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Reason for speeding

Created by suface2air > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2013
QLD, 701 posts
15 Nov 2013 9:32AM
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Ok finished work kite on board and off to the beach . Then o *uck cops , I was only doing 67 in a 60 . Pull over and got licence out then the young cop came to window and asked " any reason for speeding " why the hell do they asked this question . Generally I say NO but today I thought because he was so young I would give him this reason (doubt it would work so I tried anyway) " The Bloody winds are up mate " he said what!!! I said again "sorry the winds are up " He looked at me with a very puzzled and said "why" . Mate I am hitting the water once you have finished I going for a kite . So after a conversation on kiting he said well you better go but slow down a bit . HOLY S**T he is letting me go with a warning I said " thanks and was off " well that was a great session it could of been a lot worst of a run if it went the other way .
So if you get caught trying to get to your beach in a hurry try using this excuse it worked for me .

NSW, 601 posts
15 Nov 2013 10:54AM
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Buy seriously, 7km over the limit? This country is f^cked sometimes. In Canada they cant pull you over until youre going at leasr 15 over.

WA, 237 posts
15 Nov 2013 8:40AM
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I can beat this, I was pulled over yesterday whilst kiting.

Fisheries came out and flagged me down while kiting along denham foreshore last night cautioning me not to kite so close to the moorings, I had one hand on the bar and the other on the side of their boat. Really nice guys (and girl) so it didn't really phase me.

Definely a first

SA, 20 posts
15 Nov 2013 12:49PM
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suface2air said..

Ok finished work kite on board and off to the beach . Then o *uck cops , I was only doing 67 in a 60 . Pull over and got licence out then the young cop came to window and asked " any reason for speeding " why the hell do they asked this question . Generally I say NO but today I thought because he was so young I would give him this reason (doubt it would work so I tried anyway) " The Bloody winds are up mate " he said what!!! I said again "sorry the winds are up " He looked at me with a very puzzled and said "why" . Mate I am hitting the water once you have finished I going for a kite . So after a conversation on kiting he said well you better go but slow down a bit . HOLY S**T he is letting me go with a warning I said " thanks and was off " well that was a great session it could of been a lot worst of a run if it went the other way .
So if you get caught trying to get to your beach in a hurry try using this excuse it worked for me .

First; Don't Speed

Second;when a cop asks " any reason for going over the speed limit" normally it means they did not get a digital read on you, so by them asking this question, and you giving a reason, you are freely admitting that you were speeding. BANG fine !

Our Advice.
when asked " any reason for going over the speed limit" Polity reply "Officer, you may be mistaken, I was doing the speed limit"
Remember, providing an excuse or reason is admitting guilt

Remember; Don't Speed

Stevo J
WA, 109 posts
15 Nov 2013 11:14AM
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So you don't get a read, but pull him/her over anyway, then TRICK him/her into 'admitting' that he was speeding so you can fine them... It's no wonder cops get no respect and people say they should spend their time more constructively....!!!

QLD, 6493 posts
15 Nov 2013 3:52PM
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Phoney said..


Buy seriously, 7km over the limit? This country is f^cked sometimes. In Canada they cant pull you over until youre going at leasr 15 over.

Friend in Auckland, NZ got a ticket for doing 104 in a 100 zone.

Here, I've driven through radar traps 20kph over when I go back to NZ, I'll probably give up the bikes forever too... or at least, get a track bike.

NSW, 551 posts
15 Nov 2013 5:02PM
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Stevo J said..

So you don't get a read, but pull him/her over anyway, then TRICK him/her into 'admitting' that he was speeding so you can fine them... It's no wonder cops get no respect and people say they should spend their time more constructively....!!!

A bit harsh Steve. You think someone can't tell if you're speeding unless they actually get you on the camera?
Good information, thanks Kitepolice.

QLD, 209 posts
15 Nov 2013 4:21PM
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Phoney said...

Buy seriously, 7km over the limit? This country is f^cked sometimes. In Canada they cant pull you over until youre going at leasr 15 over.

Yep mate, up here in Qld they've now introduced a 1% tolerance lvl for speeding.

VIC, 1159 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:09PM
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67 kph is more than 10% variation on the speed limit and is likely to be conservative anyway. Most likely the cop clocked you doing closer to 70.

If I sold you a slab with 3 beers missing and said "10% variation mate, don't worry about it" you'd be rightly annoyed.

Same same if you bought a kite with lines at 21 m, 20m and 19 m and the seller passed it off at acceptable variation you'd kick up a stink too.

We can send a rocket to Mars and have the rover land within 200 m of the target I reckon keeping around 60 km/hr shouldn't be too difficult for you even if you are a Queenslander.

Put it in this context, driving at 67 km/hr turns your 20 m stopping distance into 25 m. Now I know you probably think you have the reflexes of The Stig but your mind was more on getting to the beach than controlling your metal box in an acceptable manner. If you hit someone, would you use the same excuse? "The bloody winds are up mate." If I was the cop I would have had no issues with giving you a fine for that selfish statement, taking my time to issue the ticket and probably giving your vehicle a cursory roadworthy check as well, just to make your trip to the beach even longer.

I see this kind of stupid behaviour all the time whilst driving my Kombi. Driving a brick on wheels around prevents me from driving aggressively, but the one thing I have found is that speeding and driving aggressively makes very little (if any) difference to your trip time. I'm still at the next set of lights with the people who keep chasing the 1 percenters and changing lanes all over the place.

NSW, 601 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:13PM
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COL said..A bit harsh Steve. You think someone can't tell if you're speeding unless they actually get you on the camera?
Good information, thanks Kitepolice.

You cannot tell me that anyone can "tell" that a car is travelling at exactly 67km/hr without a camera.

Mark _australia
WA, 22337 posts
15 Nov 2013 3:29PM
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kitepolice said..
suface2air said..

Ok finished work kite on board and off to the beach . Then o *uck cops , I was only doing 67 in a 60 . Pull over and got licence out then the young cop came to window and asked " any reason for speeding " why the hell do they asked this question . Generally I say NO but today I thought because he was so young I would give him this reason (doubt it would work so I tried anyway) " The Bloody winds are up mate " he said what!!! I said again "sorry the winds are up " He looked at me with a very puzzled and said "why" . Mate I am hitting the water once you have finished I going for a kite . So after a conversation on kiting he said well you better go but slow down a bit . HOLY S**T he is letting me go with a warning I said " thanks and was off " well that was a great session it could of been a lot worst of a run if it went the other way .

So if you get caught trying to get to your beach in a hurry try using this excuse it worked for me .

First; Don't Speed

Second;when a cop asks " any reason for going over the speed limit" normally it means they did not get a digital read on you, so by them asking this question, and you giving a reason, you are freely admitting that you were speeding. BANG fine !

Our Advice.

when asked " any reason for going over the speed limit" Polity reply "Officer, you may be mistaken, I was doing the speed limit"

Remember, providing an excuse or reason is admitting guiltRemember; Don't Speed

Maybe it is asked due to a history of people complaining they had a legitimate defence so the ticket was later withdrawn (which means it became a waste of police time) ...... also those who, whilst not having a legal defence, did have an explanation that would mean they could have got a caution, like driving to hospital where your child is about to die etc.
Further some medical professionals have an authority to speed being called to work. (at least in WA)

They ask because it genuinely is relevant. Only 1% of the time, but when it is important it is important.

So your advice is not applicable to all, and it is a bit pessimistic to say they are just trying to trick you into an admission of guilt.

WA, 225 posts
15 Nov 2013 3:37PM
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Be polite but do not talk to the police. This is why?

Stevo J
WA, 109 posts
15 Nov 2013 3:38PM
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COL said..

Stevo J said..

So you don't get a read, but pull him/her over anyway, then TRICK him/her into 'admitting' that he was speeding so you can fine them... It's no wonder cops get no respect and people say they should spend their time more constructively....!!!

A bit harsh Steve. You think someone can't tell if you're speeding unless they actually get you on the camera?
Good information, thanks Kitepolice.

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Phoney said..

COL said..A bit harsh Steve. You think someone can't tell if you're speeding unless they actually get you on the camera?
Good information, thanks Kitepolice.

You cannot tell me that anyone can "tell" that a car is travelling at exactly 67km/hr without a camera.

I'm with you Phoney. What **s me Col, as I said, is that too often (in my opinion anyway) coppers could, and should be policing more pressing matters than someone who may, or may not have been doing 6km over the limit... That they'll just stop you on the off chance that you'll admit to speeding is pretty farkin average I reckon.

WA, 6625 posts
15 Nov 2013 3:59PM
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lostinlondon said..

....I see this kind of stupid behaviour all the time whilst driving my Kombi..........

I see this kind of stupid behaviour all the time - people driving a Kombi

QLD, 739 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:08PM
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Speed limits are arbitrary figures - and set by whom?? And what skill level of driver??
Lets just drag everyone down to the lowest possible denominator - and call it 60 km/hr - in any traffic condition in and weather conditions etc.

What's safe one day on that stretch of road may not be the next - much like kiting.

Alas the rules are usually hard and fast with no chance for a mere mortal to use their brains - but its seems suface2air that you ran into a police person that had some brains - lucky you!! - but had it been heavy traffic or wet etc then you may not have been so lucky.

Yes I guess given the nanny world we live in - speed and pay extra taxes, or take you time and rehearse that next kite move in your head with the 3 extra minutes it will take to get to the beach!! I must be getting old.............. LOL

QLD, 6493 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:49PM
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shane75 said..
Yep mate, up here in Qld they've now introduced a 1% tolerance lvl for speeding.

... isn't the legal requirement for speedo accuracy 4%?
Yes... so basically, you can be done for speeding while your car tells you you're under the limit. Nice one.

Speeding tickets of course make the road SO much safer /rolleyes the sooner they get "using cellphone" cameras, the better IMO.

WA, 857 posts
15 Nov 2013 4:52PM
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I drive EVERYWHERE on cruise control. I've gotten so good at using it I barely use the accelerator at all. I've only just had it repaired after it being broken for quite a period ( I thought I had overused it!) and had forgotten how valuable it is - especially for not overshooting the speed limit. In the week and a half since I got it repaired it has saved me twice.

WA, 1382 posts
15 Nov 2013 5:16PM
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snalberski said..

I drive EVERYWHERE on cruise control. I've gotten so good at using it I barely use the accelerator at all. I've only just had it repaired after it being broken for quite a period ( I thought I had overused it!) and had forgotten how valuable it is - especially for not overshooting the speed limit. In the week and a half since I got it repaired it has saved me twice.

+1 cruise control is awesome. Sit in the left lane and watch the world go by

WA, 3271 posts
15 Nov 2013 5:55PM
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I love these threads where experts have no fricken clue what they are talking about, where to start.

Australian Design Rules state a speedo must read within 10% of actual speed BUT if it isn't 100% spot on it must err on the side of caution. So if it is out by the 10% and the speedo says 100 you may only be doing 90 or so. Speedo might read 60 but you might only be doing 55.

Conversely if you get pinged for speeding and the cop says you were detected at say 120 in a 110 zone your speedo might actually have been showing you as high as 130 (but you will still be doing the 120). I can see a problem there and it's the fault of the driver, not the vehicle...

So inaccurate speedos are a load of crud. Unless of course you have replaced the factory fit tyres with something bigger which will throw your speedo out. Bigger tyres on my 4wd means I'm actually doing 104 when my speedo says 100 but I know that so I drive accordingly.

Cops don't need your admission of speed to give you a ticket, lasers and radars are accurate, more accurate than what the punters wants them to believe (and in WA the detected speed is rounded down another 2km to give you a little more leeway). And certainly more accurate than the person who will say whatever they think might get them out of the ticket.

Add it all up, your car is compliant with ADR's but is 10% out plus the 2km leeway. When you get that ticket for 120 in a 110 zone you were actually watching your speedo showing 132 km/hr ( or probably not watching it at all).

If you want to try and get out of a ticket a positive attitude and honesty go a long way. Yes, be honest. Lying makes you look like a dick and if the copper has any compassion or leeway you have just burnt it. More people talk themselves into getting a ticket than those that manage to talk themselves out of them.

QLD, 199 posts
15 Nov 2013 8:20PM
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Kamikuza said..

Phoney said..


Buy seriously, 7km over the limit? This country is f^cked sometimes. In Canada they cant pull you over until youre going at leasr 15 over.

Friend in Auckland, NZ got a ticket for doing 104 in a 100 zone.

Here, I've driven through radar traps 20kph over when I go back to NZ, I'll probably give up the bikes forever too... or at least, get a track bike.

Yeah, I was driving in NZ and got a fine in Wellington for 64 km in a 60 zone.

Mark _australia
WA, 22337 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:37PM
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Chris6791 said..
I love these threads where experts have no fricken clue what they are talking about, where to start.

Australian Design Rules state a speedo must read within 10% of actual speed BUT if it isn't 100% spot on it must err on the side of caution. So if it is out by the 10% and the speedo says 100 you may only be doing 90 or so. Speedo might read 60 but you might only be doing 55.

Conversely if you get pinged for speeding and the cop says you were detected at say 120 in a 110 zone your speedo might actually have been showing you as high as 130 (but you will still be doing the 120). I can see a problem there and it's the fault of the driver, not the vehicle...

So inaccurate speedos are a load of crud. Unless of course you have replaced the factory fit tyres with something bigger which will throw your speedo out. Bigger tyres on my 4wd means I'm actually doing 104 when my speedo says 100 but I know that so I drive accordingly.

Cops don't need your admission of speed to give you a ticket, lasers and radars are accurate, more accurate than what the punters wants them to believe (and in WA the detected speed is rounded down another 2km to give you a little more leeway). And certainly more accurate than the person who will say whatever they think might get them out of the ticket.

Add it all up, your car is compliant with ADR's but is 10% out plus the 2km leeway. When you get that ticket for 120 in a 110 zone you were actually watching your speedo showing 132 km/hr ( or probably not watching it at all).

If you want to try and get out of a ticket a positive attitude and honesty go a long way. Yes, be honest. Lying makes you look like a dick and if the copper has any compassion or leeway you have just burnt it. More people talk themselves into getting a ticket than those that manage to talk themselves out of them.

And like I said - asking if you have a reason for speeding is for a purpose and it is not to trick you into admitting it.
But of course those who are sore about getting a ticket will continue to make up such nonsense.
I've had heaps of tickets and deserved every single one.
Now I am no longer 25 with a 350hp hatchback, I don't get them anymore. That's life. Suck it up speeders.

QLD, 701 posts
15 Nov 2013 8:50PM
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Holly crap batman I never ment for the hittlers to get going on this . I admit iti was doingvthewrong thing and yep mind was on other things . The cop was on the other side of a hill at the bottom of it and yes I was in my heavy as cruiser .his position was very debatable but I was in control of the vehicle so my fault.i agree though the speed limit is to be looked at because the road and condition was real good my reflexes are of good timing and as a 14 year mechanic I know my car is road worthy but doesn't give me the option to speed but I DID and I am happy I got away with it so there......

WA, 3271 posts
15 Nov 2013 8:13PM
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suface2air said..

Holly crap batman I never ment for the hittlers to get going on this . I admit iti was doingvthewrong thing and yep mind was on other things . The cop was on the other side of a hill at the bottom of it and yes I was in my heavy as cruiser .his position was very debatable but I was in control of the vehicle so my fault.i agree though the speed limit is to be looked at because the road and condition was real good my reflexes are of good timing and as a 14 year mechanic I know my car is road worthy but doesn't give me the option to speed but I DID and I am happy I got away with it so there......

You probably got a bonus point for an excuse he hasn't heard before

WA, 8407 posts
15 Nov 2013 9:58PM
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ive an audi r8, what else am i supposed to do

WA, 3271 posts
15 Nov 2013 11:26PM
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cauncy said..

ive an audi r8, what else am i supposed to do

Is that your 'go to' car when the wind is up at Denham and the ute won't get you there quick enough?

QLD, 6493 posts
16 Nov 2013 2:15AM
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Chris6791 said..
So inaccurate speedos are a load of crud. Unless of course you have replaced the factory fit tyres with something bigger which will throw your speedo out. Bigger tyres on my 4wd means I'm actually doing 104 when my speedo says 100 but I know that so I drive accordingly.

I bet 99% of people who buy tyres for their cars don't even think about that.

No need to be an expert to think it's amusing that design limits are +/-4% and the giving-a-ticket tolerance is +/-1%. Almost as ironic as your expert-bashing

Knowing that it's always reading under in your post-2006 designed car... I bet you just drive 4% faster anyway

I'm alright, Jack. I overtake cop cars on the highway

1357 posts
24 Nov 2013 8:13AM
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VIC, 4979 posts
24 Nov 2013 12:10PM
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Chris6791 said..

Australian Design Rules state a speedo must read within 10% of actual speed BUT if it isn't 100% spot on it must err on the side of caution. So if it is out by the 10% and the speedo says 100 you may only be doing 90 or so. Speedo might read 60 but you might only be doing 55.


That is partially correct, but fully correct in the point you are making. The point of this post is to clarify the universal whinge that speedos can be 10% out so it's not fair to be booked for doing less than 10% over.

There are actually quite a complex set of speedo accuracy rules depending on the type of vehicle. It's different for trucks and tractors and motorbikes and cars etc.

The actual rule for most cars is 10% + 4kph and as Chris points out the error has to be on the safe side. (You can google the ADR and read the formulae if you want.)

More importantly, car manufacturers deliberately build the error into the speedo. The standard for Subaru is that the speed will read high by 5% + 2kph. That way you cannot possibly be booked if you are driving to the speed indicated by the speedo. More importantly for Subaru, you can't sue them because the speedo reads low and you had a speed related accident or got booked for speeding. My old car had a consistent 4% error so it was almost dead accurate at 60kph and read 104 when doing 100 kph.

The thing that annoys me is that they make the speedos perfectly accurate including the offset they build into it. In the old days it would have made sense to have a 10% allowance for speedos. With modern technology there's no reason to have any more than a 1-2% allowance to handle tyre pressure variations etc.

PS. For the nerds out there, think about the ramifications of building in a 5-10% error in the speedo. If it was simply a different calibration then your odometer would be out as well and that would affect your warranty and service intervals and all sorts of crap. The 5%+2 error would be proportional across the speedo so your speedo would be accurate at low speeds and less accurate at higher speeds. In fact on my car the offset is applied accurately at all speeds. I cross checked the odometer and the speedo against two GPS. The odometer is accurate. The speedo is accurate to the manufacturer's tolerance but not consistent with the distance and time measurement. There's a fair bit of processing going on between the sensors, the speedo and the odometer.

NSW, 561 posts
25 Nov 2013 1:10PM
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lostinlondon said..
Driving a brick on wheels around prevents me from driving aggressively...

There's far better reasons for safe driving!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Reason for speeding" started by suface2air