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Possibly the dumbest question ever

Created by Daniel1973 > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2014
VIC, 226 posts
3 Sep 2014 9:52AM
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This could well be the dumbest question ever:

Yesterday I purchased a dakine nitros board short harness to replace an old seat harness that no longer fits. Could someone who has a pair tell me (here's the dumb bit) does the strap inside the shorts go in front of your leg or behind your leg?

When I tried them on in the shop I had it behind my leg and it felt comfy, but that was hanging from a test bar rigged up at the shop.

Apologies in advance if it seems too dumb to answer, but it's the first time I've had a board shorts harness.

NSW, 406 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:09AM
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It goes in front of or rather round your thigh

Otherwise the strap resting behind your leg would do.... Nothing

VIC, 226 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:14AM
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Excellent thanks. When it was behind my leg and I was resting the hook on the test bar in the shop I could feel the strap pulling against my butt which is why I was in question.

Thanks again.

NT, 2177 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:19AM
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... sorry dude,,, I seen dumber questions, that one doesn't rate very high on the dumb scale

WA, 445 posts
3 Sep 2014 8:58AM
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Puetz said..
... sorry dude,,, there has been dumber questions

For instance : "Do you take this woman to be your...."

NT, 2177 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:33AM
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LostDog said..

Puetz said..
... sorry dude,,, there has been dumber questions

For instance : "Do you take this woman to be your...."

... teehee, thats funny!

NSW, 5778 posts
3 Sep 2014 11:57AM
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There are no stupid questions

Only stupid people

WA, 119 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:00AM
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Or 'where to kite in Western Australia?'

VIC, 226 posts
3 Sep 2014 12:10PM
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theDoctor said...

There are no stupid questions

Only stupid people

I take a line from Richard Dawkins here:

If people ask is there such a thing as a stupid question? The answer is yes! For instance, what colour is jealousy?

I was only hoping I didn't fall into his definition (at least this time)

NT, 2177 posts
3 Sep 2014 12:12PM
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... for instance: (just come in from a 2/3m shore dumping waves session blowing 20 - 25 knots)

(these ones rate higher on the dumb scale btw)

- is that easy to do?
- is it expensive?
- can I do it?
- can I have a go?
- I've surfed before so I reckon I don't need lessions?
- (back to) is it hard to do?
- how much is it?
- do I really need lesson, still reckon I won't need lessons, I've skateboarded before to, plus surfed?


QLD, 1371 posts
3 Sep 2014 3:10PM
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Daniel1973 said..

theDoctor said...

There are no stupid questions

Only stupid people

I take a line from Richard Dawkins here:

If people ask is there such a thing as a stupid question? The answer is yes! For instance, what colour is jealousy?

I was only hoping I didn't fall into his definition (at least this time)

Dunno who Dawkins is but everyone knows jealously is green

My first harness was an old trapeze,
had straps all over it but I cut them off rather than ask where they should go...

still works fine

QLD, 1371 posts
3 Sep 2014 3:13PM
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The answer to this one is pretty easy....

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
3 Sep 2014 3:47PM
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werty said..
Or 'where to kite in Western Australia?'

With out getting your car broken into

QLD, 663 posts
3 Sep 2014 4:41PM
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^^^ envy is green mate...

Jealousy is usually blonde or brunette...or worse: a red head...

WA, 527 posts
8 Sep 2014 2:16PM
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jealousy is whatever colour my mates new kite is.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Possibly the dumbest question ever" started by Daniel1973