can anyone recommend any brands to head to for harnesses.
I am a beginner and spent 4 trips in seat harness and dying to get out of it?
It's hard to find a bad harness these days when you look for a brand new one.
The recommendation is always the same, try as many as you can hooked in a chicken loop attached on the wall and choose the one that feels best. Ideally the harness specs would also match your riding style, i.e. wave riding, freestyle, freeride, but it's not that important as long as it's comfortable.
I tried a Manera harness the other day it felt good strait up and I didn't need to run it to tight to keep it where it was meant to be.
Mystic harnesses have always been good as well but every one is different. So try some out.
I had a naish harness that i had to replace the straps for about 3 times in the 8 months that i owned it. After that the back think that you attatch your leash to snapped and i lost my kite. Since then gone to ion and no wear issues. I just recently got a new ion one only because my first one was a surf harness, swapped it for the freestyle one which feels awesome. I know a few people who also have them and have had them for years with no problems. You definetly pay extra for quality but its worth it.
I started with an old school mystic warrior about 5 years ago.. Since then I have taught using Ion (good but wore quickly), Dakine (good but large backplate which made wakestyle slightly harder) and Cabrinha (basic and uncomfortable) and I've gone back to mystic.
My first warrior was retired because i decided to upgrade to a newer warrior.. Which was then retired when they brought out their girls range. I had a dutchess which was suuuper comfortable and great for unhooking.. But to be honest, I'm riding on a 2014 diva now and it's the best harness I've ever had.
I would recommend Mystic so highly. They're so durable, comfortable and versatile.
My only gripe is the colour fades really quickly, but in terms of functionality, IMO they're hard to beat..
Hey, different body types and styles of riding = different harness.
But to second the comment above Mystic Warrior = awesome.
Ive owned a few (hard on gear), each year they improve, the current model has an arch that fits nicely into the small of your back, stops from riding up or down.
I lost my hook knife, has anybody seen it...... lol.
I have tried a few ones on in store. I am just fearful of been talk into something buy sales rep.
may favourite at the shop was a Lime green one call Aplex Iron, I think. It was $260.
I guess it just trail and error.
my style is wake, and I am most comfortable with Goofy feet.
I've got a flying objects harness that I'm very happy with,
and everyone I've talked to that wears a flying objects harness is also very happy with theirs
riding Prolimit for years i think they have the best back support than any in the market...
and very good quality last for years
try one
Try on lots and even still might not get the right one.
I recently bought a ion Apex, looked good and was comfy in the shop but it's riding up and causing me discomfort after 3 hours of riding, wish I went for the Dakine warrior now.
Ion B2!!! Expensive and worth every cent!
If you have pain or discomfort anywhere (for me it was my back) you should try one.
Dakine Nitro if you are on a budget but the B2 is more comfortable and lasts longer. Speaking from experience.
Engine. hands down.
Have had dakine, flying objects and pat love and they all ride up after a big boost (or crash) or two.
perfectly moulded to your back. spreads the load evenly and doesn't move at all just sits in the perfect postion and no harness rash either.
yeah they are expensive but if you want a harness that weighs half as much as a factory one and is bomb proof then be prepared to cough up.
just have to set them up right which takes a few minutes when you first get it and you need to choose which spreader you want to use.
make sure whoever is helping make the mould with you has the patience to do it right. i had a couple of goes to get it just right
A BIG no on the Engine harnesses from me.
I haven't ridden with this harness much in the year I have had it.
This is after less two weeks, under 6 sessions I would say.
It was over in the USA for about a month being repaired given transit times etc.
Was happy to finally get it back... But then again, the same thing happened.
The epoxy starts to delam and breaks the seal and leaks water in.
To say I am unhappy in an understatement.
For a harness I paid around $450AUS for, I am PISSSSSED!
Buyer beware.
mate i would go absolutely nuclear if that happened to mine
now you got me all worried. i would be asking for a refund for sure
Another confirming that the Ion Hummer was & is sweet in fit, comfort, ease of entry & exit, function, body/back forming and bomb proo******oesn't ride up much at all, only if your looping repetitively. Yep ride low angled kite with power when your not boosting will help any ****? harness from riding up like an atomic wedgie under your arm pits. Good Velcro with a wide and strong elastic pull makes all the diff.
Good luck with your choice & Hang loose
Hey Surfingboye! maybe it was the "Where's Wally" graphics that caused it to delam! (just kidding of course) There is another thread on a kite forum about the ENgine as well. I was looking into getting one but this has made me beware. I have talked to a few that have had them, yours so far is the only delam. However, on the other forum others have had the same issue, not many, but some. And I think they had custom graphics too. The mere fact that the owner asked the buyers to fix them themselves with a hot glue gun sent me looking elsewhere for the time being. I really want one, I do. But for that kind of cash it should be built to last at least 2 very hard seasons. I have three years on my Mystic Warrior 3 and it is still in great shape. Have worn out one Jaybar and on the second one now with the same harness. It does ride up a bit though, not a deal breaker, but Kitepower says the new Mystic is better and does not ride up. I haven't tried one on yet as Sydney is a fair way away.
I have the new jaystore harness on its way Dafish.
I'll let you know how it goes... Got high hopes for it.
I have been using the Flying Objects harness for years and find them well made and comfy.
They are pretty popular over here in the west.