and set about establishing a family of which i am his offspring ( now dont get confused again, when i say offspring i do not mean it literally, that would make me about 130 ) I ponder sometimes when i kite henry what he saw as opposed to today, Im sure he looks down in great wonder and delight from the heavens above when i kite with a wry smile and a hearty " aye lad, that looks like fun" thought.

Good luck with the kiters front for pt henry or the pt henry kiters front

Anyways enough said about this topic, Geelong community b4 kiters, take a chill pill

Ps, sorry about the selfish comment, its just the way you are and not for me to judge

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
28 Jul 2016 11:03PM
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Bloody hell Surfer 62, you need another Bintang or two.

Wrong High as a Kite you replied too earlier on

This thread must of been the one you were taking about yesterday over a few drinks.
I think some of your comments and name calling on here are very tame compared to what you were calling them yesterday.

Junglist seems ok.

Ps, i think you need to lay off the piss a bit, your becoming a very angry little man.

VIC, 701 posts
29 Jul 2016 11:30AM
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high as a kite said..
Bloody hell Surfer 62, you need another Bintang or two.

Wrong High as a Kite you replied too earlier on

This thread must of been the one you were taking about yesterday over a few drinks.
I think some of your comments and name calling on here are very tame compared to what you were calling them yesterday.

Junglist seems ok.

Ps, i think you need to lay off the piss a bit, your becoming a very angry little man.

Yeah don't worry mate. I just think those Dakine shorts of his have gotten a little tight around the crown jewels and its all backing up into his brain

QLD, 130 posts
29 Jul 2016 3:50PM
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The internet is not a good place to have any debate/discussion, especially about such an issue as this.

Stick to community forums KBA. Real people. Real discussions. Real outcomes

1357 posts
29 Jul 2016 7:05PM
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junglist said..

high as a kite said..
Bloody hell Surfer 62, you need another Bintang or two.

Wrong High as a Kite you replied too earlier on

This thread must of been the one you were taking about yesterday over a few drinks.
I think some of your comments and name calling on here are very tame compared to what you were calling them yesterday.

Junglist seems ok.

Ps, i think you need to lay off the piss a bit, your becoming a very angry little man.

Yeah don't worry mate. I just think those Dakine shorts of his have gotten a little tight around the crown jewels and its all backing up into his brain

Haak is here overseas with me, he's been riding my kites the last two days the cheeky bugger, his reply is taking the piss out of you to see if you would bite again

And my dakines fit just right but thanks for caring

Cheers jungy

VIC, 701 posts
30 Jul 2016 9:56AM
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Surfer62 said..

junglist said..

high as a kite said..
Bloody hell Surfer 62, you need another Bintang or two.

Wrong High as a Kite you replied too earlier on

This thread must of been the one you were taking about yesterday over a few drinks.
I think some of your comments and name calling on here are very tame compared to what you were calling them yesterday.

Junglist seems ok.

Ps, i think you need to lay off the piss a bit, your becoming a very angry little man.

Yeah don't worry mate. I just think those Dakine shorts of his have gotten a little tight around the crown jewels and its all backing up into his brain

Haak is here overseas with me, he's been riding my kites the last two days the cheeky bugger, his reply is taking the piss out of you to see if you would bite again

And my dakines fit just right but thanks for caring

Cheers jungy




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