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Pumping your kite up with Helium

Created by taxi > 9 months ago, 30 Nov 2008
QLD, 416 posts
30 Nov 2008 2:37PM
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What will it be like .

NT, 237 posts
30 Nov 2008 2:11PM
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it will be like your mum... floaty

but seriously, won't make a difference

WA, 368 posts
30 Nov 2008 1:47PM
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Good idea. Helium is kind of expensive but maybe worth a $50 bottle to give it a go.

WA, 268 posts
30 Nov 2008 2:20PM
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I think I bumped my head, fell alseep and wokle up 3 years ago.

Has anyone seen this?

WA, 123 posts
30 Nov 2008 3:13PM
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Hey! At about 1:18 in the video you can see his board on the sand with some red things on. What would you call those - bindings or straps? They are kind of backless.

QLD, 416 posts
30 Nov 2008 4:45PM
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Just think no light wind stall . These marginal days are getting to me .

NSW, 169 posts
30 Nov 2008 7:06PM
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Its freaking awesome, do it. works better with kite low. Makes all you moves more high pitched.

NSW, 305 posts
1 Dec 2008 12:14AM
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Would make for an easy relaunch ........

WA, 1675 posts
30 Nov 2008 10:19PM
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And did he have boardies over his wetsuit..

QLD, 1203 posts
1 Dec 2008 8:47AM
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No seriously guys - what do you reckon is better C, bow or hybrid. Which one is more gay?

WA, 718 posts
1 Dec 2008 10:45AM
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Makes no diff to Doona's which are way better than C's or Bow's.

VIC, 772 posts
1 Dec 2008 4:06PM
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I think boardies over your wetsuit look cool

WA, 4485 posts
1 Dec 2008 2:59PM
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Should I wear a leash??

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .. ahhh.. I need to get out more often

Hey there's a guy up there with a really high pitched voice, boardies over his wetty and a board swinging around on a leash!! Is he on a bow or a C???

QLD, 1245 posts
1 Dec 2008 6:25PM
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Lol... pete ignore these guys. I saw something similar on mythbusters, however they were seeing how high a football could go with and without helium. Didnt make an iota of difference. The weights are too insignificant. Although the volume of a kite is quite large??? Anyone actually tried it?


QLD, 416 posts
1 Dec 2008 8:33PM
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Seriously a lead belt.

QLD, 299 posts
1 Dec 2008 11:22PM
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i was told that the helium leaks out because of its density or something like that.

QLD, 1203 posts
2 Dec 2008 9:12AM
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Finally, some sweet Northerlies have kicked in - we can end this madness. Had my first session in a while yesterday arv

WA, 1874 posts
2 Dec 2008 8:58AM
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Awesome Idea Dude - maybe for extra boost you sneak off with a few balloons from a kids party

and when youve got it nailed, head down to the next ballooning festival & get them pigtails connected

seriously though

Imagine ??? PHOTO shoot with classic ending

1. dip one of your lines in fuel
2. do massive boost
3. Light up that line


Youll be a Kiteing Legend and survive to tell the tale just like the original ones did

Ps just make sure you are at least 50m from the beach or the Council will impose a ban on Helium Exploding fireball flaming Kites, that burn down the wingeing locals houses [}:)]

WA, 947 posts
2 Dec 2008 9:13AM
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you didn't get an A in Chemistry did you STW

WA, 384 posts
2 Dec 2008 1:51PM
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SaveTheWhales said...

Awesome Idea Dude - maybe for extra boost you sneak off with a few balloons from a kids party

and when youve got it nailed, head down to the next ballooning festival & get them pigtails connected

seriously though

Imagine ??? PHOTO shoot with classic ending

1. dip one of your lines in fuel
2. do massive boost
3. Light up that line


Youll be a Kiteing Legend and survive to tell the tale just like the original ones did

Ps just make sure you are at least 50m from the beach or the Council will impose a ban on Helium Exploding fireball flaming Kites, that burn down the wingeing locals houses [}:)]

thats a great way to send off your old c kites.. well definatly better than selling them as "hardly used" to a newbie on ebay

QLD, 1203 posts
2 Dec 2008 3:13PM
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It's a pity that Helium is a non-flammable gas. The Hindenberg was filled with Hydrogen.

Not that I care because it's 15-20 NNE here all week...

VIC, 333 posts
2 Dec 2008 11:54PM
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screw heliam liquid concrete is wgere its at... you dont need to worry about packing up just tie it to your roof.

packing and putting up time = none
water re-launch easy

must have a bow as c-s are a pain to tie to your roof.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Pumping your kite up with Helium" started by taxi