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Redcliffe Kitesurfer Slams into Concrete Wall

Created by qfmike737 > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2012
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QLD, 398 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:30PM
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A KITE surfer is in a critical condition after he hit a concrete wall in Redcliffe this afternoon.

The 28-year-old man was flying near the Suttons Beach when he was caught up in a gust of wind.

He then hit a concrete wall and suffered multiple critical injuries.

He was taken to the Royal Brisbane Hospital.


QLD, 504 posts
4 Mar 2012 9:20PM
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Dont know about Frantic Mike but doesnt appear to be any of the regular crew.......given the wind only got to about 15 knots its shaping up to be a newbie... still, hope hes gonna be ok...multiple critical injuries doesnt sound to good.

QLD, 39 posts
4 Mar 2012 9:24PM
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Just trying to find out on Facebook too, Ill keep you posted if anything comes up.

QLD, 796 posts
4 Mar 2012 10:57PM
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If it was a regular we would have heard by now...

QLD, 147 posts
5 Mar 2012 11:52AM
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Horrible news :( unfortunately he has passed away due to the severity of his injuries. As far as I am aware his name is julian hope, can anyone else shed some light as to how this happened.

Condolences to his friends and family.

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:15PM
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A kite surfer died after he hit the concrete at Redcliffe's Suttons Beach yesterday afternoon.

The 28-year-old Wynnum man was kite surfing on Suttons Beach when he was caught up in a gust of wind.

He then hit the concrete footpath and suffered head and chest injuries.

A Department of Community Safety spokeswoman said emergency services were called to the incident at 2.26pm and the man was taken to the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in a critical condition.

A Queensland Police Service spokeswoman said the man died from his injuries late Sunday afternoon.

This is the only information we can find after much calling around and investigation. We need some more information from anyone who know's more - please give us a call at the shop on (07) 3284 1186

All at Kitepower QLD offer our condolences to this mans family, this is terrible news for all involved :-(

VIC, 249 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:36PM
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sorry to hear that! 28 is far to young!

Condolences to his friends and family!

QLD, 555 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:08PM
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Not good at all , my heart sank after reading this , condolances to his family.

QLD, 1855 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:26PM
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so sad!!
how far is the rock wall from the waters edge?

NT, 2177 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:13PM
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... damn,,,, thats horrible news indeed , condolences to the family!!

QLD, 796 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:47PM
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It's concrete steps and depending on the tide you dont have a great deal of beach to work with. It was pretty much straight on shore yesterday.

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
5 Mar 2012 3:25PM
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so sad!!
how far is the rock wall from the waters edge?

Low tide at the time it happened - 30-40m from the waters edge and the back of the wall is totally lined with trees.

Still no more info...

TAS, 18 posts
5 Mar 2012 4:21PM
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Thoughts go out to the family. Terrible news.

Does anyone know if he was wearing any safety equipment?

QLD, 921 posts
5 Mar 2012 5:08PM
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Tragic news, condolences to family and friends.

QLD, 1290 posts
5 Mar 2012 5:17PM
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Here is an unedited/unconfirmed quote from an eyewitness-

This happened right opposite my house, I think he was fairly new at the sport and was getting used to the kite by using it on the beach (he was not in the water at any time), we had been watching him on and off during the afternoon. His kite got caught up in one of the Norfolk Island pine trees in a big wind gust, which literally took him off his feet and slammed him into the concrete footpath. Hubby was on the scene to help organise ambulances. It was a tragic incident, it has shaken both my husband and I to see it happen, is there anyway to get an update about how he is doing CM???

QLD, 91 posts
5 Mar 2012 6:06PM
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God thats tragic. 28! so young. Iv been kitting for 12 mths and id have to say there is always someone to lend a hand for new kiters. It reminds me to be safe, leave room and step in when i see i can help someone. I might rethink the helmet thing to!!

The next time i see a newbie struggling ill step in faster. I feel for whoever saw this bloke "if anyone was there" and didn't step in, in time.

If his family needs help let us know, at 28 there could be a wife or child that needs support. Perhaps we could all put in some cash to help them. We all spend so much cash on the pursuit of speed, i know we can all give a little.

Ill be wearing a black band next time Im on the water to. Might be nice for his family to see. I don't no, iv not lost like that, so Im no expert.

RIP brother!

QLD, 825 posts
5 Mar 2012 6:39PM
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That is so sad. 28 years young.

I started kiting at 27 all around Suttons -Brighton - Queens. It's horrible to think
that could have been me.

As QFmike said if they need any help please inform us on how we can donate or help.

Briskite's and Kitepower - would you guy's like to handle donations for the family?
I have 4 weeks off work and can help out.

QLD, 39 posts
5 Mar 2012 6:55PM
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We are not too sure who he is yet, is there anyone who can shed some light on who he was? I am sure Briskites and Kitepower would have no problems at all teaming up to raise money for the family, I know I will be there to lend a hand and raise money.

WA, 1 posts
5 Mar 2012 5:09PM
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Hey Guys....Julian was an employee of Volvo Trucks, Wacol. Sad day today that such a young life has passed. I didn't work with him directly, but know of him from the department he worked in - whom all are deeply saddened by the loss of one of their team members.
Julian was single and lived with his brother in Wynnum and moved over from NZ some time ago.
Funeral arrangements are currently in progress which I'll know more about in due course.
If the details become apparant that donations are to me made to 'x' instead of flowers etc, I'll post the details here.
I found this site from 'googling' the tragic accident and nice to see such a nice community of supporters at this time.


QLD, 825 posts
5 Mar 2012 7:57PM
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Thanks SadDay for passing on the information.

On behalf of all the Seabreeze community we send our condolence's to all Julian's loved one's, family and friends.

Please update us with any information so we can assist anyway possible

QLD, 73 posts
5 Mar 2012 8:26PM
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such a sickening feeling comes over you when you read of news like this ,thoughts go out to all family,freinds & all those involved ..


QLD, 10 posts
5 Mar 2012 8:55PM
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so sad so young
thoughts to family and friends

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
5 Mar 2012 9:59PM
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Dukes said...

Thoughts go out to the family. Terrible news.

Does anyone know if he was wearing any safety equipment?

This is very sad and close to home, however Dukes and others don't deserve red thumbs.

Quite a few questions will be asked further down the track at the appropriate time, because as sad as this is for his family and friends, it impacts on all of us for years to come in terms of public perception, beach closures, regulation, etc.

I'm not implying anything however this should be a very strong reminder to us all that if you see unsafe behaviour, step in and stop it there and then.

QLD, 504 posts
5 Mar 2012 11:36PM
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Very sad indeed.....a sad reminder that Redcliffe is not a place for beginners....things happen very quickly when mistakes are made with a kite. There is very little room for errors around the redcliffe beaches. Such a sad way to see a fellow kiwi go home .
Hiere ra
and to his family ....E aroha nui atu ana ki a koe i tēnei wā

WA, 3619 posts
5 Mar 2012 10:03PM
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So sad to see what; from the 1st hand report would tend to indicate; has been a tragic end to a totally avoidable disastrous situation.
A brutal and tragic pointer to ALL newbies out there.
We hammer it home through our lessons and I am continually amazed by the no. of newbies who think that "not going near the water till I can fly this thing" is the way to DIY safely. ITS NOT - just the opposite.
If you want to DIY then PLEASE find a safe (deserted) beach and get off it ASAP to do your learning !
The water is the place to learn. NOT the beach. And certainly not near hazards in either situation..

Sincere condolences to all affected by this tragedy.

QLD, 3 posts
6 Mar 2012 12:07AM
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so sad...

If there is anything to take from this is not to hold back from giving some friendly advice to someone who looks inexperienced or out of their depth...

condolences to his family...

RIP brother...

WA, 96 posts
5 Mar 2012 10:19PM
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Very sorry to learn of this terrible news. Wish someone would have told him that it is generally considered unsafe to fly anything other than a training kite on land. I seem to recall that several years ago a novice kiter in NZ came to grief in a similar way. Got slammed very hard once myself, but got off with painful yet relatively minor injuries. Really sad outcome this time. Condolances to his next of kin.

QLD, 39 posts
6 Mar 2012 8:40AM
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wldistel said...

God thats tragic. 28! so young. Iv been kitting for 12 mths and id have to say there is always someone to lend a hand for new kiters. It reminds me to be safe, leave room and step in when i see i can help someone. I might rethink the helmet thing to!!

The next time i see a newbie struggling ill step in faster. I feel for whoever saw this bloke "if anyone was there" and didn't step in, in time.

If his family needs help let us know, at 28 there could be a wife or child that needs support. Perhaps we could all put in some cash to help them. We all spend so much cash on the pursuit of speed, i know we can all give a little.

Ill be wearing a black band next time Im on the water to. Might be nice for his family to see. I don't no, iv not lost like that, so Im no expert.

RIP brother!

Sadly, everyone was at clean up Australia day demo with most of the kite surfers from Redcliffe attending. If any of had of seen him there would be no doubt at all that we would have stepped in, even to the point of deflating his kite if he doesn't listen. But lets not turn this into one of 'those' forums, lets leave this page for condolences.

NSW, 331 posts
6 Mar 2012 9:52AM
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RIP Julian!

I am also almost 28 and done heaps of stupid things while trying to learn.

1 posts
6 Mar 2012 10:05AM
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Greetings all ...
I am a guitar teacher living in Wynnum and this guys girlfriend is one of my students (and a good friend).
With the help of some of my other students we have been trying to comfort Karice in this time of sorrow. She is absolutely shattered by the untimely passing of Julian.
Maybe some support from your community would be a help to her ... I'm not sure.. but I'm quite concerned about her at present as she is taking it very hard.
Just some emails to her Facebook account (Karice French) might be of help... who knows.
She is deverstated that she cant attend the funeral as it will be held back in New Zealand.... Anyone work for a travel agent...??...
Myself and my musician friends are trying to get some money together for the
air-fair for her to go...I'm sure we will get it together but we are all musicians so we're not rich so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can be contacted at

Thank you all and be safe out there



QLD, 91 posts
6 Mar 2012 12:24PM
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Ill help with some cash.

Can we have a kite day somewhere and pass the hat around for her she will need more than just an air fair. The wind is up tomorrow? Not sure where but is Wynnum kitable?

Also Mr Volvo man perhaps your company could help withs some accomodation over there?

This girl should not be thinking of money at the moment.

Are you all in? Pass the word!

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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Redcliffe Kitesurfer Slams into Concrete Wall" started by qfmike737